Chapter 23

[Quote : "The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk."]

Chapter 23 : 3rd test

[13 days later]

The illuminating rays of sun were dipping on the serenely flowing river, the wind was wild at the moment, all the trees were humming their leaves with a profound melody.

From some distance to that location, a boy can be seen running and hopping trees, his face was not anything to be take notice but his body was like more gaint than adults.

But in reality his age was not much more than 17, he ran while using a movement technique taught by his team leader.

After running and evading some branches of trees he came to a open field, the mesmerizing movements of sword slashes were embedded to the ground.

He halted his steps and began to walk slowly like a tortoise, after walking for some time he saw a cliff of gaint rocks.

Scanning the area he saw a small opening of a cave, seeing the cave he turned his walking direction towards it.

After reaching there with slow steps, he stood silently outside the cave, after 5 minute of silence he moved towards the inner are of the cave.

As he entered, there he saw his leader sitting in a meditative position in the middle of the cave.

He stood to some distance from the young man meditating there and said with a slow and respectful voice,

" My liege, the test is about to start !"

Uttering these words he saw a magnificent spectacle , a pair of red eyes came in his view.

Seeing the shining eyes he kneeled and spoke,

" Congratulation to my liege's advancement in his strength !"

Seeing the boy kneeling with a happy expression on his face, Ryoung chuckled.

' why is he look like some fanatic praying to his god.'

Nothenless, ignoring the cadet in front of him Ryoung walked to outside of his secluded cave.

" What a beautiful morning."

Said Ryoung with a satisfied expression on his face, he turned towards the cadet and said,

" where are the rest of group members ?"

Asked Ryoung, listening to his liege's question the cadet began to describe the situation of the test.

"My liege, the test is started already, all of them are there and the first group os already facing their opponents."

Ryoung listened with a calm expression on his face and said,

" Which team is the one fighting for first round !"

Asked Ryoung while gesturing him to stand, Ryoung was throughly satisfied with his attitude in front of him.

" The cadet with the tag numbered 7 is the leader of first group, they are facing some captured martial artists from the central plain !"

Explained the cadet, he stood and walked behind Ryoung.

Listening to his group member, Ryoung was confused as why the things are going same as the manhwa.

' Didn't i changed the timelines fully !'

Thought Ryoung, he began to contemplate about his actions, while he has not done something significant that can impact heavily on the world.

But he has also done somethings that can really bend the direction of the future.

After thinking for some time Ryoung reached a conclusion,

' Looks like the six clan's hatred exceeded my expectations. '

Ryoung has thought earlier, that the six clan's were not some thing to feared and place them high regards.

But the results really proved him wrong, well of course he couldn't know the disgust these clans have towards cheon yeo woon.

' Looks like i have to began my plans earlier than i thought !'

Despite all his thinking and contemplating the time has only gone for some seconds.

" Go to the Grand martial training ground, I'll come after some time."

Said Ryoung , while listening to his liege's order the cadet didn't even asked anything about his liege's purpose for not going instantly.

He knew the rules of the academy, if his team leader will be late in the test, they all will fail along him.

Despite all these things he complied with Ryoung's order and left the open grounded area.

After his subordinate dissappeared from his senses, Ryoung also walked towards his private dorm.

As he took some steps his figure began to become blurry and the next moment he has already dissappeared from there.

After some seconds he appeared in front of his room's door, opening it he saw some clothes that were not his.

Seeing them Ryoung frowned and began to scan the room, after checking everything he found many items that were not his.

They were of not even his gender's clothes and robes, they were all usable things of girl.

After piecing everything at once, he remembered that he has made Mun ku leader in his absent.

' So she was living here all the time in my seclusion period.'

'Well not like i lost something, but i wonder why she moved here. Regardless of these what problem do i have to live with a beautiful girl !'

Thought Ryoung while walking towards the bathroom, he took a shower and donned his black robe while his hairs were untied.

His silky hairs reached till his chest, after glancing his body in the mirror for some time he left the bathroom.

Of course he liked this trained body more than his previous one.

In his previous life the only power he needed was a gun and some magazines, nothing more than that was needed for anything related to his buisness.

He has trained in marksman ship for quite some time.

Nothenless after dressing fully he grabbed a sword that he got extra when he passed the 2nd test.

His previous one broken after only using cheon ma's sword technique once.

Hanging the sword on his waist he walked outside of his room, stepping on the plain ground he turned toward the direction of 3rd test's location.

The distance between the location was not much, so he decided to walk there.

As he walked, the thoughts of his night talk with Mun ku came in his mind, he first felt nothing towards her.

Of course he know how beautiful she is, but beauty is not everything.

But while listening to her tragic past, Ryoung developed a sympathetic emotion towards her.

And as time flowed a new type of emotion began to develop on him, he has felt this emotion only towards one person in his entire life.

His mother was the only one towards he has faced this emotion, it's not like he was Virgin in his previous life but the main point here is he didn't dwelled more than his desires towards the girls.

The complex emotional change happening in his mind Ryoung hasn't noticed it.

The reason being, the seed of this complex emotion was so small to felt till now.

Nevertheless after walikng for 5 minutes he reached the ground, there he saw the group of wise clan's heir was in middle of the test.

He approached his group silently and tapped on the shoulders of a girl, he didn't saw the face or he would not have the thought of tapping her shoulders.

She was none other than Mun ku, turning her head she saw Ryoung standing tall in his black attire.

" You came.., i thought we would fail the test."

Said Mun ku , exclaiming the first part, seeing her reaction Ryoung just nodded and asked,

" so what about our group's turn !"

Seeing the lack of reaction on his face Mun ku just turned and said,

" Just after this group, our turn is last !"

Nodding to her Ryoung stood watching the battle happening in front of him, the movements of these cadets and instructors were slow in his eyes.

He has indeed advanced another realm after his emergence from the seclusion.

As he focused on the ongoing battle, the flaws and next movements of these martial artists were laid before his naked eyes.

After some time the battle ended in the victory of wise clan's heir and his group members.

Next moment the head instructor came forward and spoke,

" The next and the last group come forward and start your test !"

He said while shouting Ryoung's team number, they all stepped forward including Mun ku and except one frail looking cadet.

Well Ryoung has sorted things already, he has ordered the extra cadet from his group to go home and wait for him.

And of course he complied with Ryoung, how can he not listen to his liege's order.

In front was Ryoung and behind him were all members, the two noticeable members were walking side by side.

They were Mun ku and the fan girl of Ryoung.

Nothenless everyone came to the stage and a instructor jumped in the middle.

" BEGIN !"

Ryoung moved with swiftness, but not so fast that they can't track him, he was planning to use only required strength.

As he moved, his other members also formed a circle around the instructor, the all took a stance while Ryoung was clashing swords with instructor.

Clank clank clank ~~

The sound of metal ringing echoed in the ground, there movements were nothing sort of flashy, Ryoung attacked with a fast strike aiming for a fatal blow.

But the instructor avoided it with the help of experience gained from battlefield.

And next moment a sharp wind began to rise in the ground,there the spectators saw a mesmerizing scene.

All of his group members were performing the seven demon sword formation at the same time, incorporating in each other's movements.

A flurry of wind came and the instructor was hit by it, the force threw him off the ground rolling.

The battle ended with a single attack combined from Ryoung's group, this was the reason Ryoung has not finished the battle earlier.

He wanted to see the result of their training sessions. And it was a huge success.

Nothenless all of his members were cheering happily, embraced in their victory against a instructor.

[Chapter end]