Chapter 46 – The Ghost in the Interrogation

The warehouse was large, the cold concrete floor echoed the steady footsteps of the OSP team, and the sound of the waves crashing against the hull of the boats in the harbor mixed with the distant noise of the city. The atmosphere was tense, heavy. The team had captured a key suspect, a possible terrorist with ties to an extremist group. This man was the key to uncovering a series of planned attacks, but so far, he hadn't said a word.

Sitting on a chair in the center of the warehouse, handcuffed, the prisoner stared defiantly at the OSP agents. Callen, Sam, Kensi and Deeks were around, following the interrogation, but without success in breaking the suspect.

"He won't talk," Deeks muttered, crossing his arms as he observed the situation. "These guys are trained to resist any kind of pressure."

Kensi looked at Callen, searching for a solution. "What do we do now? If he doesn't open his mouth, we're out of options.

Callen gave a half smile, as if he already had the answer. He exchanged a quick glance with Sam, who seemed equally confident.

"Let's call Ghost," Callen said, his voice low and controlled.

As soon as the word "Ghost" was mentioned, the prisoner, who until then had maintained a hard and defiant expression, began to show signs of concern. His body shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his eyes narrowed, trying to hide the anxiety that was beginning to take over him. It was clear that he had heard who it was.

Harry was outside the warehouse, watching the movement and waiting for the right moment to intervene. When Callen called for him, Harry entered slowly, his presence dominating the room. Dressed in a tight black T-shirt that highlighted his muscles and the tattoos on his forearms, he exuded an aura of power and absolute control. His steps were silent, but each movement seemed to carry an overwhelming weight.

The prisoner watched him approach with wide eyes. The name Ghost echoed in his mind. He had heard stories about the Ghost before. Elite operatives and enemies spoke of him in whispers, as if he were a supernatural entity on the battlefield, invisible and relentless. The stories said he left no trace, that his gaze could penetrate the souls of the most hardened men, and that no one who passed through his hands left without confessing their deepest secrets.

Harry stopped in front of the prisoner, staring at him with his intense green eyes. He said nothing for a moment. He didn't need to. The silence itself was overwhelming. The prisoner began to breathe faster, his eyes trying to avoid Harry's stare.

"You know who I am," Harry finally said, his voice low but full of authority.

The prisoner swallowed hard, his hands trembling slightly in the handcuffs. He tried to hold his position for a few more seconds, but fear was already eating away at him.

"You…" he murmured, his voice shaking. "You are the Ghost."

Harry didn't answer right away, he just leaned in slightly, keeping his gaze fixed. The terrorist knew there was no way to escape that gaze. It was as if Harry could see through every mental defense he tried to build.

"Speak," Harry said, simple and direct.

The prisoner tried to resist, but fear took over. "I... I can't... They're going to kill me..."

Harry stepped even closer, his voice firm and without any sign of hesitation.

"And you think I'm going to let you walk out of here without paying for what you plan to do?" He paused, letting the words seep into the man's mind.

"I'm not like them. I don't have to follow rules. And no one... will know what happened here if you don't cooperate."

The deadly silence that followed Harry's words was the final blow. The prisoner began to sweat, his body shaking with fear. He had heard enough stories to know that Ghost never let his victims escape without speaking.

"Fine!" the prisoner burst out in despair, his voice cracking. — I'll tell you... I'll tell you everything! Please... I'll tell you everything...

Harry stepped back, showing no sign of satisfaction. The terrorist began to confess, without Harry having to do much more. Every detail about the terrorist cell, the contacts, and the next targets was revealed in minutes. Callen, Sam, and Kensi watched in silence, impressed by how easily Harry had managed to break the man.

Kensi, especially, was astonished. She had seen good interrogators in action before, but never anything like this. The simple fact of mentioning Ghost had completely changed the scenario. There was no violence, there was no need for direct threats. Harry's mere presence and his reputation were enough to disarm any resistance.

When the interrogation was over, Harry left the warehouse, leaving the OSP team to finalize the details.

— That was... impressive — Callen admitted, still processing what had just happened.

"Now I understand why they call him Ghost," Sam added, crossing his arms with a half smile.

Deeks, still trying to absorb what had happened, looked at Kensi, who seemed distracted, watching Harry walk away. "Well, Kensi, I guess you're not the only one who's impressed with Ghost. That guy will probably have nightmares about him for the rest of his life."

Kensi smirked, never taking her eyes off Harry. "I understand why…"