Chapter 10

[Quote : "If you crush a cockroach, you're hero. And if you crush a butterfly you're a villain. Morals have aesthetic criteria."]

Chapter 10 : 2nd test.

[Training ground]

The ground was bustling with cadets, but all of them remained in a harmonized lane. Today was the 2nd test of the academy, total 12 teams have been selected to take the test.

As for others, they were kindly being sent to their respective clans.

The 2nd test was about to test the mind of a cadet, the synergy between the cadets and lastly the judgment of the leading figure.

They were facing a opponent group, with strategy and tactics. The first match was between cheon yuchan and the 3rd group.

Yuchan won with a sharp judgment and overwhelming power, he has trained his team to a upper level of synergy.

The second match was 8th group Vs 5th group.

This time the leaders of each group were lord's offspring, meaning they were vice lord candidate before entering the academy.

Asmodeous was also in 8th group, the leader of 8th group was cheon yeo woon, the 7th prince of the Heavenly Demon Divine Cult.

And the opponent leader was the heir of sound clan, one of the main six clans. She was a sole female heir in the cult.

The 2nd round started, with team 8 and team 5 opposing each other. They came face to face without any fear in his voice.

With the signal to start, both teams ran to their opponents, cheon yeo woon signaled for formation 1.

The cadets of team 8 were instantly arranged in a linear formation, while the sound clan's heir screamed "FORMATION 3."

Both teams were facing each other in a battle of wits, but as all the spectators were predicting the next movement, cheon yeo woon signaled for a arrow formation.

Seeing his response all of the spectators and even the opponent was in a moment of confusion, but next moment all confusions were cleared.

Team 8 formed a circle instead of a arrow, as they circled the 5th team, the sound clan's heir screamed "What are you doing idiots, don't falter your will."

But the impact of her voice was not even equal to a grain of sand in desert. Seeing her teams moral going down, she lunged at cheon yeo woon.

But the reaction she was expecting didn't came, cheon yeo woon's blade technique was superior to her sword techniques.

Cheon yeo woon performed the butterfly dance that right guardian Seob meng has taught him.

As the mesmerizing moments were revealed her sword technique got cancelled by his blade technique, in the end she lost her arm by his blade.

She was the first pray for this blade technique, maybe in the future it will become a symbol for this prince to collect his enemy's arm.

While the match was happening Asmodeous was not in his usual mood, he was disappointed and dissatisfied in himself, nothenless suppressing all his emotions.

He did what a good cadet will do , he complied with them, he didn't want to take anymore group tests, or he would have to get expelled from the academy.

He was not strong in Strategies but nornhe was a fool, he understood the meaning of tactics and strategies, but all this things will get crushed if raw power got clashed with them.

He didn't even wanted to come here today, he wanted to rest by giving excuse of body damage.

Nothenless after they won the round, all of the cadets got a dragon medicine ball and the pass to 2nd floor of library, all of the team 8 members were going towards their dorms to rest.

But Asmodeous was going through barrage of trees because he wanted to increase his strength eagerly, he wanted to try the effect, this medicine would have on his body.

His body was perfect in any sense, while there's nothing perfect in this world, his body was a exception, it was advancing along with his strength.

Whenever his strength reached a next level, his body evolved with it. It was like progressing to a perfection never seen in existence.

Meanwhile Asmodeous reached his secret training place, he was in a cave with dim light of sun rays coming from the hole in roof of the cave.

He sat there in lotus position, in his hands were two boxes of made of wood.

It was the reward of first and second test both together .

He began to swallow it one by one, just as the round balls touched his tongue they melted in it, as they melted a jolt of internal energy got generated from them.

It was the effect of the medicine, he began to breath with harmony in his timing, each breath was a precious time gap for absorbing the energy.

His body was like a sponge, sucking all the energy inside of the medicine balls.

As the energy filled his body, his senses became clear, he could even hear his surroundings with his eyes closed. He could fell the earth, the tree leaves falling on the ground, the ant walkikg in horde.

It was all clear but foggy at the same time, he could see the energy and create a picture of things in his vision or mind, but he couldn't see them really.

Time ticked and 2 hours were gone like a breeze flowing with wind, Asmodeous opened his eyes, and stood up from his place stretching his hands.

In these 2 hours, his body has changed once more, it was like a art of magical artifact Changing it's shape. It was perfect.

While he was feeling his strength he decided to attack at his full strength, he wanted to use his techniques to their fullest now.

He stretched his hands and a sword shaped energy appeared on his hands, it was solid like a real sword. Then he got in a posture of a certain technique, cheon ma's sword technique.

He moved like a blur appearing at the exist of the cave and next second "Boom" and "crack".

The cave was crumbling and was starting to get demolished, it was broken into pieces, why was it?

Not because of the technique only, it was also because of his body capable of pulling that power.

Nothenless after the destruction of the cave, he dissappeared from his spot and after some seconds he appeared on his bed, going to sleep peacefully with his dorm members.

[Chapter end]