Chapter 20 – Harry and Ziva’s Reunion

The year 2007 began with Harry Potter receiving an unexpected but highly important mission. This time, he would be alongside someone he had already shared the battlefield with: Ziva David, the Mossad Kidon operative he had helped in Somalia. The mission, a collaboration between MI6 and Mossad, required precision, teamwork and mutual trust. Harry knew that Ziva was one of the few people he could count on in a high-risk situation.

Harry was anxious to see Ziva again, because despite his experience, he knew she was one of the best he had ever worked with. When they met at the rendezvous point, Ziva smiled at the sight of the bearded British man who looked even more hardened.

"Ghost," she said, using the nickname that the insurgents and now allied operatives also used to refer to Harry. "Are you still haunting your enemies?"

Harry smiled back, squeezing her hand.

"And you, Ziva?" Ready for another mission? — he asked, remembering how well they had gotten along before.

"Always," Ziva replied with a twinkle in her eye.

The mission was simple on the surface, but fraught with danger: they needed to infiltrate a heavily guarded compound in northern Syria, where a high-profile terrorist cell was planning a series of coordinated attacks. Ziva's experience as a Mossad field agent and Harry's deep knowledge of combat and intelligence made them the perfect pair for this operation.

On the way to the mission site, as they traveled together in a discreet vehicle, Harry and Ziva began to talk about their lives and experiences. It had been years since they had last seen each other, but the bond they had formed in Somalia was still present.

"You know, Harry, I remember how you handled that ambush as if you had done it a thousand times before," Ziva commented, relaxing into the conversation. "But the truth is, there is something unique about you. It's not just the training."

Harry looked at her, considering her words.

"I think we all carry our experiences in one way or another," he replied. "I've just learned to use mine."

Ziva nodded.

"Maybe that's what makes you Ghost. It's not just about being physically invisible, but being able to understand the enemy, to act before they even realize what's happening."

Throughout the mission, Harry and Ziva continued to talk whenever they could. They had both been through a lot in their careers, facing traumas and challenges that had shaped them. Amidst the chaos and violence, they began to see each other as more than just battle partners. Little by little, their relationship took on a brotherly character. Ziva, with her strong and protective personality, saw Harry as someone she could trust completely, and Harry felt the same.

"You remind me of my brother," Ziva said one night, as they rested before continuing the mission. "He was also like a rock, someone I knew I could trust." Maybe that's why I feel this way about you.

Harry was silent for a moment, thinking about what she said. He didn't have many strong ties with people outside the SAS, but with Ziva, he felt something different.

"And you remind me of a sister I never had," he finally answered. "Someone who, despite everything, I know will be there when I need her."

The two shared a moment of understanding. It wasn't something that needed words, but a deep connection formed in the heat of combat and camaraderie.

When the mission ended, successfully as expected, Harry and Ziva found a moment of peace to reflect on everything they had been through together. In the end, they were at the temporary base, ready to say goodbye.

"It was a pleasure working with you again, Ziva," Harry said, squeezing her hand, but with a genuine smile on his face.

"Likewise, Harry," Ziva replied, but instead of letting go of his hand, she tugged a little, making him look at her closely. — Before we go, I'm going to teach you something.

Ziva began demonstrating basic moves of Krav Maga, the Israeli martial art she had mastered, which was lethal in hand-to-hand combat. Harry, who was already an expert in several forms of combat, was fascinated by the efficiency and brutality of the moves.

— This is very useful. — Harry commented, practicing the moves under Ziva's supervision.

— Krav Maga is direct and fast. It's not about fighting beautifully, it's about surviving. — Ziva explained, as she adjusted Harry's blows. — And, of course, I'll teach you a little Hebrew too, in case you need it one day.

Harry laughed, but accepted the offer. By the end of the improvised training, he had already learned some basic words and expressions in Hebrew.

— Very good, now you're almost an Israeli. — Ziva joked, as she packed her things to leave.

As they said goodbye, Ziva gave Harry her personal number. Even though they both knew that their careers would take them on different missions and perhaps to opposite parts of the world, they agreed to keep in touch. The bond they had formed was not something that would easily disappear.

"Take care, Ghost," Ziva said, smiling as she walked to the helicopter that would take her back to Mossad.

"You too, Ziva," Harry replied, waving. "And maybe next time, you can teach me more Krav Maga."

"Or I can give you more Hebrew lessons. See you soon," Ziva said with a smile, before disappearing into the distance.

Harry watched her leave, feeling a strange sense of loss, but at the same time, he knew he had gained a friend and ally for life. Once again, he found himself in the shadows, where he felt most comfortable, but this time with a new connection that reminded him that even in the darkness, he was not completely alone.

With Ziva David in his circle of allies and an additional set of enhanced skills, Harry was ready for the next challenge that awaited him.