Chapter 55 – The Ghost in Moscow

The night was at its height at the Bolshoi Theatre, and the elegant and opulent surroundings masked the imminent danger. Harry, impeccably dressed in his tuxedo, watched Nikolai Voronin with watchful eyes, moving with the precision and calm of a predator in search of his prey. The man he needed to infiltrate, deceive and eventually neutralize stood in the center of the room, surrounded by allies and bodyguards, feeling invulnerable.

Harry blended in perfectly with the Russian elite, acting with a naturalness that allowed him to go unnoticed. He knew that this part of the mission required patience and control, something he mastered like a true ghost.

As Voronin exchanged greetings and laughter with his guests, Harry noticed the presence of a woman beside him—Anya Petrovna, known in the underworld as one of the biggest arms dealers in Europe. She was also a key player in financing the terrorist groups planning the biological attack. His connection with Voronin now made perfect sense.

Harry waited for the perfect moment to approach the group, taking advantage of a lull in the conversation. He pretended to be just another foreign investor interested in Russia's private security business.

"Mr. Voronin, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," Harry said, extending his hand with a fake smile.

Voronin, although suspicious, accepted the greeting.

"And you are?"

"Jonathan Myers, international security consultant. I've heard a lot about your operations here in Moscow, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to meet in person. I work with several corporations looking to expand their security services abroad," Harry replied, perfectly aligned with his disguise.

Voronin kept his gaze fixed on Harry for a few seconds, trying to discern anything out of the ordinary. But Harry was an impenetrable wall.

"Ah, yes... I've heard of your company, Mr. Myers. Perhaps we can discuss some business soon," Voronin replied, with a calculated smile. Meanwhile, Anya Petrovna watched Harry with silent interest, perhaps suspecting something, but not making a move.

After exchanging a few formalities, Harry walked away, knowing that he had already planted the seed of doubt and enough for Voronin to remember him. The initial phase of the infiltration was complete, but he needed something more tangible.

With the help of his local intelligence team, Harry managed to hack into the communication network of Voronin's bodyguards, discovering that a private meeting would take place that very night at a secret location on the outskirts of Moscow. It was there that he would learn more about the biological attack.

Hours later, Harry stood outside an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, where Voronin and Anya were scheduled to meet. The temperature had dropped dramatically, and the biting cold of the Russian night added an element of urgency to the mission. Harry was dressed in a black suit, adapted for stealth operations, and watched the warehouse from afar, waiting for the right moment to act.

He saw Voronin and his henchmen's armored cars approaching, parking in front of the building. Voronin, Anya, and a few other associates got out of their vehicles and entered the building, while bodyguards took up positions around them.

Using the darkness and his ability to move unseen, Harry slipped through the snow, silently eliminating two of the guards patrolling outside. He quickly entered the warehouse, making his way through the hallways until he found a large room where Voronin and Anya were discussing the details of the attack with the terrorist he had come to stop.

"The weapon will be ready in 48 hours," the terrorist said in Russian, as he pointed to a map of the city of St. Petersburg, the likely target of the attack.

Harry, hiding in the shadows, knew that this was the decisive moment. He would need to act quickly and neutralize everyone there before they could escape. With almost superhuman precision, he moved through the shadows to the ideal point of attack. In a matter of seconds, he drew his silenced weapon and began taking down the enemies one by one, without hesitation.

Voronin was the last to realize what was happening. When he realized it, it was already too late. Harry was already in front of him, the gun pointed at his head.

"Who the hell are you?!" Voronin shouted, terrified.

Harry smiled coldly.


With Voronin immobilized and the biological attack averted, Harry knew he had accomplished his mission. He had disabled the systems on site, destroyed the weapon's plans, and arrested the survivors. The terrorist cell had been neutralized, and the biological threat had been eliminated.

Back in London, Harry was in M's office, reporting on the mission's success.

"Good job, Ghost. As always, you delivered impeccable results," she said.

Harry remained serious, always focused on the next challenge.

"What's the next mission?"

M smiled slightly, already knowing Harry's tireless spirit.

"Rest for now. But I'm sure something new will come up very soon. The world never stops."

Harry left M's office, walking through the streets of London with the calm air of someone who had lived and survived chaos, once again.