Chapter 54 – The Mission in Moscow

The discreet sound of notifications echoed in Harry's private office in London. He was reviewing the reports of a recent mission when his work cell phone vibrated on the table. He quickly glanced at the screen and saw a coded message coming directly from MI6. The sender was none other than M, the enigmatic and powerful head of the British intelligence service.

"Come to headquarters immediately. Priority operation. Moscow. We need you. - M."

Harry, always prepared, put aside the reports, quickly dressed in an impeccable dark suit and left his house with a calm and determined expression. He had already become accustomed to these sudden and mysterious calls. He knew that when M summoned him directly, it was something extremely important and delicate.

Minutes later, he arrived at MI6 headquarters, a modern and imposing structure in the heart of London. As he entered, he quietly greeted a few agents he had worked with before, but then headed straight for M's office. The translucent glass door swung open automatically as he approached, revealing M sitting at her desk, her expression serious.

"Harry, come in," M said bluntly. "We have a situation that requires your unique skill set."

He approached, standing in front of the desk, ever watchful and observant.

"What do we have?"

M handed him a file, the title "Operation Sokol" emblazoned on the cover.

"There is information that a terrorist cell is planning something big in Moscow, something that could destabilize global relations and put many lives at risk. We think it may be related to highly advanced biological weaponry. The FSB and SVR are completely blind, and that's no surprise. They don't trust their own shadows."

She paused, watching Harry's reactions.

— Your mission is simple: infiltrate Moscow, locate the source of this information and prevent this attack from happening. Your cover will be as a corporate security consultant, specialized in international risk analysis. You will have to enter a closed circle of Russian oligarchs involved in illicit business and arms trafficking. They are the main financiers of this attack.

Harry leafed through the dossier as he listened to M. He had worked on similar operations before, but the level of complexity and the geopolitical situation made this mission especially delicate.

"And who is the contact?" Harry asked, without taking his eyes off the document.

M leaned back in his chair, his eyes sharp.

"Your main contact target is Nikolai Voronin, a businessman and former member of the FSB. He is deeply involved in criminal activities and has ties to the terrorist cell. He believes he is untouchable, which makes him dangerous. You must gain his trust, discover his plans and neutralize him if necessary.

Harry closed the file and looked at M.

"When should I leave?"

"Tonight." M stood up, walking to the window. "There's a private jet ready for you at Heathrow. Your support will be limited, but I trust your abilities. And, Harry, this operation cannot fail. We're dealing with something much bigger than ordinary terrorism. If this bioweapon is activated, the effects could be catastrophic for Europe."

Harry nodded and gave a slight smile.

"I consider it done."

M turned to him, his serious expression softening slightly.

"Good luck, Ghost. We know you're the right man for this."

Hours later, Harry was on board the private jet flying directly to Moscow. The interior of the plane was immaculate, with a soft glow of lights and an ambiance of discreet luxury. He reviewed the plan again in his mind. Disguises, lies, manipulations… they were all part of the game, but what really mattered was the action on the field. And he had mastered this like no other.

The plane landed smoothly at Sheremetyevo International Airport, and Harry was met by a local British intelligence contact, who handed him new documents, identification, and a brief update on the situation.

"Voronin will be attending a gala tomorrow night at the Bolshoi Theatre. Your entry is already secured," the agent said as Harry received the fake passport.

"What about the terrorist group?" Harry asked as he got into the car that would take him to the hotel.

"They're making moves, but we still don't know who exactly is behind the funding. Our guess is that Voronin has deep connections, but he never gets his hands dirty. That's where you get in."

Harry nodded, processing all the information.

When he arrived at the hotel, he quickly prepared for the next day's mission. His mind was already focused on every detail. Moscow was a vibrant city, but at the same time, it was dangerous for those on the wrong side of the conspiracies. Voronin was not the kind of man who dealt well with betrayal or failure.

Harry began to night was spent in a state of silent alert, his training keeping him ready for any eventuality. He knew this mission would be a dangerous game, but nothing he hadn't faced before.

The next night, Harry arrived at the event at the Bolshoi Theatre. Dressed in a perfectly tailored tuxedo, he blended in easily with the Russian elite in attendance. His eyes watched every movement, every suspicious exchange of glances, until he spotted Nikolai Voronin at the center of attention, surrounded by his bodyguards and allies.

Harry approached slowly, his plan beginning to take shape. The real operation was only just beginning.