Chapter 31 – The Invitation to the Royal Wedding

It was mid-2011, and Harry was enjoying a rare moment of relaxation at his home in London when he received a call that took him by surprise. On the other end of the line, the familiar voice of Prince William sounded enthusiastic.

"Harry, it's a pleasure to speak to you. I have some news and an invitation that I think you'll like."

Harry, always with his calm and polite air, smiled at William's cheerful tone.

"Say, William. What can I do for you?"

"Well, you know Catherine and I have been together for a while, right?" William began, and Harry already knew where this conversation was going.

"Of course, I'm following. It's a great story."

William laughed lightly, looking a little nervous, but continued firmly:

"We're getting married, Harry. And we'd like you to be there, among our guests. Your presence means a lot to us, especially after everything you've done for my family."

Harry was silent for a moment, feeling a wave of emotions pass through him. Although he was accustomed to interacting with royalty due to his role, the personal invitation to William and Catherine Middleton's wedding was a gesture he had not expected, but one that touched him deeply.

"I am honored to be invited, William. I will make sure to be there. I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Excellent! We are all looking forward to having you with us on this special day. Oh, and Catherine was delighted that you were there. She sent her regards and said she would love for you to teach us some self-defense moves after the wedding," William joked.

Harry smiled, already feeling welcomed by the royal family, and replied lightly:

"I will think of something to impress her, for sure."

The wedding between Prince William and Catherine Middleton was one of the most anticipated events of the year, with great media coverage and attention from all over the world. The day was sunny, and London seemed to be in a festive mood. Harry arrived at Westminster Abbey, where the event was to be held, in his formal attire, impeccably dressed for the occasion.

He knew that his presence would be discreet, as he was there as a personal guest, not as part of any official or security mission. However, this did not diminish the respect and admiration that many had for him. As Harry entered the abbey, many familiar faces from the British aristocracy greeted him, but he remained as courteous and humble as he had always been.

Catherine, radiant in her wedding dress, and William, in his evening dress, made a couple that seemed to have come straight out of a fairy tale. Harry watched with a small smile as the two exchanged their vows, thinking about how their union represented more than just a simple marriage: it was a milestone in British public life and, for him, a sign of his growing closeness to the royal family.

The ceremony was followed by a reception at Buckingham Palace. Harry was personally greeted by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, who offered some kind words about his career and the importance of his role in the country's security. The Queen, in particular, expressed how much she valued Harry, not only as a soldier, but also as a family friend.

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Harry. Your presence makes this event even more special," the Queen said with a warm smile.

Harry, in his formal posture, responded with gratitude:

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It's an honor to be here and to be part of this important day."

During the reception, Harry had the opportunity to speak with Catherine Middleton, now officially a royal. She greeted him with a warm smile, recalling their brief encounter earlier.

"Harry, I'm so glad you could come," Catherine said, with a twinkle in her eye. "William has told me so much about you, and I can only thank you for everything you have done for our family.

Harry smiled back, a little reserved, but equally sincere.

"The pleasure is all mine, Catherine. You two make a wonderful couple, and I'm sure you'll have a bright future ahead of you."

Catherine, ever attentive, mentioned:

"William said you're a true master of hand-to-hand combat. Maybe we could schedule a lesson sometime? It would be great to learn some techniques, you know, just in case I need to defend myself," she joked, with a mischievous look.

Harry laughed, enjoying the lightness of the conversation.

"I'll be available when you need me, but I'm sure with William by your side, you'll hardly have to worry about that."

As the day drew to a close, Harry couldn't help but notice how happy William and Catherine seemed together. The royal wedding marked a new beginning for the British royal family, and in a way, for Harry too.

As time went on, Harry knew he would still have many missions and responsibilities to fulfill, but moments like these, where he could see his friends thriving and coming together, were precious. As he bid them farewell, he wished them all the happiness in the world, knowing that his friendship with them would only grow from here on out.

Before leaving, William approached Harry one last time.

"Don't forget, Harry. Whenever you like, come to the palace. It would be an honor to have you around, and I'm sure Catherine would love to talk more."

Harry nodded, smiling gratefully.

"I will. Thank you, William."

As Harry drove home that night, he felt satisfied. Once again, his life had taken an unexpected turn, and he was now part of something bigger, something that involved not only battles and missions, but also friendships and bonds that could last a lifetime.