Chapter 25 – The James Bond Test

With the case closed, the BAU team decided to take advantage of the remaining time before Harry returned to Britain to relax a little. It was Derek Morgan who suggested the idea.

"So, since we have our own James Bond here, what do you think about watching one of the movies and seeing if he approves?" Morgan said, looking directly at Harry with a teasing smile.

The idea was immediately accepted. Penelope Garcia was already excited from the start, her mind buzzing with the idea of ​​Harry, the Ghost, making comments about impossible missions and 007's exaggerated charm.

"That's going to be wonderful!" Garcia exclaimed. "We need to see if our dear Ghost thinks James Bond is realistic. And of course, if he's ever been sent on a seduction mission!" he added playfully.

Harry laughed at the suggestion, but didn't deny it. After all, he had already known that this kind of conversation would come up. The entire team gathered in one of the FBI rooms, which had been transformed into a sort of makeshift movie theater. They chose the film Casino Royale.

During the film, the action and espionage scenes flowed by, and the team members occasionally glanced at Harry, who remained impassive. His attention was clear, but he seemed to be observing the technical details more than getting involved in the story.

When one of James Bond's most iconic scenes – where he seduces Vesper Lynd – came up, Garcia, unable to contain herself, asked directly:

"So, Harry, I need to know... have you ever been sent on one of those 'seduction' missions like our friend Bond here?" she asked, with a mischievous smile.

The room fell silent, everyone waiting for the answer. Harry looked at Penelope, smiling enigmatically, and then, without losing the playful tone, replied:

"Let's just say that sometimes, in certain missions, charm can be a powerful weapon. — He paused for a second before adding, — But reality is much less glamorous than in the movies.

JJ and Emily smiled, while Morgan let out a loud laugh.

— Are you going to tell me you've never had to seduce a rival spy to get information? — Morgan teased.

Harry shook his head, still maintaining his mysterious air.

— Things don't always happen like in the movies, but yes, there are times when a more... subtle approach is necessary — he admitted.

Penelope, who still seemed intrigued, took a step further:

— And could you show us what that would be like? Trying to seduce someone here? — She laughed, believing that Harry would let the provocation go.

But, to everyone's surprise, Harry stood up, maintaining his calm and confident posture, and walked towards Emily, who was watching him with a look of mixed curiosity and distrust. He approached slowly, stopping next to her, his face close to her ear.

— If I really wanted to win you over, Emily… — he whispered, his voice low and seductive. — I would say that, even in a crowded room, you are the only one who matters. Every move you make catches my eye, and the way you think fascinates me even more than any mystery I have ever solved.

Emily, surprised and unable to hide her reaction, felt a shiver run down her spine. Harry's tone of voice was deep and captivating. He stepped back slightly, letting silence dominate the room for a few seconds.

The others' reaction was immediate. Morgan whistled in amazement, while Penelope seemed to be trying to catch her breath.

— Okay, I take that back — Garcia joked. — The man is James Bond!

Emily, in turn, looked directly at Harry, a small smile on her face.

— Impressive, Harry. But I think you will need more than words to win me over — she replied, keeping her tone light, but with a challenging glint in her eyes.

Harry gave a calm smile and returned to his seat.

After the movie ended, the crew began to disperse, returning to their rooms or offices. However, Emily stayed a little longer, claiming she had something to finish, and Harry, for his part, didn't seem in a hurry to leave either.

The two ended up talking alone in the living room, the atmosphere now more relaxed and intimate. They laughed about what had happened earlier, but as the conversation flowed, there was an underlying tension in the air.

"You really are good at what you do, Harry," Emily said, crossing her arms, but with a softer tone.

"I just do what needs to be done," he replied, still with that enigmatic tone.

The conversation eventually changed tone, from jokes to something more serious. The tension between them was palpable, and soon the light atmosphere turned into something more intense. Emily's gaze met Harry's, and they knew there was an attraction there that could not be ignored, at least not that night.

It didn't take more than a few moments for the two to give in to the undeniable chemistry between them.

The next morning, the sun shone softly through the curtains of the hotel room where Harry and Emily had met. They both knew that the previous night had been unexpected, but there were no regrets either. There was a mutual understanding that this was not the beginning of something, but an isolated moment, born of the intensity of what they had experienced together.

Harry stood up, silently, starting to get dressed. Emily, still lying down, watched him.

"That was… a one-off, right?" she asked, her voice soft but firm.

Harry looked at her and smiled understandingly.

"Yes, Emily. It was what it had to be. Nothing more."

Emily nodded, feeling a slight sadness, but also relief. She knew that Harry's life was full of missions, secrets, and dangers. And while she was part of an elite team, her life was also complicated. There was no room for anything more between them.

Harry finished getting dressed and walked to the door, pausing for a moment before leaving.

"Take care, Emily."

She smiled slightly.

"You too, Ghost."

And with that, he left, ready for the next mission, leaving behind not only the BAU, but also a shared moment that would remain a secret between the two of them.