Jake used his superspeed to dash across the city in mere minutes. The more he ran, the faster he got but he still believed he wasn't fast enough.

He needed to save those people from whatever it is that's trapping them. However, since he was on the road, he was struggling to dodge all the cars and people. At this rate, he won't make it in time.

That was until heard a voice.

Why don't you run through the people my seed?"

W..what the hell?!" Jake thought as he questioned what the voice said more than the voice's presence itself.

Fine, it seems you are too soft. How about running on the roofs my seed?"

Ah thanks."

Jake obeyed the voice and ran on the roofs of buildings. Leeping from building to building. But wait, where did that voice come from?

From you..I mean me...hmm it seems explaining this will be more difficult than I previously perceived my seed."

Lemme guess, your the Baron inside my mind talking right?"

Ah it seems you are surprisingly correct my seed."

Hey! I made not be the smartest guy around but I'm not stupid alright?"

Noted, my seed."

And what's with the *my seed* business? I'm not a plant dude."

It call you that because you are my seed, my seed. Soon to mature into a mighty oak my seed. Soon, very soon my seed."

Well would you stop.. wait, we're here! But who are those guys?"

Jake had reached the slaughterhouse, but saw it was surrounded by police. A lot of police. More than six police cars and a heavy duty truck's worth of them.

Whatever's in there has gotta be a big threat if this many cops are around. Let's head over and lend a hand."

I would advise against that my seed."

Oh come on Barry! It's cool if I call you Barry right?

I am fine with whatever you call me but I do prefer being called the Baron my seed."

Well *Barry*, the cops are the good guys and I'm a good guy trying to help out so I'm sure they'll let me."

You are free to test your theory my seed."

It's not a theory, it's a fact. Now watch."

Jake then runs into the scene but is intercepted by two police officers.

Stop right there freak!" One of the officers commands Jake.

Hey guys come on! Your blocking the entrance here! How am I supposed to help( And prove my point) if you won't let me?

Cliff! What's going on here? Who's this costumed freak?" The chief of police Mrs. Manson said as she approached Jake and the police officer. She was a tall bulky woman with short yellow hair and a long overcoat. If it weren't for his powers, she would definitely beat Jake it a fight.

Uh I'd appreciate if you didn't use the "f" word please."

This *freak* was trying to get in the building and *help out*. My guess is he's working with that monster holding those people hostage.

No I'm not! I'm one of the good guys like you! Wait, did you say monster?"

That's none of your business! Whether or not you are a good guy, vigilantism is strictly banned in Empire City without prior permission from the mayor. Well have to take you in." The Chief said as she pulled out her handcuffs.

Oh about that uh..."

Immediately, Jake ran away a full speed.

Shoot him down! Don't let him get away!"

At the Chief's orders, the police began raining bullets on him but thanks to his superspeed and reflexes he managed to narrowly dodge them all and escape.

He then took the long route around the building to avoid them.

What the hell was that about?"

It seems your law enforcement is not in agreement with the concept of superheroes my seed."

I'm not a superhero! I'm just a guy trying to help out!"

Is there a difference my seed?"

Whatever! Let's just find another way to get into the building."

How about we use the front gate my seed?"

You got memory loss or something? The place is crawling with cops!"

I'm mean, what if we as you humans say *take them out*?"

Oh hell no! First you want me to run through people and now you want me to fight cops? You know what? How about you shut up! Ok?"


There. Much better. Now how am I gonna get in.. maybe there's a back door around here or..."


Suddenly a giant mouth spouted out the building and consumed Jake. Just when some police men were checking to back to investigate the noice, the mouth disappeared as quickly as it came.

All the policemen could here was a small sadistic giggle.

Come on! Come on! Why aren't they picking up?!"

It was Zack back in the Nest. He tried his best to contact Captain Rocket and Hawk knight but to no avail. That's when he realized...

I have no choice. Jake is out there facing God knows what and I'm here trying to call the other supers. I'm a super too damnit!"

That's when Zack's phone got a message.

It was his girlfriend Paulina.

She was just as nerdy and fun loving as him so they made a great couple. She was also aware that Zack was a super along with his job at the Empire City news channel.


You seen the news lately?"

She then sent a link to the Empire City news channel and Zack clicked on it and watched.

This is Amy Armstrong here at the Empire City news! This just in, a mysterious assailant has taken over the Sleezy Sam Slaughterhouse and is holding all the employees hostage."

I'm getting word the police were attacked by another assailant who is rumored to be the previous assailant's accomplice.

However he escaped the police before capture. All this reporter wonders is, who are these assailants and what do they want with a slaughterhouse of all things?!"

After seeing the story, Zack knew he had to intervene. Especially now that Jake has been painted as an accomplice."

He then receives another text.

You know the new guy?"

It's a long story "

Tell me later. What are you gonna do?"

My job"

Kk! I'll heat dinner and send to your place later."

Luv ya. Bye!"

Then Zack headed out to help Jake.

Speaking of which...

Jake woke up in a dark room which smelled like shit. Literal shit.

Where am I"

It seems your in someone's digestive system my seed."

This is no time for jokes Barry."

Turn on your blue light and see if what I say is a mere jest."

Jake did so and saw he was in a tunnel covered in a soft flesh like substance. It really felt like he was in someone's digestive system.

H..how did I get here?"

You were eaten by a giant mouth my seed."

Why didn't you tell me?!" Jake shouted angrily.

May I remind you that you were the one who commanded me to shut up my seed?"

Oh well I didn't mean it! I was just pissed off. That's all. I'm was just really not into the whole murdering stuff you were saying."

Listen my seed. Be very careful of what you say. I am not some artificial intelligence. I am..uh.. was a living being with thoughts and emotions and you shall treat me as such my seed. Me helping you out is only out of pity my seed! Remember that my seed!"

Hehe.. kinda hard to take you seriously with all that *my seed* talk."

What was that my seed?"

Hehe.. nothing. Look I'm sorry and all that ok? Let's just focus on the task at hand."

Noted my seed. Now I believe it's time we find out more about our new surroundings. I do not believe this is how a human slaughterhouse looks like."


So Jake used his superspeed to run all over the place but the more distance he covered, the more lost he became.

Ah! This place is a giant maze! We'll never get outta here!"


I was a nearby woman and she was screaming. Instinctively Jake ran to the the scene, using his super hearing to trace the woman's location.

Wait my seed! We must assess the situation before just running in there!"

Sorry Barry but someone is in danger and I can't waste time here!"

This heroic need to protect others will be the death of you my seed."

There's nothing heroic about this! It's my duty as a person to do the right thing. That's what I'm doing. And about my death, let's hope I save that lady first!"

Jake reaches the woman and sees her running from some creatures.

Horrifying creatures.

They were all some sick amalgamations of flesh. Each had several eyes, hands, mouths, arms and feet all over their bodies.

And they were in pain. Jake could feel it.

Quickly my seed, destroy those creatures with your newfound strength! Or you can use mine my seed! If the woman threatens to reveal our true identity then we take her out as well my seed! It will serve her right for not showing appreciation my seed!"


My seed!"

They're in pain." Jake said with little emotion but sadness in his voice.

It doesn't matter my seed! We must destroy the..."

We must save them!"

No my seed! How can such monsters need saving my seed?!"

Because they aren't monsters! They're human! And I'm gonna help them."

I knew it my seed! Your heroic needs will be the death of you my seed!"

But Jake just ignored him and focused all his K.E power into his super sight and luckily, he pinpointed the cause of those people's mutations.

He saw some kind of finger shaped projections on every single one of they're backs and even though all their designs were different, that finger remained the same. At all the same spots.

Jake then charged his superspeed and reflexes and ran.

He zoomed past the woman and once he got to the meat monsters, he removed every single finger from their necks.

Once he was done , they all began to fall unconscious and return to normal.

It was over, Jake had won.

W..who are you?" The young woman said. She was short but very attractive with black hair. Not the type you'd see working at a slaughterhouse of all places.

Just a friend, but you can call me the Blue Blur.(Damn that name takes some getting used to)."

Y..your a superhero?"

Eh...I wouldn't say superhero. Just a guy whose happy to help. Now tell me what the hell is happening here? Did you try some redecorating and it went wrong or what?"

Well, we were just working and I took a break to smoke outside. Then a giant mouth spouted out of the building and ate me. Next thing I know I'm inside this nonsense and those things are chasing me."

Hmmm...well it seems those things are your coworkers. Any idea who could've done this to them?"

No clue. This is my first time encountering any of this kind of stuff."

Hmm. This would be my third."

She's proving to be useless my seed! Let us use her as bait to catch the culprit of this crime my seed!"

Would you just shut it?! We are not using the life of an innocent woman for our gain.

E..excuse me uh.. blur guy.Who are you talking to?"

Eh..no one..hehe.. I'm uh.. a little crazy. Just some voice in my head.

*Just some voice* my seed? I'm beginning to regret not absorbing you!"

C'mon Barry dont be like that! I was just..."

That's when a mysterious noise starts to appear. Getting louder with each passing second.

What's t..that?"

I don't know, but stay close to.."

The woman soon disappears into the fleshy ground.

Jakes looks around but can't find her anywhere.

And that is where he appears.

A humanoid creature with all his innards and muscle on the outside. A truly disgusting sight. He points his finger at Jake and shoots a small amount of flesh at him but Jake uses his super reflexes to dodge it.

Ha!!Missed me you..uh.. whatever you are!"

Oh really? Did I?" The creature says with a raspy almost dead voice grinning menacingly.

Jake dodged it with his super reflexes all right, but it doubles back, enlarges and surrounds him. After trapping him, it grows fingers and runs to the fleshy wall. It then attaches itself to the wall. Trapping Jake in place.

That's when the woman soon sprouts out. Also trapped and exhaling deeply like she was almost suffocated.

Which she was. And Jake knew it.

Who the hell are you?!" Jake asks, angry at how someone can just do such a horrible thing to do many innocent people and nearly suffocate a woman so easily."

Ooooooh, you're mad. I'm gonna reeeeeaaally enjoy you!"

WHO ARE YOU!!?" Jake yells, burning bright blue with rage.

Oh don't explode yet my meal, the fun is about to start!"


To be continued...