Chapter 23 – Royal Friendships

2008 was still an intense year for Harry Potter, but now he was not just dealing with military operations or clandestine missions. His role protecting the British royal family had placed him in a unique position, and over the months he had not only earned the respect of his charges, but also forged unexpected friendships.

Queen Elizabeth II, always formal and discreet, showed a genuine fondness for Harry. Prince Philip, with his pragmatic and direct style, also respected him deeply, but it was with the young Princes William and Harry that Harry's relationship blossomed most notably.

Both princes, fascinated by militarism and espionage, saw Harry as a mentor and inspiration. The fact that he was a legend in the SAS, known as Ghost in the intelligence world, sparked a deep interest in them. At every opportunity, William and Harry asked questions about his operations, his experience in the field and the skills he had acquired over the years.

After one of the protection trips, during a meeting at Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth called Harry for a private conversation. Her expression was serious, but there was a warmth in her tone.

"Sergeant Potter, you have served my family and my country in an exemplary manner. I understand that my grandsons, William and Harry, have a special interest in your history. I think you have impressed them more than you can imagine," the Queen said with a slight smile.

Harry, ever modest, inclined his head slightly.

"It is an honor, Your Majesty. They are brilliant young men with great futures ahead of them."

The Queen nodded, as if she had known this for a long time.

"Well, I thought that when you have some free time, you could come to the Palace and share some of your war stories with them. And perhaps… teach them some of the skills you have acquired over the years. William and Harry have a natural inclination towards the military, and I know that learning from someone like you will be a valuable experience for them.

Harry was surprised by the invitation. It was a rare honor to be invited to an informal visit to Buckingham Palace, especially to share personal stories and teach military skills to the next generation of royals.

"I would be more than happy to do that, Your Majesty," Harry replied sincerely. "It will be an honor to teach you what I have learned over the years."

The Queen smiled, pleased.

"Then it is settled. When I have time between missions, my grandchildren will be eager to learn."

The news that Harry would be teaching and telling his military stories to Princes William and Harry was met with euphoria. When the two heard the news from the Queen herself, they could barely contain their excitement.

"Wait a minute, are you saying that Harry Potter, Harry Potter, is going to teach us military tactics and espionage?" Prince Harry asked, with an incredulous smile on his face.

William was equally excited.

"That is simply incredible! I have always wanted to know more about the SAS and special operations. This is going to be… epic!

Harry, for his part, kept his calm demeanor, but he couldn't help but smile at the young princes' excitement. He knew that, in addition to protecting them, he would now have the chance to pass on the knowledge he had accumulated over years of service.

Shortly afterwards, Harry was invited back to Buckingham Palace, this time for an informal visit. There, he found the princes eagerly waiting for him in one of the private rooms. The atmosphere was relaxed, but the anticipation in the air was palpable.

"Come on, Harry. We want to hear your stories!" said Prince Harry, barely containing his excitement.

William nodded.

"Yes, and we also want to learn some of the tactics and tricks you learned in the SAS and with the CIA."

Harry settled into a comfortable armchair and began to share some of the stories he could tell, stories of operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and his secret missions with MI6. Of course, there were many details he couldn't reveal, but what he did share was enough to capture the princes' attention.

"During one of my operations in the Middle East, I had to use the little Pashto and Urdu I knew to communicate with the locals and obtain crucial information. Sometimes the best weapon you have in the field is not your combat skills, but your ability to connect with people," Harry said.

William was thoughtful.

"That makes sense. People often forget how vital communication is in times of war."

After the stories, Harry began teaching the princes some basic hand-to-hand combat tactics, showing them self-defense maneuvers and quick strikes, something he had mastered in his early years.

"Is this Krav Maga?" asked Prince Harry, after a quick demonstration.

"Not exactly. This is a mix of what I've learned over the years, with elements of various techniques. Ziva David, a Mossad agent I worked with, taught me Krav Maga, so yes, there's a bit of that in there," Harry replied with a smile.

The princes followed Harry's instructions attentively, and with each move, they were more impressed by his skill.

As time went on, Harry's visits to Buckingham Palace became more frequent. He was not just a teacher or bodyguard for the princes, but a true friend. William and Harry appreciated his humility and his willingness to share his knowledge without reservation.

"You're more than a soldier, Harry. You're a true mentor to us," William said during one of the visits.

Harry, always modest, simply nodded, but deep down, he felt honored to have earned the trust and respect of the princes and the Queen.

During one of the visits, at the end of a quiet afternoon at the Palace, Queen Elizabeth called Harry for a private conversation. They were in the garden, the light wind swaying the trees around them.

"Harry, you have been a true treasure to this family," the Queen began, looking directly at him. "My grandchildren have learned so much from you, and so have I. Your service to the country and our family is invaluable."

Harry felt a warmth in his chest at the Queen's words. He knew he had made a difference not only on the battlefield, but also in the lives of the people he had sworn to protect.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will always be at the disposal of the Kingdom and the royal family," Harry replied sincerely.

The Queen smiled, pleased.

"And you will always be welcome here, whether on a mission or just as a friend of the family." With this invitation, Harry knew that his relationship with the royal family had evolved into something deeper and more meaningful. He was no longer just a soldier or a bodyguard. He was now part of a trusted circle where his wisdom, skills and friendship were deeply valued.

And so 2008 continued to be a year of new connections and experiences for Harry Potter, as he balanced his dangerous missions with moments of peace and learning alongside the British royal family.

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