Chapter 9

[Quote : "The villain will always be the villain if the hero tells the story."]

Chapter 9 : 20 days.

[Day before the 2nd test]

In the academy of Heavenly Demon Divine Cult, there were many cadets training for second test. Some were learning tactics while some were practicing the formations.

All cadets were doing there own training, some in groups while some were training alone.

It's benn 20 days since the academy started, and tomorrow was their 2nd test. While some prominent clan's heirs were planning how to get ahead of every one, A particular boy of 16 was alone in the forest.

It was night time, and there Asmodeous was sitting on the corner of a river. He was contemplating his plans of moving forward in this life.

He wanted to become strongest, but that's not something anyone can achieve, and even more in a short time.

Because if he's not the strongest, he can't even live a peaceful life. The murim is like a hell in mortal realm, It's the biggest sin to be weak in this world.

In these 20 days, he has relentlessly trained to his limits, without using internal energy. He wanted to make his body more powerfull than it was.

And most importantly in these 20 days, their group leader has changed from spring clan's heir to 7th prince cheon yeo woon.

After coming to infirmary, the first thing cheon yeo woon did was to give a beating, to 8th group leader cheon mukuem.

When 7th prince was running from the dorm, Asmodeous thought of going with them and copy the butterfly dance, but the environment didn't let him go.

He didn't wanted to get in trouble early, he wanted to be strong enough to not be in any problem from other martial artists of the cult.

'Well there will be many more chances to copy 7th prince's martial arts.' Thought Asmodeous.

After that he only ate and trained, maintaining a balance between sleep and rest .

While he was not progressing fast in this duration, he got to integrate all the martial arts from the first floor of the academy.

After practicing cheon ma's sword technique, He got stronger once more . It was like a sudden piece of puzzle was revealed.

As for the dragon medicine ball, he didn't used that for now, he wanted to use them together after passing the 2nd test.

After he got selected in group 8, he knew they'll pass the test without any difficulty, he just have to do some acting.

Moonlight rays were tracing on his face, seeing the moon hung above his head. Asmodeous stood up and vanished from his previous spot.

After some second he was already in his dorm, reaching there he saw panick on the cadets face.

They were nervous because of the test, before they all have the confidence to pass the test, because of cheon mukuem.

But now when cheon yeo woon has defeated him and broke his legs, they were in panick state.

Seeing their panicked state Asmodeous didn't intervened, he walked directly to his bed. They were all normal cadets, so all of them have to sleep in one hall.

Only the group leader gets a private room, for himself.

After some minutes cheon yeo woon came and started to explain his strategy for the 2nd test.

Asmodeous listened to it without any concern, he wanted to relax after so much training.

Even if he has perfect body and absolute talent, it doesn't mean he can become strong in one day.

His body is capable of absorbing martial arts like a sponge absorbs water, his absolute talent is a helping hand for him to understand the essence of anything he focuses.

Nothenless time ticked and the cadets were slipping in the embrace of darkness called sleep,including Asmodeous .

[Next day]

Asmodeous woke up, he got freshed and started to head towards the Grand martial training ground, the 2nd test will be conducted there.

There he saw the director of the academy, the left hand of the lord and the leader of left guardian family, lee hwamyung was standing on the top paltform called podium.

After some time all cadet groups were present there. Lee hwamyung spoke in a loud voice "Today will be the the conduction of 2nd test."

All the cadets screamed "MADO." Listening to their answer lee hwamyung was happy for his teachings but the cheers didn't last more than seconds when they heard the second sentence.

"Don't be so happy, only 10 teams can pass the 2nd test." Said lee hwamyung with a grin on his face. Seeing his face all the instructor's thoughts were aligned,

'director knows how to low the morale of cadets more than increasing.'

After some silence director spoke once more, " each group leader, come forward and draw the lots."

He continued to speak "the first batch will be of 1 to 4 groups. And next will be 5 to 8 groups and the last batch will be of 9 to 12 groups. " said director.

The designated leader came forward and picked up a token from the box, that was placed on the table in front of them.

From group 1 cheon yuchan came forward and from 2nd group came the vice lord candidate of the wise clan.

Similarly all of them came forward and drew their lots, but when the group leader of 8th group came, some were surprised while some saying 'interesting.'

After all of the leader returned to their lane, director said loudly , "the first round will be group 1 Vs group 3."

And like that the fight started, they all knew who'll win, so none of them even get surprised when Cheon yuchan won the round and his team passed the test.

And like that the test continued, some group leader were trying to corner the opposite groups while some were dominating head on.

Yuchan has used strategy in this test, he won with Intelligence, not with brute force.

Nothenless battles were continuously occurring in the grand martial training ground. The clash of swords, the clash of shields were ringing in the ground.

[Chapte end]