Chapter 42 – The Ghost’s Whisper

Juliet Higgins sat in a makeshift conference room in Robin Masters' home, located on the sunny coast of Hawaii. Around the table sat Thomas Magnum, Rick Wright, TC Calvin, and Detective Gordon Katsumoto. They were all attentive, waiting for more detailed information about the man Juliet had called to help them. The tension in the air was palpable, especially after the latest developments in the case.

"Well, I think it's time to talk about who's coming to help us," Juliet began, looking at the curious faces in front of her.

Magnum, Rick, and TC exchanged glances. They trusted Juliet, but what puzzled them was the need to call in backup. They had faced many difficult situations before, but if Juliet felt she needed help, it meant the threat was even more serious than they had imagined.

"You mentioned he's from the SAS, right?" Magnum asked, leaning back in his chair. — And that he has experience with MI6?

"Yes," Juliet confirmed. "His name is Harry. And… you've probably heard of him by his code name. He's known as Ghost."

The room suddenly went silent. Magnum, TC, and Rick froze for a brief moment, while Katsumoto frowned, trying to comprehend the magnitude of the revelation. The name Ghost seemed to trigger something deep in the memory of each of the ex-SEAL and ex-Marines.

"Ghost?" TC repeated, as if confirming what he had just heard. "You mean Ghost? The SAS operator, the legend?"

Juliet nodded. "Yes, that's him. And he's even more lethal than the stories say."

Rick laughed nervously, crossing his arms.

"When we were in Afghanistan, captured by the Taliban, I heard the guards whispering about Ghost. They spoke of him with fear… as if he were a myth, some kind of vengeance incarnate. They said that if Ghost knew our location, not all the Taliban men and weapons would be able to protect us.

"I remember that," TC added, sounding distant. "They seemed more worried about Ghost than about the drones flying overhead."

Magnum nodded slowly, remembering the time they were held captive.

"That brings me back. When we were in that cell, I heard the whispers too. They thought that if Ghost came after them, it would be the end. Many wondered if he really existed, but the fear was real. And now you're telling me that Ghost is coming here, to work with us?"

Juliet smiled slightly, but her gaze remained serious.

"Yes, he's real. And he's not just a legend. Harry is the kind of operator who has survived missions that no other man would have the chance to complete. He's worked alone on some of MI6's most secretive operations. And now, he's coming to help us."

Katsumoto, who had been listening intently, finally spoke up, trying to figure out what this meant for the case.

"So, we're dealing with someone who's basically a one-man army? And you trust him?"

"I trust him with my life," Juliet replied promptly. "I've known Harry since our days at MI6. Not only is he deadly efficient, he's also incredibly strategic. And believe me, he doesn't fail."

"That's good to hear," Magnum said, looking around at the others. "Because it seems like what we're up against here is getting bigger and more dangerous by the day. I'm not opposed to having Ghost on our side. Honestly, I'd rather have him with us than against us."

"It makes me feel a little safer, for sure," Rick added. "But at the same time, if he's as lethal as they say… maybe we should stay out of the way when things get heated."

Juliet smirked. "Harry knows what he's doing. And he won't go it alone unless he absolutely has to." He values ​​teamwork, especially with people he can trust.

"I think we can handle it," Magnum said with a confident smile. "If Ghost is half as good as he says he is, then it's lucky he's coming to help. Because things are getting serious around here."

TC looked at Juliet, a look of surprise still on his face. "How did you get him to come?"

Juliet relaxed a little.

"Harry is my friend, and he trusts me. When I realized this was getting bigger than we expected, I knew he would be the right person to call. He has a personal connection to me, and when someone like Harry owes you favors… well, he always pays them back."

Katsumoto still looked skeptical, but his respect for Juliet was evident. "Okay. If you say he's trustworthy, I believe you. But we better hope for something big, because if we need someone like that, it means things are about to get even more complicated."

"That's right," Juliet agreed. — But with Harry here, our chances of success have just increased considerably.

"We'll wait for him then," Magnum said, his eyes determined. "And when he arrives, we'll make sure we're ready to do whatever it takes."

While everyone was processing the information that a true legend was on his way, Juliet picked up her phone and checked the message she'd just received. It was from Harry. He was already on the plane, heading to Hawaii.

"He'll be here in a few hours," Juliet said. "And when he arrives, we'll start making plans."