Chapter 26 – Meeting the Queen

After his mission in the United States and the brief but intense stay with the BAU team, Harry returned to London, eager to get back to his usual routine. However, as soon as he landed, he was surprised by an unexpected summons. He had been summoned to Buckingham Palace for a private audience with none other than Queen Elizabeth II.

Although Harry had interacted with royalty before, something about this invitation seemed different. The formal and direct tone of the message left him with an odd feeling, as if something important was about to happen.

Upon arriving at the palace, Harry was guided by guards and attendants through the grand rooms. He had been there before, but the grandeur of the place never failed to impress him. After a few minutes of walking through the corridors decorated with historical portraits and luxurious tapestries, he was led to a private room, where the Queen was waiting for him.

She was seated in an elegant armchair, dressed in impeccable royal attire. Her presence, though serene, radiated authority. Harry bowed respectfully, feeling the weight of the moment. When he raised his head, the Queen gave him a slight wave to come closer.

"Harry, my dear," she began, her voice calm and firm. "I am glad you have come so promptly."

Harry stood his ground, though something inside him was uneasy. The fact that he had been summoned to a private audience was peculiar enough, but there was something in the Queen's gaze that put him on edge.

"It is an honor, Your Majesty," he replied, his voice controlled.

The Queen remained silent for a moment, as if she were carefully choosing her next words. When she finally spoke, what she said made Harry's heart race.

"I know who you really are, Harry."

Harry's body stiffened. His mind began to race, analyzing what she could possibly mean. He knew he had many identities, many secrets, but there was something deeper in that sentence. The silence in the room grew palpable as he waited for her to continue.

"I know that you are not just a hero of this world," the Queen continued, her voice firm but with an unusual gentleness. "You are the savior of the wizarding world."

Harry felt his blood run cold in his veins. It was a secret he had buried long ago, something he had left behind, or at least tried to. The echoes of his magical childhood, the emotional scars of what he had experienced, all of it began to come flooding back.

"How—" he began, but the Queen interrupted him.

"I know that the wizarding world has abandoned you. They have failed you, Harry." She leaned forward slightly, her piercing eyes meeting his. "But I do not. We here in England know what you have sacrificed. And I, as your Queen, am glad that, even after everything, you still chose to protect this country."

Harry felt the weight of her words. The revelation that she knew about his magical past exposed him in a way few things in the world could. His heart was beating rapidly, as if he were bracing himself for a fight, but there was no apparent danger. Just the raw truth being revealed by one of the most powerful figures in the world.

"Your Majesty…" he began, his voice trembling slightly, something that rarely happened to him. "How did you know?"

The Queen smiled slightly, a smile that denoted wisdom and experience, something that went beyond simple political knowledge.

"There are things that monarchs need to know, Harry. Things that the public will never find out. Magic is one of them. For generations, the monarchs of England have been told about the other side of our world. The side that few see." She paused, looking directly into Harry's eyes. "When you defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, I knew. I knew that the true hero of our world had been born."

Harry was speechless. He never imagined that the monarchy would be aware of the existence of the wizarding world, much less that they would know of his role in it. The Queen continued:

"And I also know that the wizarding world failed you. They should have protected you, supported you. But instead, they left you alone." Her voice now had a slight edge of sadness. "Yet you still serve this country, protecting it from threats we cannot even see."

Harry took a deep breath, trying to process everything he had just heard. He had always carried the weight of his past, the pain of being abandoned by the wizarding world after having done his part. But now, hearing these words from the Queen herself hit him differently. It was as if, finally, someone from the "normal" world understood the sacrifice he had made.

"Your Majesty," he said, his voice more firm now, "I have always considered England my home. Everything I have done, I have done for this country."

The Queen nodded, satisfied.

"And that has never been forgotten, Harry. Not by me, nor by those who serve with me. That is why I want you to know that you will always have a place of honor here." She stood, a rare but solemn gesture. "You are not just a soldier or an agent, Harry. You are a protector of this realm, in every sense of the word."

Harry bowed deeply, genuine respect and gratitude filling his heart. As he stood, the Queen stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"When you are ready, Harry," she said softly, "come to the palace. We will have tea and talk about these things that only the two of us understand."

Harry smiled, his heart still pounding, but now with a sense of peace. He knew his journey was far from over, but at least now he knew he was not as alone as he had imagined.

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