WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?!!" Major Payne, member of the Super Society shouted.

Who was he shouting at you ask?

It was Ace and he refused to answer any questions

Ace was being held in a prison cell found deep below the Super island and was being interrogated by the members of the Society. He was found on their island spying on them by a newbie hero called Sage so he was captured and the Society needed answers.

Especially on why he isn't dead.

Major Payne, Forest Fire, Dr White and their leader Canman were all present. They were waiting for Captain Rocket, another member, to bring Hawk knight, Ace's old friend.

It seems Ace wouldn't talk unless he was present. And it seems Major Payne had enough waiting.

He's not gonna respond Payne. Just wait for Cap to bring the bird guy already." Forest Fire said. As always she was Annoyed with Payne's usual aggression.

You really think the Cap is gonna convince that spineless birdbrain to come? Get real! Let's just beat the answers out of this prick!" Major Payne said, eager to attack Ace.

After all, Ace did kill his only son, Victor Claw.

Patience Payne! I know about your vendetta against Ace and I understand. But violence isn't the answer here. I know Ace and beating him up isn't gonna get him to talk." Canman, the leader of the team said, trying to convince his friend to stop.

Oh? Thats because we haven't tried more of it." Major Payne said as he raised his fist to punch Ace but it was stopped by Dr White.

He was the quiet one of the group but the most powerful super amongst them.

Maybe the most powerful Super in the whole world.

Payne stopped his advances and hung back. He needed to avoid fighting White.

Especially after what happened the last time they fought.

H..hey, when is Cap gonna bring that birdbrain here? We don't have all day!"

Don't worry, I don't have all day either."

It was Captain Rocket and he brought Hawk knight as intended.

Hawk knight my old friend how are.." Canman tried to greet Hawk knight but Hawk knight just ran past him to see Ace. Canman was a bit visibly annoyed.

Just let him have his moment Cammy." Forest Fire said, trying to comfort Canman. Seeing him annoyed made her feel anxious after all. Luckily, her mentioning his real name calmed him down. It always did.

Hawk knight held Ace and hugged him while he was tied up. No one could see it under the helmet but he was crying.

W..why did you do this? Why did you kill them! We were all your family! We loved you when no one else did so why?!" Austin asked his former friend, crying profusely under his helmet.

Uh Hawk knight..."

What Buford!? Can't you see I'm..huh?" Austin turned to look at Buford only to see a horrified face. In fact they were all having horrified faces. Except White who's face was more angry than horrified.

He turned back to Ace who wore a horrible smile from ear to ear.

Why are you smiling!? Are you happy you killed your family?! Are you?!"

But Ace merely broke into laughter. He sounded mad. That's when he began to melt.

They were all shocked.

Ace melted into a puddle of green liquid and everyone was confused. Until Dr White turned around and revealed his White Gun.

Then he shot at the wall several times changing the walls colour to white.

White! What are you doing?" Canman asked. Dr White merely pointed at the wall. That's when a silhouette of a person started to appear. It was also laughing.

What the hell is going on?!" Major Payne asked angry and confused.

Oh Payne, Payne, Payne! You were always metres short of a mile...Hehe.. can't blame you though. You Commonwealth government dogs are all the same."

That voice. It was a voice all these supers recognized and loathed. It was the voice of their worst enemy. An enemy thought to have been defeated long ago. Dr White's personal nemesis.

Mr E.

Well, it's good to see you all here. But I only wanted to see Hawk knight. He's my intended target. Why else would I have a clone of the man who murdered his best friends served to him on a silver platter..hehehhe!"

What kind of sick game are you playing you monster!?" Canman asked, feeling rage burn up inside of him.

Oh it's no game my friend, I just have a message for Hawk knight, my good chum! I didn't know where he lived so I simply planted this clone of Ace here to lure him!"

WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU FREAK!?"Hawk knight shouted, enraged at himself for having been made such a fool.

Oh just a little message my dear. It's pretty simple."

Beware the darkness that lurks within."

Now I must take my leave. Good day." Mr E said as he phased into the wall.

Oh no you don't!"

Major Payne tried to pounce on Mr E but he was long gone.

Search the perimeter! Alert any available Super on the island! We won't let him leave!" Canman commanded as the supers left the cell to pursue Mr E.

Captain Rocket and Hawk knight stayed behind.

The darkness...oh no..." Captain Rocket said, worried.

What's wrong?"

We need to get back to Empire City before it's to late!"

To be continued...