Chapter 30 – The Promotion

2011 began with a different feeling for Harry. The world around him continued to be hectic, with new missions and covert operations being discussed behind the scenes of the British special forces. However, for him, this year would bring a new responsibility, a new stage in his already legendary military career. In January, Harry was summoned to a formal meeting at the SAS base. He knew that something important was coming, but as always, he maintained the calm and discretion that characterized him.

On the day of the ceremony, Harry arrived at the room where his promotion would take place. Although it was a private ceremony, some of the most senior members of the SAS were present, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Defence and other high-ranking military figures. Queen Elizabeth II was unable to attend due to official commitments, but sent a personal letter congratulating Harry on his extraordinary service to the United Kingdom.

The SAS commander took the podium and gave a short speech.

"Today, we are honored to promote one of our most exceptional operators," he began, his voice firm and full of pride. "Sergeant Harry, known in our community as Ghost, has demonstrated bravery, intelligence and skill in high-risk missions. He exemplifies what it means to be a British Special Forces soldier."

Everyone present knew how important Harry was to the SAS and the United Kingdom, and many of those soldiers looked at him with deep respect. He, in turn, stood with a firm posture, his eyes focused, ready to receive his new assignment.

"Today, we are honored to promote him to Sergeant Major Second Class, a title that carries great weight and responsibility, but one that we know he will carry with the same dedication he has shown throughout his career."

To the sound of applause, Harry was called to receive his insignia and his new assignment. His expression remained calm, without a trace of arrogance or vanity. For him, it was just another step in the fulfillment of his duty.

After the ceremony, Harry's superiors, colleagues, and friends greeted him with pats on the back and proud smiles.

"You deserve it, Ghost," said one of his former teammates. "No one represents the SAS like you do."

Harry simply nodded and smiled slightly, responding with his usual humble tone.

"We're all part of the same team. I continue to do what's necessary, as always."

With his promotion to Sergeant Major Second Class, Harry was now tasked with leading missions of even greater complexity, as well as taking a more active role in training and supervising the younger SAS teams. His experience and skill in combat, both physical and strategic, made him the natural choice for this position.

He knew that in addition to operations, he would now need to pass on his knowledge and experience to the next generation of operators. One of his first actions after his promotion was to take over the leadership of a new team, made up of some of the SAS's most promising soldiers. Harry began developing new training methods focused on clandestine operations and high-risk infiltration, based on the dangerous missions he had conducted over the years.

During training, he demonstrated his skill in hand-to-hand combat, using the lessons he had learned from Ziva David and his in-depth knowledge of various martial arts and combat tactics. The soldiers under his command were impressed by his efficiency and controlled brutality, viewing him as a living legend.

Although the promotion and new responsibilities were a major milestone in his career, Harry was not one to be carried away by the glory. Upon returning to his home in London after the ceremony, he had a moment of reflection. Sitting in his living room, with a hot tea in his hands, he looked out the window at the city, which was quiet that evening.

He knew that his path would not be easy. With each new mission, with each new responsibility, came an additional burden. The lives of other soldiers were now directly under his responsibility. It had never scared him, but he knew the seriousness of this new phase. He was no longer just an operator in the shadows, he was now a leader, and that would demand more of him than he had ever imagined.

As his thoughts wandered, Harry remembered his childhood, his losses, and his path to this point. The orphan boy who lived in a cupboard under the stairs had become one of the United Kingdom's greatest heroes. But even with all the recognition, he still saw himself as that boy, fighting to protect those who could not protect themselves, whether in the wizarding world or in the real world.

He was more determined than ever to continue his mission of protecting the United Kingdom and the world from any threat. Increasingly involved in high-risk, covert operations, he knew that what lay ahead would test his limits.

But with the trust of his superiors and the support of his peers, Harry was more than ready. He had become Ghost not only because of his combat skills, but because of his courage, resilience, and unwavering determination to do whatever it took, no matter how difficult or dangerous.

The year 2011 marked a new chapter in his life, but as always, Harry was ready to face whatever came his way, from the shadows, where he felt most at home.