Chapter 13 – The Birth of a Legend: Ghost

As the months passed, as Harry Potter continued to conduct operations for MI6 in the most unstable regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, something peculiar began to happen. The missions, often risky and highly clandestine, were being carried out with impeccable precision. Critical information was extracted, targets eliminated and terrorist cells dismantled, all without fanfare, without evidence and, most importantly, without leaving a trace.

These operations began to attract the attention of not only the insurgents, but also the international intelligence community. The local insurgents, frustrated and confused, began to spread rumors about a mysterious man who appeared and disappeared in the shadows. Someone who hacked into their networks, extracted their information and dismantled them with surgical precision, without them being able to predict or defend themselves. They did not know his real name or where he came from. To them, he was just a ghostly presence, uncontrollable and terrifying. Soon, this enigma was given a name: Ghost.

Rumors of a "ghost" in the mountains and villages of Afghanistan and Pakistan spread like wildfire. This supposed Ghost had become a terror among the insurgents, and even the most experienced terrorists began to avoid certain routes and bases for fear of encountering this invisible shadow. Harry's missions, which often involved deep infiltration and the extraction of confidential information, began to be associated with this new myth.

Back in England, the name Ghost began to circulate among the corridors of MI6 and even SAS headquarters. But, curiously, very few people knew the true identity behind the codename. Only a select group of high-ranking officers and operatives knew the truth: the Ghost, this legend that terrorized enemy forces, was Harry Potter, the man who had once been known only as the "Boy Who Lived."

Harry, however, accepted this new identity with coolness and pragmatism. He understood that anonymity was his greatest weapon. Operating in the shadows was what allowed him to be so effective, and the more insurgents feared Ghost, the easier it became to infiltrate and complete his missions.

In one of his most sensitive operations, Harry was sent to Khost, Afghanistan, where a top al-Qaeda leader was suspected of hiding. The mission was complex, involving weeks of careful surveillance and infiltration. Harry, disguised as a local trader, had to move among Afghan allies and civilians without arousing suspicion, absorbing information with every step he took.

On a particularly cold night, he was able to infiltrate the enemy base, which was located in a secluded mountain cave. Using his knowledge of Pashto and Urdu, Harry blended in with the lookouts and extracted critical information directly from the target, without anyone realizing his true identity. Hours later, when British and American forces surrounded the location, the main target had disappeared, but the operation was a success thanks to the intelligence gathered by Harry.

The next day, the insurgents searched the area and realized that a single man had caused all the damage. Once again, the name Ghost was whispered among them, like an omen of death.

Back at the MI6 base, Harry had a private meeting with M. The head of British intelligence watched the operative with interest as she leafed through the report of the last mission.

"Ghost," she said, almost with a hint of dark humor. "It seems you've really embraced that name, Potter. You're becoming a legend around here… and, it seems, a terrifying legend to our enemies."

Harry stood rigid, the invisible scars from months on the battlefield and in covert operations reflected only in his eyes.

"I don't care about legends, only about the job," he replied calmly.

M smiled slightly, but his gaze remained serious. "And that's precisely why you're so effective. We'll continue to use you in special operations, but bear in mind that the more you stand out, the more attention you'll attract. Even ghosts can be hunted, if people know where to look."

Harry knew she was right. Although he operated in the shadows, the growing notoriety of the Ghost name could eventually have consequences. But for now, he was still the hunter, and his targets the prey.

As the months passed, Harry continued to carry out missions for MI6. Each new operation further solidified the Ghost myth. There was something almost ironic about the situation: Harry, who had spent most of his youth as a world-famous public figure, was now a man distinguished precisely by his ability to disappear.

The tactics he used evolved. Harry began to apply what he had learned in the SAS and MI6. His fluency in Pashto and Urdu made him a valuable asset, allowing him to blend in with local populations and obtain information crucial to his missions.

As the legend of Ghost grew, Harry kept his inner circle extremely tight. Very few knew that he was the operative behind MI6's most secret operations. M herself, along with a few high-ranking officers, knew his true identity, but the secret was closely guarded.

To the outside world, Harry Potter had disappeared from public view. To the insurgent and terrorist community in the Middle East, however, he was Ghost, the invisible presence that moved in the shadows, capable of destroying their operations without leaving a trace.

And so, by the year 2004, the name Ghost was not just a legend. It was a force feared, respected and, above all, misunderstood by those who encountered him. But for Harry, this was just another mission. The war in the shadows was just beginning, and he was ready for any challenge that came his way.