Chapter 19 – Ghost’s Rise to the CIA

As 2005 drew to a close, 2006 brought new challenges for Harry. His reputation as an elite operative had already spread beyond the borders of the United Kingdom. Global security forces were aware of his lethal efficiency, and his codename "Ghost" had become the stuff of legend. However, the shadow world always demanded more, and now the CIA was calling on him for a series of covert operations.

The CIA director knew that Harry Potter, the Ghost, would be a valuable addition to sensitive missions in hostile territory. The fear that local terrorists had of him was a powerful weapon in itself. And so, in early 2006, Harry was "loaned" to the American intelligence service, where he would be integrated into high-risk covert operations.

His first assignment for the CIA took him back to the Middle East, an increasingly unstable region with a growing insurgency and terrorist networks gaining strength. Harry knew the job would be dangerous, but he also knew that his presence would have a significant psychological impact on his enemies. As his reputation grew among terrorist groups, many feared the mere mention of Ghost. Rumors circulated among the insurgents that he was a shadow who appeared in the darkness and disappeared without a trace, eliminating his targets with precision and leaving fear in their place.

The CIA positioned him to carry out various infiltration missions, neutralizing high-value targets and strategic interrogations. Harry, already an expert in field operations, found himself increasingly at ease on these missions, where surprise and secrecy were crucial. Ghost's reputation grew even more. He learned from American operations, absorbing their tactics, while also applying everything he had learned in the SAS and MI6.

One of the most critical missions during this period was in Baghdad. Harry and a select team of CIA operatives were tasked with capturing a terrorist leader who was hiding out on the outskirts of the city, protected by a small army of militants. The target was one of the architects of a series of coordinated attacks against American and British forces.

Harry was chosen to lead the night infiltration, thanks to his silent combat and CQB (Close Quarters Battle) skills. The mission was meticulously planned – they would need to breach a stronghold, eliminate the defenses and capture the leader before he could escape or be eliminated by his own men.

In the darkness of the night, Harry moved like a shadow, eliminating guards without being seen. He and his team worked their way through the narrow corridors of the hideout, neutralizing any resistance with frightening efficiency. The terrorist leader was captured alive, which was rare for missions of this type, and taken in for questioning. The terror in the man's eyes when he realized that the "Ghost" was after him was palpable.

After the mission in Baghdad, the legend of the Ghost reached new heights. In terrorist circles, his name was whispered with fear. It was said that he could hear any plan, see any movement, and kill without being seen. The psychological terror that Harry instilled was a strategic advantage. It was not only his abilities that made him a threat, but the idea that he could appear at any time and in any place.

During an interrogation mission, one of the prisoners confessed that many local fighters now refused to conduct night operations, fearing that the Ghost was lurking. Some insurgents even deserted, unable to cope with the psychological stress caused by his growing myth.

Harry, while aware of the importance of this psychological terror, remained focused and detached from the ego that could come with such fame. He knew that deep down he was just another operative, doing what was necessary to keep the world safe. But within the darkness of the night missions, he also recognized the power of being a shadow, something that enemies could not combat.

As the legend of the Ghost grew, Harry became a target. Terrorist networks began to realize that eliminating this operative could be a devastating blow to Western forces. Rumors of rewards began to circulate—millions of dollars for the capture or death of Ghost. For Harry, this was just part of the game. He knew that the threat came with the job and accepted it as a fact of life.

The CIA, aware of the risks, increased security measures for Harry. However, he rarely accepted them. He knew that his strength came from his ability to move alone, without relying on large operations or excessive protection. He trusted in his skills, his training, and his ability to adapt.

During an operation in Kandahar, he discovered that a terrorist network had mobilized a squad of captured or kill him. The fact that the insurgents were so desperate to eliminate him only made them even more determined. Instead of backing down, Harry used this information to turn the tables. He turned the tables and eliminated every member of the squad sent to hunt him down, leaving only one alive to spread the word: Ghost was unhunted.

In late 2006, after months of non-stop operations, Harry began to step back from CIA missions. He had completed several successful operations, furthered his legend, and instilled terror among the insurgents. The CIA was more than satisfied with his work and knew that, for a time, it would be wise to let Ghost rest and return to the SAS.

Harry returned to England, but he was not the same man who had left. His skills and experience were now unmatched, and he had learned from the best operatives in the world. However, he knew that his place was in the shadows, where he could use his skills to their fullest.

As 2006 drew to a close, the legend of the Ghost lived on. The world of terrorism still trembled with his unseen presence, and Harry knew that his work was far from over. The peace might be momentary, but deep down, he knew that there would always be a new mission. And he would be ready, waiting in the shadows.

"The Ghost never disappears. He just waits for the right moment to act."