Chapter 12 – The Call of MI6

The year 2004 began with new possibilities for Harry Potter. After an intense year of operations and training in the SAS, his skills had reached a level few could match. His command of local languages ​​such as Pashto and Urdu, combined with his training in CQB, hand-to-hand combat, and expertise in intelligence and interrogation, made Harry a prominent figure within the British forces. But it was precisely this growing reputation that would attract the attention of a new organization — one that operated in the shadows and handled the United Kingdom's greatest secrets.

On a cold January morning, Harry was summoned to a meeting that seemed out of the ordinary. Instead of meeting his commanders at SAS headquarters, he was directed to a discreet facility in London, where he would be met by an MI6 agent.

When he arrived, a man in a dark suit was waiting for him at the entrance, beckoning him to follow. Without much explanation, Harry was led through a series of labyrinthine corridors to an elegant conference room, where the faint scent of coffee filled the air.

"Potter," the man said as he opened the door. "Come in. M is already waiting for you."

Harry nodded, his expression calm, but his mind was already working quickly. M was a name he knew from rumors, but he had no idea who it was. The codename belonged to the head of MI6, the woman who led Britain's international intelligence organization.

As Harry entered the room, he was surprised to see a woman in her early fifties, with short gray hair and a firm posture. Her blue eyes analyzed Harry's every move as he approached.

"Potter," she began, her voice firm but curious. "Or should I say Trooper Potter? Or better yet, Special Operator?"

Harry offered a slight smile. "Harry will do. What can I do for you?"

M kept her expression serious as she flipped through a file in front of her.

"Do you know why you're here?" she asked, not looking up from the paper.

"I have an idea, but not much information."

She closed the file with a soft click and crossed her arms, leaning against the table.

"You've been excelling in your operations with the SAS. Your intelligence, interrogation skills, and fluency in local languages ​​have not gone unnoticed. And honestly, we at MI6 like operators who know how to move in the shadows. That's why we're calling you."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "MI6?"

M nodded. "We need someone like you to run some covert operations. Operations involving Pakistan and Afghanistan—places where you already know the terrain. What we're asking for is not official, and you will formally remain in the SAS. However, we would like to 'borrow' you for a while."

Harry thought for a moment before answering.

"What are the operations?"

M smiled slightly, appreciating the directness.

"The missions involve Al-Qaeda and other terrorist cells operating on Pakistan's borders. Some of these cells are infiltrating agents into wider networks. We need to nip this in the bud, but in a way that doesn't attract attention. You would be ideal for infiltration and extraction of valuable information."

Harry looked at the head of MI6, understanding the gravity of what was being asked. This was no ordinary mission. He had dealt with terrorist threats in Afghanistan before, but this would be different. Now, he would be a shadow, operating in the shadows of British intelligence.

"And what do I get out of this?" he asked bluntly.

M smiled again, this time with a hint of respect.

"In addition to serving your country in a unique capacity, you will gain access to the best training MI6 has to offer, including in the field of enhanced interrogation and psychological manipulation. In addition, your security clearance will be raised to a level few operators have. This will give you access to sensitive information that could be useful in future missions, both in the SAS and here."

Harry knew this would be a new step in his career. He had become a highly skilled soldier, but this invitation from MI6 would take him to another level—the world of international espionage. And as he pondered the implications, a part of him knew he was ready.

"I'm in," he said simply.

M nodded in satisfaction. "Great. Let's get started right away."

In the weeks that followed, Harry underwent a series of additional training sessions at MI6. He was introduced to advanced espionage techniques, learning cryptography and codes, and advanced interrogation methods that used more subtle and sometimes brutal psychological tactics. Harry had already had experience in interrogation in the SAS, but MI6 took the art of manipulation to a whole new level.

During these trainings, he also honed his CQB and hand-to-hand combat skills, MI6 also trained him to operate in urban environments and densely populated areas, a far cry from the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan.

One of the biggest challenges, however, was adapting to the spy mentality. In the SAS, Harry was used to operating as part of a team, relying on his teammates. But now, in MI6, he would often be a loner, acting independently. His missions depended not only on his physical prowess but also on his mental cunning, his ability to manipulate information and people.

When the first missions began, Harry was sent to Islamabad, Pakistan, undercover as a British businessman. His mission: to infiltrate an al-Qaeda-linked terrorist cell and identify key members for later elimination.

Harry's fluency in Urdu was crucial. He was able to blend into the local community, forging contacts and gradually getting closer to his targets. His skills in psychological manipulation and interrogation, honed by MI6, allowed him to extract vital information without arousing suspicion.

The MI6 superiors were impressed. M, in particular, kept a close eye on Harry. She knew he was a rare asset—a soldier and spy who could move between two worlds with ease.

The year 2004 was still in its early days, but for Harry, it was only the beginning of a new phase in his life. He had faced enemies on the battlefield before, but now he was fighting a different kind of war—a war in the shadows, where information was worth more than any bullet.

And he was ready to take on that challenge, no matter how dangerous.