Chapter 24 – Meeting the BAU

The end of 2008 brought an unexpected change for Harry Potter. After numerous combat and security missions throughout the year, he was called upon for something completely different. The British government received a request for military assistance from the FBI, specifically the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU), to deal with a sensitive and dangerous case in the United States. With his vast experience in the field and his in-depth knowledge of tactics and intelligence, Harry was chosen as the British representative to assist in the investigation.

Harry knew that the BAU was a unit specializing in the hunt for serial killers and dangerous criminals, so this would be no ordinary military mission. Still, his time in the SAS, MI6, and his clandestine missions had prepared him for almost any challenge.

At BAU headquarters, Aaron Hotchner, the head of the unit, gathered his team for a brief meeting before the British consultant arrived.

— Guys, we have received military assistance from the British government for this case — Hotchner began, displaying a photo on the screen. — The consultant sent to work with us is Sergeant Harry Potter, of the SAS.

Immediately, the curious eyes of the team turned to the photo. Harry Potter's face appeared, serious and resolute, with his piercing green eyes and imposing posture. David Rossi and Derek Morgan exchanged looks of approval.

— This guy doesn't seem to be messing around — Rossi commented, crossing his arms.

— Without a doubt. He has that look of someone who has seen a lot — Morgan added.

But it was the reaction of the women in the room that caught the most attention. Jennifer Jareau, known for her calm and professionalism, was visibly surprised by Harry's appearance.

— He's... very different from what I imagined for a military consultant — JJ commented, trying to hide her astonishment.

Penelope Garcia, the team's technology specialist, widened her eyes.

— Good God! How could someone so handsome be an elite soldier? I thought they were all muscled and brutish, but this guy looks like he's straight out of a magazine cover.

Emily Prentiss, however, reacted in a completely different way. When she saw Harry's name and photo, she felt her heart race for a moment. It wasn't just because of his looks, although they were impressive. The name Harry Potter was etched in her memory, but not in the same way it was for the others.

"Wait a minute... Ghost?" Emily murmured, almost inaudibly, but enough for Garcia to hear her.

"Ghost? What do you mean, Em?" Garcia asked curiously.

Prentiss took a deep breath before answering.

"When I was at Interpol and the CIA, the name Ghost was a legend in the intelligence world. He was known for his ability to disappear and reappear in covert operations, leaving no trace. I always thought it was just a story, a kind of myth... but it turns out Ghost is very real.

The other members of the team, now alert, were surprised by Emily's revelation.

"So our consultant is a legend in espionage?" Morgan asked, with an incredulous smile.

"Yes," Emily confirmed. "If he really is Ghost, he's dealt with things that would make any of us think twice before acting."

Hotchner, who had been listening to the conversation in silence, nodded, confirming Prentiss's words.

"Yes, Emily is right. According to our contacts, Harry Potter, also known as Ghost, has a vast history of highly complex missions for MI6, the SAS, and several other intelligence agencies. He was highly recommended by the British government to help us with this case."

A short time later, Harry arrived at the BAU headquarters. Dressed simply, in a black jacket and jeans, he walked through the corridors of the facility with the same confidence with which he walked in combat zones. His presence was both calm and intimidating, as if he could assess the room in a single glance.

As he entered the team's meeting room, all eyes turned to him. Hotchner was the first to greet him.

"Sergeant Potter, thank you for coming so quickly. I'm Aaron Hotchner, head of the BAU. This is my team."

Harry shook Hotchner's hand firmly and nodded to the rest of the team. He immediately noticed the curious looks from the women, but he maintained his professional composure.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm here to help in any way you need," Harry said, his voice calm but full of authority.

Morgan, always the most direct, was the first to ask a question.

"So, Sergeant, I heard you're known as Ghost. Is that true?"

Harry smiled at the corner of his mouth, an enigmatic smile, but he didn't confirm it directly.

— Let's just say there are a lot of nicknames out there, and not all of them are accurate — he replied, leaving an air of mystery in the air.

"Emily Prentiss. I worked at Interpol and the CIA, so… I've heard of you."

Harry shook her hand, recognizing the seriousness in her eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Emily. It seems we already have a bit in common."

Garcia, who could no longer contain herself, interrupted.

"Excuse me, but are you, like, the definition of James Bond? Because I'm having a moment here," she said, with an amused smile.

Harry laughed lightly.

"I don't know if I'm exactly like James Bond, but I'm flattered by the comparison."

JJ, still a little dazed by Harry's presence, tried to return to formality.

"Well, it would be great to have your experience to help us with this case. We're dealing with something complex, and any insight would be welcome."

Harry nodded, looking at Hotchner.

"So, what are we up against?"

Hotchner quickly explained the details of the case: a series of kidnappings and murders involving a highly organized and dangerous group, with possible involvement from international extremists. Harry's knowledge of military and counterterrorism operations would be essential to understanding the tactics and movements of the criminals.

Over the next few days, Harry began to work closely with the BAU team. His meticulous and strategic approach impressed everyone. He had a keen eye for small details and a natural ability to anticipate enemy movements, which made him an invaluable asset.

Emily and Harry, in particular, developed a relationship of mutual respect. They shared stories of past missions, and Emily soon realized that while Ghost was a legend, Harry Potter was much more than the myth. He was a dedicated man with a strong moral compass who had seen the shadows of the world but still maintained his humanity intact.

By the end of the case, the BAU team had not only solved the mystery with Harry's help, but had also gained a new ally and, for some, a friend.