Chapter 32 – The Ghost in Washington

It was late 2011, and Harry Potter, known in military circles as "Ghost," had been summoned by his "little sister" Ziva David, now working at NCIS after having left Mossad. Ziva and Harry shared a deep bond, built over years of joint missions and a friendship that went beyond borders. Harry knew Ziva needed his help, and he didn't hesitate to travel to Washington, D.C., to see her.

Upon arriving at NCIS headquarters, Harry's presence did not go unnoticed. He was tall, with impressive musculature and a calm, yet deadly serious expression. The kind of man who, with a simple entrance into a room, could change the entire atmosphere. Looks of admiration and curiosity followed him as he walked through the agency's corridors.

Ziva was waiting for him in the lobby, and upon seeing him, she gave him a rare smile. They hugged each other affectionately, like two brothers who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Harry, you came," Ziva said, visibly relieved and happy to see her friend and protector.

"You called me, Ziva. Of course I would come," he replied, with a lightness that contrasted with his intimidating appearance.

As the two made their way to the operations room, Gibbs, who was watching everything from his desk, immediately realized that Harry was no ordinary visitor. His posture and the way he interacted with Ziva indicated that there was a deep history between them. Intrigued, Gibbs looked at McGee and Dinozzo.

"McGee, Dinozzo, find out who he is," Gibbs ordered, with his calm and authoritative tone.

The two agents quickly obeyed. McGee, with his exceptional hacking skills, accessed Harry's file in a few minutes. What he found left him speechless. Dinozzo, always playful, was also shocked when he saw the information.

— Oh my God... — McGee muttered, staring at the screen in disbelief.

"What is it, McGeek? Is he just another soldier?" Dinozzo teased, but his tone soon changed when he saw what McGee had discovered.

On the screen, Harry Potter's file opened, revealing his military history as an SAS operator, and the codename "Ghost". The United States Department of Defense had classified him as the most lethal military officer in the world, with a list of operations and missions that were practically all classified. He was an expert in infiltration, hand-to-hand combat, intelligence and espionage. In addition, there was a mention of his connections to British royalty, including his award of the Victoria Cross and his personal friendship with members of the royal family.

"Man... he's a real ghost," Dinozzo said, surprised. "This guy is a legend. He's friends with the Queen and all the British royals."

McGee looked at Dinozzo seriously.

— And besides, he's not someone you want to piss off.

Dinozzo, always ready for a joke or a prank, felt a chill run down his spine as he imagined what Harry could do.

Meanwhile, Harry and Ziva arrived at the operations room, where they found Gibbs, who was waiting for them with an expression of contained curiosity. Gibbs was a man who knew how to read people, and he could tell that Harry was someone to respect, but also someone who had a strong connection with Ziva.

"Gibbs," Ziva began, looking at her boss. "This is Harry, he's here to help us."

Gibbs nodded to Harry, who greeted him in the same way.

"You're the Ghost guy," Gibbs said bluntly, as he watched him. "It's good to have you here."

"It's an honor, Gibbs. Ziva spoke very highly of your team," Harry replied, with a respectful tone that conveyed firmness.

As they talked, Dinozzo, with his usual confidence, approached Ziva with a mischievous smile.

"Ziva, your little brother here is quite impressive. But does he know about us?" Dinozzo teased, with his characteristic playful tone, hinting at his constant advances on Ziva.

Before Ziva could respond, Harry silently approached Dinozzo, his presence suddenly imposing. He looked into Dinozzo's eyes with an almost palpable intensity, making the agent feel the weight of that presence.

"Listen, Dinozzo," Harry began, in a low but dangerous tone. "I know you like to joke around with people, especially Ziva. But let me be clear with you: if I hear anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, you and I are going to have a conversation that won't be as funny as your jokes."

Dinozzo swallowed. Never in his career had he felt so much threat in such a subtle way. He knew Harry wasn't the kind of man to make empty threats. Ziva, in turn, smiled knowingly, appreciating the way Harry was protecting her, even though she knew Dinozzo wasn't a real threat.

"It's okay, Harry. Dinozzo is... Dinozzo," Ziva said, lightening the mood.

Harry relaxed a little.

"Okay, so what can I do for you?" Harry asked, turning back to Gibbs, making Dinozzo clearly more cautious.

Gibbs looked at his team, still in shock at what they had learned about Harry. He knew that having someone like "Ghost" working with them was a tremendous advantage, and that any mission he was involved in would be guaranteed to be a success.

"Let's see what you can do, Ghost," Gibbs said, smiling slightly, as preparations for the mission began.

In the following days, Harry collaborated with the NCIS team, bringing his tactical and infiltration skills, while Ziva, relieved to have her "brother" around, felt safe and confident with him on the team. Even though his time in Washington was temporary, the impact Harry had on the team, especially on Dinozzo and McGee, was profound.

And of course, Harry's subtle threat continued to echo in Dinozzo's mind, who thought twice before making any jokes about Ziva from then on.