Hmmm.. well he's a little grumpy. Don't worry though, that won't stop us from our goal." Captain Rocket said, trying to lighten the mood but judging by the silence, it wasn't working.

Ok let's see Jake's ability in action shall we?"

How are we supposed to do that when   you don't even tell me my ability?"

Oh come on. Where's the fun in that? Now let me show you something."

Wait are we going to where I think we're going?"Zack said enthusiastically.

You bet."

Jake put on the costume. It was a black and blue spandex suit with a face mask which had goggles with horns on top.

After a long walk through the nest, we entered a giant empty room made of wood.

This is the Birdcage. Pretty, isn't it?" Captain Rocket said. Zack was impressed even though he's already been here multiple times but Jake was just confused.

So how is this supposed to tell me what my powers are?"

You'll find out soon enough." Captain Rocket said as he quickly left the room. The door to the room which was the only exit closed suddenly.

Hey what's going on?" Jake asked.

The fun isn't for me." Jake heard Captain Rocket's voice but couldn't see him. Zack and Jake were now trapped.

Ok, time for your first round of training."


Ooh Jake! You're gonna love this!"

Oh yeah! I love being trapped and have nothing explained to me! This is great!"

C'mon Jake. Sarcasm won't help you here."

Well maybe telling me what's going on will. Don't you think old man?"

Oh that's boring. How about I show you."

Suddenly, the room began to change shape right before their eyes and now they were in the sky. Standing on clouds.

W..what the..? How did we get here?Where's the room? How are we standing on clouds?" Jake asked confused.

We're still in the room Jake except now it's simulated a cloudy environment.

But it feels so real."

That's because the room isn't just simulating the environment, it becomes the environment." Captain Rocket said from outside the room via radio. He was annoyed Zack tried to explain the room before him.

"I've asked the room to create clouds in the sky  you can stand on. A fun environment isn't it?"

Well I guess." Jake said, not really impressed but still pretty confused.

Oh c'mon Jake! You're no fun. We're literally standing on clouds here!" Zack shouted, trying to impress Jake.

Oh don't get me wrong, this is pretty cool but I still don't see how I'll get to know my abilities here."

Well Mr killjoy, here you go." Captain Rocket said, slightly annoyed by Jake's lack of enthusiasm.

That's when some tiny clouds floated out of the the larger clouds they were standing on.

What's this supposed to be? Is  my ability to manipulate clouds?"

Oh no, but these clouds will help you find out what it actually is. Now...BEGIN!"

Once Captain Rocket shouted that, the clouds began to darken and sparks of lightning began to appear in them."

Wait why are they.."


Aak!What the hell?!"

The cloud shot lightning at Jake and it was a direct hit which sent Jake flying.

I suggest you stop talking and start dodging."

And again, once Captain Rocket said that, the clouds began to shoot lightning at both Zack and Jake.

W..wait sir, why am I getting shot? Isn't Jake the one we're trying to test here?" Zack said as he began dodging the lightning with his expanding ability, which allowed him to maneuver past the bolts with ease by constantly growing and shrinking his body.

Consider this punishment for explaining the room' s ability before me. Plus it's to keep you on your toes my boy. Now keep dodging."

Jake on the other hand was struggling to dodge the bolts of lightning but soon, the more they struck him, the faster he got and now, he was dodging them with extreme ease. Now he was running around them room with extreme speed.

So this is my ability? Superspeed? I like it!"

Well not exactly. But I can see you're getting comfortable here. How about I turn up the difficulty?"

That's when a giant egg suddenly popped out of the cloud below them.

Oh no." Zack said, terrified. Jake noticed it and was suspicious.

What's this supposed to be old man?"

Oh, let's call it the final boss."

Then the egg began to crack out of it came, a clone of Captain Rocket! Made completely out of egg yolk!

Pretty handsome don't you think?"

So we're supposed to fight it right?"

I don't know. You tell me."

Suddenly, the eyes of the clone began to glow red and the clone pounced on Jake faster than he could react.

Just when the clone was about to punch Jake, Zack expanded his hand's length and used it to grab Jake and pull him out of harm's way.

W..what the? I could have sworn I was faster than that thing! How come I didn't see it coming?"

Sir isn't this a bit extreme?" Zack said as he began trying to escape the clone.

Of course not! This is the best way for Jake to figure out his ability. And I suggest you don't get distracted."



Zack!" Jake shouted as Zack was sent flying.

While he was distracted, the clone snuck up on Zack and gave him a nasty blow to the head which sent him flying across the room and knocking him out. With a flying fist!

It used Captain Rocket's ability to shoot his fist out of his hand like a literal rocket!

Now it was just Jake and the clone.

H..hey man've only been alive for a few seconds. You wouldn't want to waste it on attacking me would you?"

Give it up Jake! It can't be negotiated with. Now my handsome lookalike, knock him out!"

That's when the clone began to attack Jake. Luckily Jake started dodging and the more he dodged the faster he got.

Could my speed be affected by my movement?"Jake thought but soon he realized his slight speed buff wasn't enough.

The clone managed to smack Jake across the room.

Jake was wincing in a lot of pain. But soon he began to glow... some sort of blue light radiated from him. And his body became... Blurry.

Somehow, from the hit, Jake felt not only pain, but he felt much stronger, and faster.

That's when he had an idea what his ability was. But he needed to prove it.

And it was going to hurt.

Jake then ran towards the clone and let it him him across the room again.

It hurt like hell. But it was worth it. The blue light he emitted began to glow even brighter.

He felt even stronger and much much faster.

That's when Jake realized what his ability was and decided to use it.

When the clone was approaching him for another hit, Jake disappeared.


The clone was hit across the face and saw a blue streak of light moving around it at incredible speed and then...


It seemed the more the blue streak ran, the faster it got and it was so fast the clone couldn't register it and turned to Captain Rocket for help.

Aah, I see he's learning fast. Let's make the lesson a little harder shall we?"

Captain Rocket then summoned a multitude of clouds to chase Jake down but Jake only smiled at them and stood still.

The clouds all struck him with lightning but once the smoke cleared...

Jake was still standing.

Captain Rocket was confused until he realized Jake's plan.

Jake then used his superspeed to run to the clone and before it could react, Jake jumped into the air and and tightened his fist which began to glow even brighter...

You know, if you had just listened to me, this wouldn't be happening."


Jake punched the clone so hard it collapsed into egg yolk.

It was over. Jake had won.

Damn that was amazing!"

It was Zack and he was awake.

What the..? I thought that thing knocked you out!"

Y..yeah, I pretended to be knocked out so ..uh.. you'd be able to understand your ability without my interference."

Yeah, sure. Whatever you say man."

Woah I'm serious dude! It's not like I was scared or anything! A..anyway, you figured out your ability right? What is it?"

Well I think I can absorb movement."


Yup. The more I move or something moves around me, the stonger I get. Plus my speed boosts, like mad. I also think when I get attacked, my ability absorbs the movement from it and improves my stats. So the faster I run, the faster I become. It's pretty busted to me."

That explains the superspeed after getting hit. I don't know though, I don't think it's movement."

Then what do you think it is?"

Kinetic energy."

It was Captain Rocket. He'd just entered the Birdcage and was very impressed by Jake's performance.

Especially since this is the first time using his new ability.

Kinetic energy?"

Yes. Your ability allows you to absorb, store and direct kinetic energy to various aspects of your body. Like strength, speed,


So I can make myself smarter with kinetic energy?"

Stronger, faster, more agile, everything you need to fight  you can get it through kinetic energy.

Wow, with this ability, I'd be a great help. This is awesome."

Yes, now for your codename.

Oh that...ugh... Please don't give me a stupid name like my expanding friend over here." Jake teased, pointing to Zack.

Hey Expanding man is a great name! Right Captain Rocket?"

Uh y..yeah. But I've decided to name you after the super whose costume your wearing.

Oh yeah, what was her name again... The Blur? So what? I'll be called the Smudge?

Yes... wait no! From henceforth you shall forever be known as The Blue Blur! I'm sure you know why."

Let me guess. It's because that's all you see when I'm running right? That's why you call me that?"

Actually I was gonna say I remodelled your costume and made it blue but your idea is much better."

Oh come on sir! With all due respect I believe that name is much dumber than Expanding man!" Zack said, annoyed.

Oh so you do think Expanding man is a dumb name?!" Jake teased.

W ...what? No! I was just...

That's when the two began arguing like children again and Captain Rocket watched them, feeling nostalgic.

He remembered those days with Hawk knight, with the rest of the Danger Squad.

Before The Genesis incident.

Before Ace came along.

That's when he received a call.

Ah! It's the Super Society! It seems I'll have to leave you here and attend to this. Meanwhile, how about some more training eh? Birdcage, initiate level 2!"

Wait did he say level 2?" Zack said, completely terrified.

Then behind them, more clouds started appearing along with three more eggs.

Good luck" Captain Rocket said as he bolted out of the room and locking them in.

C'mon Zack, we don't need luck" Jake said as he began to glow blue.

W.. whatever you say buddy.. hehe" Zack gave a nervous laughter.

And their training continued.

But we won't be talking about that.

Canman what's your emergency." Captain Rocket said as he talked to the hologram that appeared from his spectable phone(patent pending) outside the Birdcage.

Who was Canman? He was the leader of The Super Society, the greatest super team in the world, the team Captain Rocket was a part of.

The team Hawk knight was also part of before he formed the Danger Squad.

I need you and Hawk knight here immediately Captain.

What? Why? Hawk knight retired after the Genesis incident. You know that!"

Yes, I know. And getting him involved hurts more than you think. We were friends after all." Canman said in a soft tone.

Then why get him involved in the first place?" Captain Rocket said, feeling angry.

Because Ace is alive, and we have him here."

To be continued...