Chapter 20

Peter took a deep and nervous breath under his mask. He would have stopped this if it wasn't for Venom taking care of those silly emotions; she just needed to flood the teenager's veins with the right hormones, and he would do the rest. "How do you want to do this?" He asked with a husky and manly tone, making sure that the woman understood who was the boss here.

The girl let out a small purr as the cute cat she could become. Adorable and enticing until it was time to sink her claws. She knew that there was no way to cut those webs by herself, so Felicia needed to play nice for now. "I have been a bad kitten, and you are the vigilante, so . . . take justice in your own hands," she asked with a seductive smile on her lips. If Felicia was going to do this, she may enjoy it as well.

He needed to use all his willpower to not make a fist pump in the air. "Hmmmm, well then . . . let's start first with an interrogation. I need to know who you are working for. Full name, now," Peter demanded something that the teenager knew that he wouldn't get—the right thing to take this little game a little bit further.

Felicia began her great act to entice this little hero. When she was done with him, the girl could freely escape with the loot and also had so much fun. All this running around and the talk had put her strangely in the mood for some nasty sex; she thought it was the adrenaline running in her veins. "Like I would ever tell you that! Let me go now or call the police so I can escape jail and be free again!" She spewed with pure smugness and an aggressive tone, using the holes in the system to insult the boy.

The woman made sure to have an annoyed expression on her face with a grimace of pure scorn and squinting her eyes together. She was trying to get out the webs on her wrist and arms to give the act a little more credibility. However, those movements only made her bit tits push out more of her skinsuit, and now her wet pussy was starting to ruin the lower part. It got to the point where one could see the camel toe of her slit and the shape of those well-toned abs.

"It seems that I need to be more persuasive," the hero said, and then, with a quick hand gesture, he tore up not only the spandex holding those mountains of fat but also the moist pussy. Peter could have just undressed her like a normal girl to save her the shame of going back home naked, but he needed to follow his role as a vigilante and punish this little criminal with some public humiliation.

Felicia let out a small moan as she felt those strong fingers partially stripping her naked. Those manly hands and dominant tone made a lot more for seducing than any compliment. She hated that the hero had damaged his clothes, but she could always get new ones. "Hey!" She yelled with an angry face as her body was exposed to the cold air of New York at night.

Of course, her big and pink nipples were fully erect, not by the cold but from the sheer lust running across her veins. All this foreplay had done its effect, and one could see that from the tip of her huge milkers to the big and erect clit from her soaked wet puffy pussy. It was a perfectly shaved slit, ready to take any load and punishment. Even her virgin backdoor looked cute and ready for some action. There was a nice final detail as her now perfect and muscular abs were exposed to the air, with the sweat building up from the fight and the games they were playing polishing those mountains of power.

Peter took a deep breath; his fine-tuned sense could smell a girl on heat, a body desiring mating, as the caged aroma of those female pheromones was released into the air the second he removed those black barriers. "Now that the cat is out of the bag . . . what a lewd body . . . did you shave all the time expecting to get caught on each mission?" He muttered as his hands began to play with her breasts in a cheeky way.

What started as a small massage slowly evolved into something more aggressive. All the while Peter made sure to drench those tits with Venom's oily black massage oil, stimulating her even further. The teenager's fingers began to press those perky nipples and then pinch them to force some howls of pain and pleasure out of this little feline.

That rough treatment of her milkers was really making Felice purr like the cat in heat she was."En-Enjoy the view, dork, this is the closest you would get to seeing a woman outside your computer," the woman said with a tone drenched in sarcasm, trying to hide her smile of pleasure under a grimace of pure contempt. However, the more she felt those hands playing with her, the harder it became. The woman found herself estranged by how much she was enjoying this. Felicia liked playing with her tits, but not to this point.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a shame; you act so tough but you are so wet . . . you don't need to be a shame. It is normal for a woman to submit to a stronger male," Peter muttered as his fingers began to dig deep into that moist cunt, making Felicia let out a howl of pure pleasure.

It didn't take him a lot of tries to find her G spot, and by just using a fraction of his speed, strength, and adhesive power, he was able to quickly massage it better than any toy. With the extra love of Venom's chemical nectar helping him with this act, Felicia didn't stand a chance. A few seconds in, and the wet sound of his middle finger was only opaque by the moans of this burglar.

"A stronger person than me? Where? Is he in this room?" Felicia said, trying to sound tongue and cheek while her cunt was sucking Peter's fingers as if its life depended on it.

(Fuck, this goody two shoes really have skills . . . you are making a girl fall in love with you,) Felicia thought for herself, already falling for good old Parker's charm. It was not only the fact that she was weak to guys with a good sense of humor and for strong men, but also those skills that Spiderman was showing her were on another level from what she had experienced before. The dedication that the teenager was putting in for her pleasure made her feel cherished.

A cruel and mocking chuckle came out of Peter's lips as he was fully immersed in this kind of roleplay. Just being the dominant one really gets his blood boiling, especially after their small fight. He removed the finger inside her, leaving this long string of fluids connecting the two, and then showed her something interesting. "Right here," he muttered with a deep tone, and then Venom unleashed the monster.

The hundred tendrils that made the teenager suit began to twist and contort; for a second, they stopped mimicking fabric to return to their originally oily nature. At that moment, they released the massive cock that was throbbing with pure desire as the thick veins on the surface were constantly pumping blood into it. They let the meat slab that Peter had between his legs take some air. Even the big set of balls under them were churning with virile spunk. Such tanks of thick white sap bloated with so much seed that would put another man to shame.

The second that Black Cat saw this, she could swear that her ovaries got hot for a second and released a few ovules. With the view alone, her body had already decided to make him the father of her kids. (What? Nah . . . I must just be imagining things . . . I am taking the pill after all) The woman thought, not knowing that Venom's corruption could not be stopped by such a simple chemical.

"Holy fucking Jesus! What is that thing?! How do you fucking hide it?" Felicia exclaimed. The girl was far from a virgin at this point, but that thing was too big. Felicia had seen that kind of size before in porn, but she thought that was just camera tricks, and that kind of size was just non-existent for a normal human and only something that fancy dildos could achieve. But now that testament of virility was right in front of her, and her pussy would face the full brunt of it. With her heart beating as if she were caught in the middle of a heist, the girl knew that she bit more than she could chew.

Peter broke the character for a second. "I don't want to toot my own horn, but I am really good at tucking," he muttered, as it was all thanks to Venom's help. However, the teenager could not reveal that detail yet.

Felicia nodded, her pussy shaking with excitement as Peter's throbbing manhood was already crying a single tear of pre cum on that big and fat tip. "I can see that, holy shit that is a monster," she finally said and bit her lower lip for a second. This was going to be hard, but her mother didn't raise a quitter. The cat was only a little worried that after this she would not be able to enjoy playing around with other men.

"Any way getting back to where we were . . . ah!" Peter exclaimed, returning to his role in this small game.