Chapter 47 – The Ghost and the Agent

The operation was still underway. The target: a dangerous terrorist cell hiding in a warehouse near the Los Angeles coast. Harry, with his almost supernatural ability to infiltrate and eliminate threats, stood out as the tip of the spear. Moving through the shadows, he seemed to disappear and reappear among the enemies, like a ghost, executing each move with surgical precision.

While the rest of the NCIS team, including Callen, Sam, Kensi and Deeks, maintained surveillance and provided tactical support, Harry advanced relentlessly, eliminating one terrorist after another with impressive efficiency. His SAS training, combined with his experience in Black Ops missions, made him an unstoppable force.

"Do you see this?" Deeks asked, his eyes wide, peering through the long-range binoculars. "This guy... he's not human."

Kensi, beside him, was equally impressed, but with a proud smile on her lips. — He's Ghost. Now I understand why they call him that.

"Callen, Sam," Deeks called over the radio. "Harry practically cleaned the place out by himself."

"That doesn't surprise me," Callen replied, not taking his eyes off the target. "The guy's a living legend."

As the team watched Harry end the last stand against a group of terrorists, the mission was successfully completed. With the location secured, the team went inside to do the final check. Harry, still calm and unfazed, helped with the last procedures and made sure all the necessary information was collected before closing.

When everything was settled, Harry approached Kensi as the team gathered.

"Good work today, Kensi," he said, with that easygoing charm that left her a little disconcerted.

Kensi, not missing the opportunity, smiled. "You too. It's not every day I see someone take out an entire terrorist cell practically by himself."

Harry made a discreet gesture, as if it were no big deal.

"When you're in the SAS, it's what's expected of us."

Before he walked away, Harry paused.

"Actually, I was thinking… how about dinner tonight? Somewhere quieter, just the two of us."

Kensi arched an eyebrow, surprised by the proposal.

"Dinner?" She smiled, accepting the idea. "I think I can make time for that."

"Great," Harry replied, giving her a sincere smile. "I know a fancy place. I'll meet you there at eight."

 The restaurant was one of the most upscale in Los Angeles, a low-key place but frequented by the city's elite. Kensi arrived first, feeling a little anxious. She was wearing an elegant dress, something more refined than her usual business attire. As she waited, she looked around, taking in the upscale ambiance.

She was unprepared for what came next.

When Harry walked in, the entire restaurant seemed to stop for a moment. He was wearing a perfectly tailored suit, clearly haute couture, that highlighted his impeccable physique. On his wrist, a luxurious Patek Philippe watch glinted subtly in the soft lighting of the room. His steps were firm, his posture confident. Everyone in the restaurant was watching him, as if a movie star had just walked in.

Kensi's mouth fell open, unable to hide her admiration. If James Bond were real, he would be Harry, she thought to herself as she watched him approach.

Harry smiled when he saw her, noticing her look of surprise.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Kensi smiled back, still enchanted. "Not at all. You look... incredible."

"And you look stunning," Harry said, with that natural British charm that made her blush slightly.

They sat at the table, the atmosphere between them light and relaxed. Dinner flowed with impressive ease. They talked about their careers, their lives, and Harry, despite being someone who lived between dangerous missions and military secrets, proved to be a warm and attentive person. Kensi felt a growing connection between them, something she hadn't expected so quickly.

As dinner progressed, they laughed and chatted like old friends. The chemistry was undeniable. As dinner came to a close, Harry leaned in slightly, his eyes meeting Kensi's with an intensity that made her heart race.

"You know," Harry began, his voice low and soft, "I didn't plan on it, but... I guess I'm surprising myself with how much I've enjoyed being here with you."

Kensi laughed lightly, but before she could respond, Harry leaned in a little closer, and without hesitation, they kissed. The kiss was soft, but filled with a connection that neither could deny.

When the kiss broke, Kensi smiled, her eyes shining. "I think that says a lot."

Harry smiled back, the same sparkle in his eyes. "Maybe we can make it work, even from a distance."

"I'd love to try," Kensi replied.

With that, they parted. Harry walked her to the door. Before saying goodbye, they exchanged one more kiss, which made Kensi feel that perhaps this was the beginning of something special.

"I'll be in London, but nothing a plane can't fix," Harry said, giving her one last smile before leaving. "See you soon, Kensi."

"See you soon, Harry," she replied, watching him leave, already missing him.

As he disappeared into the Los Angeles night, Kensi couldn't help but think that, amidst the chaos of work and distance, something truly incredible had begun.