The Hawk moved at incredible speed over the Atlantic ocean.

That was the name of Hawk Knight's jet, which he and Captain Rocket were using to travel to the Super Society base to see a spy the Super Society uncovered.

Captain Rocket was a member of the Super Society so it was only natural for him to come, but Hawk knight? What was his reason?

One word, Ace.

When the Danger Squad was first formed, there were only 6 members, Hawk knight, the Blur, Diamond light, Claw, and of course, Ace who they were going to see now.

Don't get me wrong Buford, I'm only coming to see Ace. Not your asshole friends." Austin said.

They aren't my friends Austin, I only know them as acquaintances. Nothing more."

What about Canman."

Oh please, the less said about him the better."

Hawk knight gave a concerned look which was hard to tell since he was in his armor. It had been two whole years since he wore it.

Since his friends died.

And his helmet didn't really give much room for expression.

But Captain Rocket could see it.

Austin was terrified.

Austin? You ok man?" you think he regrets what he did?"

I don't know. Maybe? The real question is why he'd do such a gosh darn thing in the first place. You all were family. You lived together, trained together. All of that.Hell, he was even in love with Diamondlight so why would he... Kill the Danger Squad?"

Well we're about to find out." Austin said as the two neared the Super island, the secret base of the Super Society.

This island was unreachable by radar or any means of tracking for that matter. Only those with clearance like the President of the Commonwealth itself or designated members could come here.

So it makes sense Ace got in since he used to be a member before he joined the Danger Squad.

And killed them.

But what was he doing here. Well, it didn't matter to Hawk knight. It only mattered to make him answer for his crimes.

Back at the Birdcage, the room was littered with beaten down clones and exhausted clouds.

Hah...hah...W..why have they stopped?" Jake said panting.

I think we...hah.. finished level two since we...hah...hah..beat the clones." Zack said as he was also panting even more than Jake.

Oh man. I wanted to tussle some more. I just worked out a new move with my superspeed."

How do you still have so much energy? I'm beat!"

I think it's all the K.E I've still got in me. Makes me feel all pumped up. KE is kinetic energy by the way."

I know dude. I'm not dumb. I've noticed you've been a lot pumped up lately."

What do you mean? I feel the same."

Yeah you feel the same but you don't act the same. Your a lot less timid. More confident. Sure of yourself."

Well yeah. Because I am. My whole life I've never been sure what to do with myself. Now I know and I'm gonna make sure all my indecisiveness and nervousness disappears. The Jake you knew is gone buddy. Why? You miss him?"

Nah. I like this one better. Only problem is now you can diss me back. Now I gotta watch my back when I'm dissing you."

The two friends got into a series of laughter. It was great. Two friends who were similar but different. Determined to help people any way they could.

I just wish we could go into the field and help people for real."

C'mon Jake, have patience! You've only been through one session of training. On your first day! This isn't the time to jump into missions willy nilly."

I know and I don't wish anyone any harm but I wish an alarm for a mission would just blow already."

Yeah..hehe.. well what are the chances of that happenong?"

That's when the to young men heard a screech of a bird. That was Hawk Knight's alarm signal.

The two dashed to the main hall and Zack quickly accessed Hawk Knight's supercomputer.

Woah how do you manage to open that thing? For a futuristic supercomputer, I really thought it would have a password or something."

Oh it does. It's worms."

Oh.. ok, that's actually hilarious."

Well the joke's over because I just got a distress call from the Empire City slaughterhouse. It seems the employees are trapped in there with, well, God knows what and the police can't get in to save them."

Well then let's get a move on and catch the perp whose got them in there before those people get hurt. Wait, what are you doing?"

Just trying to see if I can use this baby to call Hawk knight. Wait a second..."

You wanna do what?!" The two friends shouted in unison.

I want to save the people." Jake said.

I want to call the professionals because we are clearly unqualified for this!" Zack said.

No way!" They also shouted in unison.

Look Jake, I know you're obsessed with proving yourself but we can't let your ego interfere with the safety innocent lives."

My ego?! Are you insane?! People are in danger and you wanna make this some soap opera? Listen Zack, I don't know what crack you're on but I'm gonna save those people from whatever it is that's trapped them because it's my job! You can come. Or you can call the professionals. Fine by me. But I'm leaving. Peace out."

That's when Jake dashed away. Zack was shocked. Jake was am entirely different person from just a few nights ago.

But now was not the time to worry about that. Now he needed to call the professionals.

What were they doing at the Super Island in the first place?

To be continued...