Chapter 19

Peter let out a chuckle and began to hunt his next prey. "Come on! Let me pet that kitten!" He yelled while swinging from building to building.

The agility of the woman was impressive to keep with her speed. One would think that Peter would be able to catch her, but this cat managed to jump across the roofs with superhuman agility. She was not only quick by incredible agility, as she demonstrated her perfect balance by landing on fences or even antennas.

"Put in some effort!" She yelled in a playful tone. Felicia was a little surprised that this newbie was able to keep her pace; those webs seemed really helpful.

The chase spread all over New York as they were now running across one heavily busy street with the cars under them. Cat landed on the roof of one, jumping from moving vehicle to moving vehicle showing not only her dexterity but how much the quality of her suit managed to keep those massive breasts from shaking all over the air.

"This is clearly violating the traffic laws!" Peter asked as he was being a lot more careful and just using the nearby building to swing around the place with his webs.

Felicia let out a playful chuckle. "Hey! Do you also have a license to do this?!" She asked back, fully immersed in the fun of this chase. There was no sense of danger as her confidence made it clear to the girl that she would escape.

"Yes! Stop for a second and I can show it to you!" Peter answered as his gaze was fixed on the movements of that woman. Such a thigh spandex around her waist and torso really pumped the boy to change his prey.

The burglar smiled as she quickly jumped into the second floor of an office building, breaking a window with her momentum. "You seem like a trusty guy! I don't need that!" Felicia said as the girl ran across the busy office with a lot of late-night workers, rushing between the cubicles.

Peter chanced after her, running inside the place as people were watching them without being able to believe what was happening. Such was the impression that one of the tired workers almost dropped a hot mug of coffee on the floor. However, the boy managed to grab it at the last second with his black webs and place it over a table.

"Don't drop your coffee!" He exclaimed with a cheeky tone as the boy kept his speed. Peter had to admit, this felt amazing, the adrenaline, the thrill, it only made his prey mo. However, as he was chasing her for only a few minutes, everything came to a sudden stop.

As they reached an abandoned construction site where they could get as loud as they wanted, Peter shot her with his webs, trying to restrain her the second she touched one of the massive steel beams.

She rolled to dodge it, but in the middle of the attack, the webs changed trajectory like a living tentacle. The impact reached her and quickly wrapped her body against one concrete pillar a few meters from the ground. Facing Peter there, the burglar with black tendrils firmly pressed her back against the cold material. It felt strangely hot and wet for just being spider webs, and she could swear they were putting more pressure under her tits to make them pop out more.

"What the fuck?!" The burglar yelled as Peter did not have any problems catching her. She was a little offended that she was the one getting to play around instead of Peter.

Peter quickly stood in front of her and let out an overexaggerated apology. "Don't worry! I am as surprised as you, kind of new to using my powers," he muttered while scratching the back of his head.

That joke managed to disarm Felicia's rage, and she let out a deep sigh. "Fine . . . you got all your sticky goo over me, happy?" She muttered while sneakily trying to cut the strange substance with her claws. After all, Cat was a sneaky girl, so she needed to make time to set up her trap.

The teenager took a second to examine his work of art, which looked too good to not be a trap. "Not yet; I don't even know your name," he said with a joking tone, not ready to fuck yet, before getting more information.

"You can call me Black Cat," she purred with a small smirk on her face. Felicia found this hero extremely cute, so maybe she would let him have some fun before escaping again. She was sure her body could fuck him into a coma.

Peter chuckled as his gaze was fixed on the woman's body, she was totally his type."Oh I love cats, I am not really a dog person," he confused with a teasing tone. The boy's first day as a hero was a lot more flirtatious than he had thought in the first place.

"Then you know that you can scratch the second you lower your guard," Cat warned him that this would be his undoing. It was her job as a more experienced super to teach the boy a lesson to never let his guard down. However, the girl would not do anything for free so she would make sure to make this hero pay for her time.

Peter chuckled, ready to risk everything for some pussy, literally. "I like taking risks, especially if they let me pet them," the boy answered with a teasing tone making his intentions clear.

The woman raised an eyebrow, surprised that the hero was such a manwhore. Well, better for her. It was hard to find someone that could charm her but this kind of man was totally her type. "So you want to hear me purr?" Felicia asked with a smug smile.

"Let's see what the cat stole first," Peter said, and with a quick movement, he took out the bag from the pile of goo and opened it.

The teenager's eyes opened wide as he saw a lot of robot parts inside that bag. "Oh, what do we have here?" he muttered while thinking about what kind of function it had. It seemed like the parts of a human-sized robot bee. It was probably a secret project to create some farming bots to help in farms. He would return it; of course, Uncle Ben did not raise a burglar. However, Venom would take a good look at those parts as schemes while Peter was having fun with Cat. They could use the design to create their own spider bots or thick bee sex bots.

Peter gains:

Advanced robotic schemes: Venom has taken an imprint from an extremely advanced prototype agriculture robot model. With this perk, any project that is related to crafting any kind of robotic invention has its DC reduced by 50.

This was an easy job for Cat. Entering, stealing, and getting out. The girl boss didn't ask for the items in question but to remove them from circulation, a strike to cripple the competition instead of getting any advantage for him. Why? To keep the balance on the now extremely unstable underworld politics of New York since that company was becoming too powerful too fast.

Felicia broke into the building, deactivated traps, punched a bunch of guards, and got out. All was going perfectly until this knight in black armor managed to get in her way. However, she would not lose to this hero. It was more a matter of personal pride rather than working ethics since she lacked any loyalty to her boss.

("We are on the same page right? This girl is totally flirty with you,") Venom muttered inside Peter's mind.

("I am a little nervous, this is my first time having sex with a girl that I didn't have a sleepover with before,") Peter answered, for the kind of stallion he was, the boy was new in his role as manwhore.

("Just relax and let your instinct guide you, you have this, my king,") The alien finally said, making sure that his body and brain chemistry were on point for this task.

The girl only needed a few seconds to figure out the hero's name since he had a big spider logo on his chest. "Curiosity killed the cat, Spidey," Cat purred, as she was still trying to escape this trap. She needed to get those parts back no matter what, and that would be a nice chance to attack him when he was distracted. However, this goo seemed more resistant than she initially thought.

Peter went silent for a second and got closer to Cat, his semblance being strangely serious for a second. "Ok, I hope this is not going to BEE a problem," he said with a huge shit-eating grin under his mask.

Well, that was it; Black Cat would break his hips. "Oh god, can you fuck me already?!" She yelled while fighting the cringe from the pun and the extreme state of horniness that it created. In reality, it was his musk and the pun, but she didn't need to know the first part.