Chapter 41 – A Call from Hawaii

Harry was in his home gym, training intensely as usual. His muscular, combat-ready body moved with precision and strength as he lifted heavy weights, a necessary routine to maintain his shape and always be ready for any mission the world might throw at him. The sound of iron clanging and low music filled the room, when his cell phone, placed on the counter next to him, began to vibrate.

As he picked up the phone and saw the name on the screen, Harry smiled slightly. It was Juliet Higgins, an old friend from his MI6 days, someone for whom he had always had great respect and admiration. He answered the call, sweat still running down his face, but his curiosity about the reason for Juliet's contact was greater.

"Juliet!" He answered in a light but firm voice. "Long time no see. How are you?"

"Harry!" Juliet's voice sounded excited, but there was a tone of urgency behind it. — I'm fine, actually, working on something a little… different. I'm in Hawaii, can you believe it? I work as a housekeeper for Robin Masters, the author.

"Robin Masters? The guy who wrote White Knight?" Harry was surprised. He knew the name of the book, a spy novel that had gained notoriety. "And housekeeper? That's quite… different, Juliet."

She laughed on the other end of the line. "Yeah, it's a change of pace. But then again, work never gets that easy. Every now and then, I end up helping out a friend of mine, Thomas Magnum, ex-SEAL. He's a private investigator here."

Harry nodded, already interested. "Private investigator, ex-SEAL? I imagine things get complicated sometimes."

"Quite." Juliet paused before continuing. "And, well, that's why I'm calling. We have a situation here that's turning out to be more dangerous than we expected. Thomas, TC, and Rick are with me on this." They're great, but we could use a more experienced hand. When I think about who would be the perfect person to help… You're the first one that comes to mind."

Harry was silent for a moment, absorbing this information. He wasn't one to turn down requests from friends, especially Juliet, who knew how to recognize a serious situation. Besides, Hawaii was an intriguing place full of mysteries of its own, something that appealed to him. And working alongside a former SEAL like Magnum only added to the appeal.

"And what exactly is going on?" Harry asked, his voice taking on a more serious and focused tone.

"I can't give you all the details right now, but it seems we've gotten involved in something much bigger. Magnum was investigating the disappearance of a prominent figure, and what seemed like a simple kidnapping case started to point to connections to international criminal organizations. I know this is more in your area of ​​expertise. It could be too dangerous for us to handle alone."

Harry took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline start to course through his veins. He was already mentally prepared for action, but he knew he should ask more.

"If it's something this big, why not involve the authorities?" he asked.

"We tried, but the investigation is at a delicate stage," Juliet explained. "There may be government people involved, and the last thing we want is to attract attention before we understand the whole story. That's why I thought of you. We need someone with your skills to help us resolve this discreetly."

Harry was silent for a few seconds, pondering the request. He knew that if Juliet was calling him, it was because the situation really required his presence. Besides, he trusted her and her judgment. The idea of ​​working with Thomas Magnum and his team was also intriguing, considering Magnum's history in special operations. It was as if a new mission was being placed before him.

"Okay," he finally answered, with a smirk. "I'm in. When do you need me there?"

"As soon as possible. Things are starting to heat up around here."

"Then consider it done," Harry said determinedly. "I'll get everything sorted and catch a flight as soon as possible. We'll talk when I'm on my way."

Juliet sighed in relief on the other end of the line.

"Thanks, Harry. I knew I could count on you."

After hanging up, Harry looked around his gym. The temporary peace he'd enjoyed while training was about to be left behind once again. He was no stranger to these last-minute call-ups, and being "Ghost," the UK's deadliest agent, meant that even on his days off, he was always on call for high-risk missions.

He went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and began to prepare for the trip. He stuffed some clothes into the pocket of his suitcase, along with his personal combat gear, in case they were needed. Even though this was a mission outside of military standards, Harry was always ready for anything.

He did a quick search on Thomas Magnum, TC, and Rick to see who he would be dealing with in Hawaii.

Once everything was ready, he picked up his phone and made a call to book his flight to Hawaii. While he waited for confirmation, his thoughts were focused on what was to come. Working with Juliet again would bring back a nice sense of nostalgia, and the idea of ​​facing a new threat alongside old and new allies made him anxious.

Minutes later, his flight was confirmed. Harry looked out the window of his house, reflecting on the next 24 hours. He knew the mission would be intense, but there was nothing he would prefer more than being in the thick of the action.

"Hawaii, here I come," he muttered to himself, before grabbing his bags and heading towards the airport.

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