Chapter 56

In the end, while the sound was settling down, Peter was fucking what was now a woman coated in semen in a full nelson outside the apartment near the pool that Felicia had. Completely exposed to the New York sky, the boy was just giving the last touches to the pussy of that mind-broken girl.

As the pressure was made behind her head by the massive hands of the man, Raven felt her whole body turning off. She was exhausted; her stamina was drained, and her mind was reduced to a simple animal that only cared about sex. One could even say that as those massive balls slapped against her pussy, she was even lower than an animal, a thing that only wanted pleasure and nothing else.

The girl's stern gaze was replaced by a grimace of pure pleasure, with a wide smile and eyes completely open as she pulled out her tongue. All of this was under a thick layer of semen, sweat, tears, snot, saliva, and tears. Each inch of her body was coated by the thick seed that made her reek of pure musk.

Just as the speed was reaching a climax, Starfire came flying and looked at her friend getting filled like a turkey on Thanksgiving by the colossal man behind her.

She was a tall, orange woman with piercing, glowing green eyes and long, straight red hair. Starfire just flew across the air wearing almost nothing, just a purple top and hot pants that showed the full glory of the alien princess in the world. Like her motherly set of tits and hips that made it clear that her race was made for fucking and spreading across the stars.

"Hello, friend Raven! It seems that you are busy mating with your male!" Starfire said with a calm smile as they landed in front of them. The alien was used to this kind of stuff from her culture; even if it was rare to find it on Earth, it felt almost nostalgic seeing this show of sexual prowess.

Too far gone to be ashamed, Raven could only nod at the presence of her friend before exploding. "Ahhhhhhhh!" Raven screamed, squirting for the last time in front of her friend while Peter drained his balls into her cunt. After this, she was just consumed by the black mass that came out of Peter; those thick ebony tentacles dragged the tired girl's body into their mass to give her some proper aftercare in Venom hammerspace.

The man let out a deep sigh as Venom gave him his clothes back. "Hi! I am Peter; nice to meet you. Sorry, but Raven needs to get some aftercare," he said with a calm tone, almost as if he hadn't been roaring like a bear in heat just a few seconds ago.

"Oh, you swallowed her to keep her warm after mating? That reminds me of how the Globoracks females put their males in their sacks when they are done copulating in the cold north of Riveric," Starfire added with a calm expression and friendly smile. The girl was taking the stuff she was seeing extremely well for such a lewd display of power. Contrary to what one would expect, the princess actually felt a lot more at home with those kinds of actions than just normal earth traditions.

"What?! Please tell me more details about that! I always wanted to hear about alien worlds!" Peter asked, extremely interested in these cultures. Just another whole planet with its own society, races, species, food, etc. The man was just salivating at the sheer information he could get about that.

Starfire nodded multiple times, eagerly following Peter inside the apartment. "Oh? Sure! I would love to do this! May we eat some food while we talk, friend Peter?" The redhead suggested, truly impressed by how friendly the man was, she could see why Raven liked him so much to sire her children.

"Sounds fine to me; let's get in . . . What do you want to eat?" Peter asked while going to the fridge.

"Oh, excellent! I will have a glass of mustard," Starfire asked without a single ounce of doubt.

Being used to strange alien girls with specific tastes, he completed the order. "Ok, sure. Does your race's taste buds work differently from the human ones?" He said while placing the glass filled with the yellow liquid in front of the woman that began to drink it with the straw that was in there.

"Indeed they do. We share a lot of common feelings, but taste seems to be the most different between our species," the girl added while sitting on the same sofa that had withstood a lot of semen and girl cum during its short life. She could almost smell the phantom stench of previous battles that were had on that furniture.

Meanwhile Raven was just out of commission, completely knocked unconscious in a cocoon of black tendrils while each drop of semen that Peter had unloaded was firmly secured inside her. The moist nature of this hole even kept the spunk fresh and hot, soaking the girl in this chamber of musk and spunk as it melted with her flesh.

After a few hours, Raven finally woke up and began to struggle, demanding that the alien let her go, and she did. The naked goth girl was spewed from Peter and just landed beside him. She was expecting the man to just be a feral beast with her friend, but what she found surprised her.

There it was, Venom in her humanoid form, Peter, and Starfire talking like a group of normal people.

Starfire loved talking with Peter since he asked so many questions about her planet. She was really eager to share her culture, a rare occasion that he didn't have a lot of chances to do. "Oh friend Raven, the pheromones of your male are really strong. A lot more potent than my pretenders when I was at home," the alien said as her nipples were so hard that one could see them across her top, and her pants were soaking wet as her pussy could not stop watering. One could see it in her heavy breath and sweat; she was far gone into heat from the musk flooding the area, and she could feel it.

"Ugggggggg stop drugging my friend!" Raven exclaimed before Venom crafted a new set of clothes for her. She could still taste and feel that strong semen coating her body; however, the goth girl was more focused on protecting her friend.

"Oh! I don't mind! I actually appreciate them since it is a lot easier to find who is ready to mate with them. I honestly had a lot of problems realizing who was interested in me without them," the alien girl exclaimed while raising her hands. She could feel her body completely on fire and even ovulating like crazy; however, the girl had an iron grip on her impulses. It was something that a true warrior could only have after countless hours of fighting and training.

Peter nodded and immediately popped a big boner."So do you want to do it? I would love to," he said with a calm smile to Raven's surprise.

"You look like an extremely healthy man, and I would love to mix my genes with yours; however, there is a small problem. Since I am a member of my home planet's royal family, there are only two conditions under which I am allowed to mate with another male. The first one is having my parents' approval, and the second is a Glurkglurk," Starfire finally confessed; if it wasn't for that detail, he would already be balls deep into her.

"Can you just call them?" Venom asked as she licked her big maw filled with fangs, already fantasizing about the genes and information that the woman had locked between her legs.

"I am sorry, friend Peter, but they are extremely busy now, and it would take weeks to get in contact with them," the girl said with a nostalgic tone.

"So Glurkglurk it is," the man added without a single ounce of doubt in his voice.

Starfire's eyes opened wide, and she nodded multiple times, jumping off the couch in sheer excitement. "Excellent, we—" she began to talk before Raven interrupted her.

"Star!" She yelled with a horrified expression on her face.

"Oh yes! I must warn you about this ritual so we don't have any . . . misunderstanding. You see, this is basically an all-out combat between the male and the female. If the male wins, he gets the right to copulate with the female; if the female wins, she is obligated to remove the testicles of the male one," Starfire confessed, a little bit ashamed for always forgetting that part.

"Wait! So you remove them from the gene pool?" Venom was a little bit confused by such an extreme way of reproduction.

"Oh! No, no, no, the male's testicles grow back when they go across the crystallization process, like once every few years. So it is just painful and humiliating but not a big deal for a Tamaranian . . ." she added and then made an uncomfortable smile.

Raven looked at her with a dead expression, clearly showing some anger. "Star . . ." the goth girl muttered, her tone as cold as the room was hot from the concentration of musk in the air.

She let out a guilty chuckle and raised both hands in a sigh of surrender. "I hope he is doing well; I sincerely didn't know that humans had that problem . . ." she finally added.