"Bring it on!" Peter said without a single ounce of doubt in his body, as this was all that he wanted in a woman. After a nice fight and then a good fuck, with Venom's help, the man was sure that he could win as he won with Raven. Peter was charmed by the idea that he got the two friends after defeating them in combat like a true barbarian.
Raven rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Here he goes again . . ." she muttered, already betting on his side. The girl knew what Peter could do, and even if Starfire was strong, she honestly had faith in her king.
"Also, Star, uh, humans can't grow back their testicles; I mean, with Venom I could, but I like my testicles to be their original model rather than a replacement," he added, making sure that the girl understood that humans could not grow their balls back.
"Oh yes! I know that now!" Starfire answered extremely quickly. It was a shame to ruin such a wonderful male but rules were rules. As she respected the earth's culture, they also should respect hers.
Raven placed a hand on Peter's big shoulder. "She . . . put my ex-team leader in an uncomfortable position," she whispered in his ear.
"Anyway, let's have a duel, friend Peter; I will make sure to give my all," Starfire exclaimed, she was ready to get into a fight and then had raw ball-slapping sex with him if he won. She would not hold her punches, but if Peter won, well, she was more than open to making a lot of race mixing. The girl didn't know if humans and her race could have children, but she would try non-stop for at least a few months.
"Have your little fight over the ocean; we don't want any collateral damage," Raven added since they would not have that kind of mating ritual in Felicia's apartment.
"Oh, can you fly? That is amazing!" Starfire yelled and then jumped out the window, moving across the air as if she was just a fish swimming in water.
Peter chuckled and got his suit on, growing an additional meter as the effects of the goblin serum activated. For the sake of his balls, he would not hold back. "I can do a lot of stuff; let me show them to you," he said and jumped out the window with his two black wings casting a shadow under New York as the sun was finally setting on the horizon.
Over the water, far outside New York, the two were floating. Starfire was just levitating with her powers while Peter was forced to use his wings to keep himself in the air. It was clear that the man had more difficulty than her staying in the same place since his mode of propulsion was a lot more impractical, to say the least. At least he had the advantage when it came to reaching bigger speeds.
"So, just a small note: can I go all out? There is no problem if I hurt you?" Peter asked, already thinking and evaluating what Starfire could do. Venom was using his cellphone to research on the internet as she quickly found a lot of information about her, even some confidential stuff that only her profile on the Pentagon had. Basically, she could emit energy in multiple ways, such as a living laser battery that should not touch them under any circumstance, particularly deadly at long-range distances. Getting so good at hacking was truly coming in handy now.
Starfire made a gentle smile and nodded. "Oh friend Peter! You don't have to worry about that! I will fight you with full killing intent so you can attack me without worrying for a second!" She exclaimed with a cheerful tone.
("Don't worry, my king. We have our fire, electricity, and the other tools at hand; we can do this. Your testicles will be safe,") Venom whispered inside Peter's head, giving him a little boost of confidence. The man's body began to get filled with all kinds of combat stimulants, ready for him to give his all in this combat.
"Thanks . . ." the man muttered as he needed to come up with a fighting plan quickly. She was cute and charming but in terms of powers, the girl was by far the strongest enemy he had faced, even more than Raven.
Starfire was the first to strike; the girl teased him by throwing a barrage of big green balls of energy the size of a soccer ball. The projectiles flew across the black sea, and the man managed to just fly away from them without a lot of problems, as his speed on those wings was enough to give him some room to breathe, and the combination of his spidey senses allowed him to guide his movements. He answered with a quick rush of webs towards the girl's hands, trying to neutralize them, but Starfire just created a massive barrage of small, peanut-sized spheres of neon emerald light. The second that his ebony webs touched them, they melted just a tiny bit to reduce their speed enough so Starfire could move out of the way. However, at that moment, Peter managed to get in front of her.
The man launched a fist, but the girl just blasted the water under her, creating this barrier of liquid that managed to obscure his vision enough so she could try another trick. A big beach ball-sized sphere of radiance flew through the wall of water, trying to catch Peter by surprise, but his spider-sense allowed him to dodge. Then it ran again as the ball passed across him; he would be confused if it wasn't because that extra sense pointed behind him. So, without wasting time, the man let himself fall into the seawater as the projectile behind him exploded in a barrage of tiny balls striking his back.
Starfire got up in the air and made a heart symbol with her hands. Then from that hole, she began to shoot beams of pure emerald light that superheated the water, instantaneously turning it into steam and creating a huge underwater explosion to strike Peter while he was swimming under it.
("Fuck! This girl is insane!") Peter said while trying to use his wings to swim across the water trying to get far from the massive explosions that made the sea floor shake.
("She is a warrior princess. What did you expect?") Venom said, thankfully they had found a solution for their electricity problems with water before this fight.
Peter then reached the bottom of the sea and began consuming as much sand as possible. ("I didn't say it as a bad thing!") The man yelled as his feet finally reached the ocean floor, and with his hammerspace filled with sand, he impulsed himself toward the surface again.
Starfire looked with awe as Peter just emerged from the water and headed towards her. She was a little bit confused by the tactic since the man was fully exposed to her, but the girl didn't doubt for a second. The princess shot another beam of energy with enough energy to destroy a big ship; however, the second that she did, something strange happened.
A colossal amount of crudely made glass was spewed towards her. Peter had used his pyromancy inside his hammerspace to heat the sand and turned it into steam and glass to reflect the light of the woman's attack. Using the steam as a propulsion mechanism to increase his speed and getting shot as a rocket and the glass to nullify the attack enough so it would not kill him, he managed to land a punch on the girl's stomach.
The huge fist of the man charged with pure bioelectricity made the girl cry in pain. However, as her whole body was just churning in sheer pain from the strike, Starfire just gritted her teeth. Before Peter could land another strike, she charged one of her hands with pure energy, creating an emerald blade of radiance around her hands, and gave the man a karate chop to the neck.
Peter almost was unable to dodge, getting grazed just on the left side of his head, but that strike was enough to just melt Venom and part of his skin. Even with their improved heat resistance, that strike was enough to kill him if it landed on him. He then used this opportunity to shoot a monumental breath of pure fire from his mouth using his own blood as fuel. The man just opened his big maw filled with sharp teeth and spewed the flames toward Starfire as a dragon. Being a chemical reaction and a gas, the girl could not parry it with her balls of energy.
Starfire was stunned by the flames, not with pain but with annoyance. It was the same as using pepper spray on a normal human. That gave Peter another chance to strike, as the man had left a long string of web connected both, and now the girl could not run away.