Another roommate

🎵 Wonhae manhi manhi🎵

A loud ringtone reverberated in the almost vacant room waking Regina from her sleep.

Regina always had different ringtones for different people. With the present ringtone, she instantly knew the caller was her uncle, Henry Thompson.

Rosie turned around from the room's balcony noticing the mobile ring in the room. Hearing the song, she knew it was Uncle Henry.

She noticed Regina's creased brows and wrinkled nose. She knew Regina's bad habit of declining the call which disturbed her sleep and then turning her mobile to silent mode.

Walking into the room, she said "Give me the phone. I'll talk to him. You can go back to sleep"

Regina did as said and curled under her blanket.

"Hello, Uncle Henry. Regina's sleeping" Rosie said in a low voice not to disturb Regina.

"Ah.. Rosie. It's you" Henry smiled on the other end and asked in concern "Is everything alright? Do you like your dormitory room?"

"Yeah. I like the room very much and the view outside is amazing" Rosie replied staring at some small birds flying in the sky.

"That's great. Don't forget you can always come back home if you feel homesick. It's only an hour away" Rosie heard Henry's voice and could guess he was controlling himself from crying out loud. He must be feeling very sad and lonely.

"I know, Uncle. Please take good care of yourself and don't worry about Regina. I'll look after her" Rosie turned to look at Regina who was lightly snoring. She could tell her lazy friend was exhausted with just a few minutes of walking.

"I'm not worried about Regina. I'm worried you'd be stressed dealing with that cheeky monkey alone" Henry said gaining a chuckle from Rosie.

As though she was reminded of something, Rosie said with slight hesitation "Uncle, if you don't mind can I ask you for a favour?"

"Yeah, sure. As I said, anything for my princesses" Henry laughed and Rosie joined in.

"Can you deliver a bicycle to the university"

"Sure. But, why a bicycle suddenly?"

"I'm too lazy to take walks around this huge campus. I want to try cycling" Henry heard Rosie's words and immediately understood the lazy one had to be Regina who hated working out. However, he wouldn't point it out.

Rosie ended the call after a minute. She turned around with a faint smile on her face, thinking on how to surprise Regina with the bicycle. But seeing Regina reddened face and glaring eyes, Rosie knew there's no need to plan a surprise anymore.

"Hey, what do you mean by asking for a bicycle now? Are you mocking me? Do I look like a lazy pig?" Regina yelled right at Rosie's face, rolling her sleeves and getting ready to pick a fight.

Previously, Rosie had told her that she never learnt how to ride a bicycle. But now she's suddenly enthusiastic about cycling. If it's not for her, why would Rosie request for a bicycle when she could even walk ten kilometres of distance like it's an easy task.

However, Rosie calmly said without batting an eye "I'm glad that you are finally able to accept your true identity"

"Hey, you..."

Both the girls went down with a heavy banter until they burst into laughter at the end.

Rosie soon unpacked their stuff. She cleaned the closets first before she hung the clothes she had in a few minutes. But Regina had so many clothes, one cupboard was insufficient. Rosie had to place some of Regina's clothes along with her own clothes.

Regina was still lazing on the bed while scrolling through her social media account on her mobile.

"You brought so many clothes. I had to keep some of them in my closet" Rosie said as she closed the doors.

Regina looked at Rosie and then at her empty luggage bags.

She was so busy scrolling through her phone she was unaware Rosie unpacked her bags too.

Regina was so happy she had such a great friend who completed her work as well.

"How happy would I be if there's a man who's willing to do everything for me like you do?" Regina muttered with tiny hearts jumping out of her eyes.

Rosie twisted her mouth and said with feigned anger "How dare you think of a man infront of me?"

She always wondered why would Regina even want to be with a man when there's so many better things to do than being in love.

"Sorry, darling. I'm not into girls" Regina declared, flashing her teeth.

She was still daydreaming when a couple of excited screams disturbed her. Then more screams followed along with cheerful voices.

The sounds got louder with each passing second.

Their room was at the end which gave them access to see outside from two sides. On one side was the balcony and on the other side were windows near their beds.

Rosie jumped on the bed and moved towards the window to see a bunch of girls around a lean figure.

Regina moved closer to Rosie and watched the girls screaming like fan girls while some handed out their books asking for an autograph. Then her eyes landed on the lean woman at the center of the crowd.

"Who's that woman at the centre? Is she a celebrity or something?" Rosie watched the woman for a little longer but couldn't recognise her. So, she asked turning her head to look at Regina who's face was now drained of blood.

Painted with horror and fear, Regina looked awful.

Before Rosie could ask what was wrong, Regina ran into the bathroom and locked herself inside.

Rosie was so scared seeing Regina's strange behaviour, she rushed towards the bathroom and tapped on the door. To her surprise, there was no response.

After a whole minute of silence, she heard faint sobbing which instantly threw her into panic mode.

She tapped on the bathroom door again and asked "Regina, are you okay?"

As if Regina had expected to hear that question, she took a deep breath and calmed herself. Then gave a perfunctory answer "I'm fine. My stomach is acting up. Must be the change in food"

"Oh... Is there anything I can help you with? Should I get you some medicines?"

Regina heard Rosie's trembling voice and understood her actions really scared her friend. After washing her face clean and flushing the toilet, she walked out as if nothing was wrong with her.

Rosie walked behind Regina following her every foot step. She was so worried about Regina, her feet felt weak with every step she took.

Unable to keep her mind away from that person she hated the most, Regina held her head. She wanted to be alone for a moment to come back to her senses and thought of sending Rosie away.

She looked up to find Rosie's pale face and also noticed her slightly shaking hands. She felt sorry for her.

"I'm really fine. It's just an upset stomach. Can you get me some antacid or something...?" Rosie ran out at jet speed even before she could hear everything Regina had to tell.

With Rosie gone, Regina relaxed and laid down on her bed thinking if its possible for her to cancel her admission in the university now and run away from there.

She really didn't want to run into that person who once made her life miserable. She would rather die than fall into that person's clutches again.

Just then, she heard a knock on the room's door. Regina opened the door thinking 'Could it be someone from the other rooms?'

Rosie was surprised on seeing the person on the other side of the door.

"Miss Evelyn?"

"Yes. It's me. I'm here to inform you that you'll be having another roommate" Miss Evelyn said adjusting her glasses before looking at the person beside her who came to deliver the luggage bags into the room.

Regina was so flustered she didn't know what to say or ask. Soon, three suitcases were brought into the room.

However, she soon came to her senses and said "Miss Evelyn. The rules say that each dormitory room should accomodate only two students"

"I'd say that's what the rules say. But that new student said she knew someone in this room so well, she wanted to be in this room only"

Those few words almost made Regina's soul to escape from her body.