Jake woke up the next morning and rushed to the bathroom.

He looked in the mirror and concentrated hard. The darkness began to appear again. But it wasn't so dark. It hard a blue glow around it.

Checking to see if it was all a dream eh?"

It was Zack his roommate. He got up earlier to get ready for work. Well work at his entirely different job. Thanks to the events of yesterday, Jake now knew Zack's real job

Fighting crime as the Expanding man, a persona which still had a stupid name, with the ability to expand any part of his body at will. He was a Muman who used his ability to fight crime. Jake on the other hand was a different story.

He was now a shadow being, an alien creature with multiple abilities at his disposal. He has the capacity to be the greatest threat the earth has ever faced.

Yet he's using it to play a superhero. No, that didn't sound right, he's using it to help people anyway he can and being a superhero was the best option he could think of.

He'd be dead by now if Captain Rocket, Zack's boss, didn't listen to his proposition. And if he doesn't live up to it, he's a goner.

Prove himself useful or die.

That was it. Nothing more, nothing less. Jake felt a new chapter of his life had opened.

Might as well jump in.

Three hours later, Jake and Zack were walking on the sidewalk in civilian clothes with Jake wearing a blue jacket, jeans and white sneakers and Zack wearing a grean sweat shirt and shorts with sandals.

Where are we going?" Jake asked Zack.

Your store"Zack replied

For what? I thought we were gonna fight crime or rescue a kitty from a tree or something."

Whoa now partner! Slow down! We gotta give you a costume and a codename."

Partner, Jake liked the sound of that. It certainly beats being called a sidekick. Jake would really hate that. Another thing Jake would hate is going around being called something stupid.

Codename? You mean like your trashy nickname?"

Hey my codename is awesome! You should see the looks on the villains faces when they hear it! They're terrified!"

No I think they're trying to hide their laughter. Like I'm doing right now and lemme tell ya, it's a losing battle. Expanding man! Ha!"

Keep laughing like that and I'll give you a name even worse you maggot!"

That voice was grimey and deep, like a middle aged dad... Or an out of his prime superhero. It was Captain Rocket posing as Jake's boss, Mr Buford, the grumpy old manager of this cruddy old convenience store.

He was just unlocking the doors to the place when he noticed Jake and Zack approaching. And making enough noise to wake up the whole neighborhood.

Hey boss. What's up?"

Hey Jake! Don't be so informal on your first day! Captain Rocket sir! Expanding man reportimg for duty!"

At that moment, Mr Buford stopped unlocking the doors and walked over to Zack.

To give him the slap of his life.

Aaaak! What was that for sir?"

You're lucky I didn't reset your brain you idiot! We're not inside and you're already shouting all this nonsense! Infront of people no less"

Heh, that's my superhero expert for you. Ha!" Jake said, smirking.

I'm s.. sorry sir, it won't happen again."

It better not. Oh and Jake, I'm good bro. Word of advice though, if you ever meet another more experienced super, don't talk so casually."

I hear you old man."

Eh?!!" Zack exclaimed.

What's wrong with you?"

W..well sir, how come Jake gets friendly advice while I get chewed out,? Wouldn't it be fair if.."

Jake got friendly advice because he didn't go blabbering nonsense that could expose our secret identities. Now enough lollygagging, let's go inside and start the show.

While Mr Buford unlocked the door, Jake gave Zack the finger and the two began violently (And quietly of course.) raining insults on each other.

What a bunch of children." Mr Buford thought ,"But I can't help but be reminded of me and Austin back in the day. Captain Rocket and Hawk knight.Good times".

Mr Buford's reminiscing came to a close when the door finally opened and the trio entered the store.

Then immediately after entering, Mr Buford put on the closed sign and locked all windows and doors.

Now let's begin."

Begin what?"

Getting your costume and codename."

The thought of just running around in tights shouting nonsense terrified Jake .

He needed to get out of this.

Hey why do I need to do this? Can't I cover myself in darkness when I fight?"

Do you WANT to die?" Captain Rocket said while pinning Jake to the wall.

Eh.. am I supposed to say no here?"

Of course not! How would you feel if a shadow were to be running around town saving people? Wouldn't you kill it?!"

That's when Jake realized he was no longer just a human. He was a monster and society feared him. If he couldn't use his shadow powers? How was he going to help people?

Was living all for nothing?

Luckily I have good news!"


Thanks to the unstable nature of the darkness inside you, your body has manifested it's own ability!

So you mean.."

Yep! You're some new kind of Muman Jake!

Damn. So what kind of ability to I have?"

You'll find out once you get your codename and costume alright?"

Ugh fine whatever! So where are we going anyway? This store isn't exactly a good looking base

Well my boy, this convenience store is not what it seems." Mr Buford said, and he took the two to the store room.

Seems like just a store room to me. Please don't tell me this is our secret base or something."

C'mon Jake! Don't you have a sense of adventure? Of course it isn't." Zack said enthusiastically.

That's when Mr Buford turned towards Zack and gave him another slap on the head.

Aaaak! What was that for?"

Of course he knew that! He was just playing along! Couldn't you have at least try to follow suit?."

Jake then gave Zack another middle finger and the two started fighting again.( Very quietly of course!).

Meanwhile, Mr Buford pressed a button and the store room walls transformed into wood.

They were now in an empty wooden room.

Hey you brats! I recommend not playing around in here otherwise you'll suffer the worst case of motion sickness you've ever had."

But they weren't listening.

Hmmf, their funerals."

And at the push of a button, they were heading to their destination. How you ask? Well it turns out this wooden room was in fact an elevator. Captain Rocket's base, well not really his base, was the destination.

I'm sure you're wondering how I managed to fit a giant elevator along with an entire base under a convenience store. Well I can't tell you since it ain't mine." Captain Rocket said.

But they couldnt hear him. They were too busy screaming. It wasn't a surprise though since the elevator was moving faster than the speed of a race car at full velocity. They were even floating.

However, Captain Rocket ignored their screams and kept on talking.

Yep, it may come as a shock to you but this ain't mine. It belongs to a certain super friend of mine. Well retired super friend. I believe youce heard of him. He is..uh.. was the Hawk knight."

The elevator finally reaches the final floor, a large circular lair with the walls covered in literal wood which all extend to secret tunnels.

The main hall however had a giant supercomputer of the X generation brand. It's currently illegal all over the world.And operating that computer was the Hawk knight himself. Well he was enjoying a nice can of worms while squaring on his chair.

To him that was the life.

But the strange thing about all of it was that everything was made of wood.

This was The Nest. Hawk Knight's lair.

Damn you Buford you moronic asshole! I told you never to call me that! My name is Austin now."

And as everyone could see he had reached rock bottom.

And I'm a human being! C'mon Aussy! You can't separate yourself from that name. It's who you are."

Correction! It's who I was!"

The *was* wasn't an understatement there. Austin who went from being a tall muscular imposing figure covered in birdlike armor was now a sad decrepit middle aged man who looked like he couldn't even hurt a fly.

Wait, so I'm supposed to believe that's the Hawk knight? The Super Zack has always been gushing over?"

I was never gushing over him!"

I can see wh...."

But before Jake could finish his sentence, the man rushed towards him and grabbing his shoulder and ankle, pinned him down to the ground and nearly broke his arm.

Buford? Wow is this?"

That my dear friend is Jake! The third member of the new Danger Squad!"

WHAT!!?" Austin, Jake and Zack said in unison.

This has to be some sick joke Buford. You're trying to mess with me right?" Austin said, with an alarmed shaking expression. Zack was obviously shocked and Jake noticed it.

Hey Zack my man, what's with the face? You look nervous." Jake whispered.

S..sorry Jake. It's just...I've never seen Austin so distressed before. He's always so calm and collected so why is this phasing him so much?" Zack replied nervously.

Because it's the biggest insult someone like him can give to me."

Austin?! You know I wouldn't.."

That's what I thought too." Austin said then he faced Jake and Zack.

You two must have put him up to this right? Well you should know what you're getting into. There was only one Danger Squad and this will never be it."

Wh..what do you mean?" Zack asked, he was confused because although he was an expert on supers, he had never heard of the Danger Squad.

I'm sure you've never heard of us even though you're supposed to be a super expert. Well let me tell you. The Danger Squad is an elite team of supers that go for the more dangerous and controversial missions. Missions that aren't supposed to reach the public eye."

So you fight behind the scenes?" Zack asked, curious about the nature of what he was getting into.

We fight the good fight so society won't be as dangerous as it was before.

Well shiiiiiíiiiiiiiit. I really don't give a damn here!"

J..Jake what are you saying?" Zack asked nervously worried about Jake's sudden brash to him.

What I'm saying is who gives a damn what the team does? All I want to know is, do I get to help people?"

Of course! The Danger Squad helps those who don't have to voice to call for help. Those who society deems unfit to need help. To us, everyone is equal."

It's settled then." That's when Jake grabs Austin's arm and forces him into a handshake.

I'm joining this team."

Jake couldn't believe what he was doing. Everything he did today goes against his timid nature. Could the Baron be taking over? Or could it be his true self?

Whatever it was, he liked it. He felt more free to express his opinion, and what opinions he had!

What kind of nutjob are you pairing me with Buford?"

Why so shocked Austin? Isn't he more like her?"

That's when Austin began to lose his cool.

Speaking of her, C'mon Jake, I gotta show you something."

Captain Rocket and Jake then head to one of the hidden rooms and thanks to branches made by the wood, they are pulled away.

Austin wondered where they were going for a second and then he realized.

And he was horrified.

In a wooden room filled with display cases of the same wooden material, there were 5 costumes of display. Captain Rocket had his eye on one in particular.

This is the Blur,a super able to run and fight with superspeed. She and her teammates, White wolf, Ace Diamond light (leaving out Hawk knight) died in the line of duty. On behalf of her, I transfer this costume and the codename, the Blur to you Jake.

The was a loud silence...

Do I have to wear such a lame suit?

Buford looked at Jake and he was appalled. He raised his hand instinctively and...


It was Austin and he was furious.

How dare you Buford! Not only do you shame the squad by bringing this asshole here but you also shame Kara for even suggestion he taking the mantle of the Blur. You disgust me."


Austin then spat on Buford and began to rain insults on him .

That is, until Jake intervened.

Hey man, who said I'm even interested in having a dumb costume like that!"

At that moment, Austin pinned Jake to the wall.Give me one good reason why I shouldn't break you apart.

There was a loud silence

Until there wasn't,when Jake started laughing.

Why are you laughing?! Answer me!!"

Hehehe.. sorry but do you think this person whose costume you're trying to protect would really give a damn about what you're doing right now?"

Of course she.."

That's when Kara' s last words hit him ..before their final mission.

Austin please, if anything happens here,

forget about me."

Austin let Jake go and started walking away.

Austin? Zack asked, feeling concerned.

Don't worry Zack, I'm fine but Buford..About this new Danger Squad you're forming..."

Yeah Austin?"

Keep me out of it.

To be continued...