Chapter 24

[Quote: "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."]

Chapter 24 : Disbanding

The cheering voices full of happiness and joy were echoing in the training ground.

Those who had passed the 3rd test were happy, as for those groups who has failed, they were expelled from the academy instantly.

The cadets cheerful voices were heard even from the director's office, suddenly a shift occurred in the surroundings of cadets.

The reason of the sudden quietness was a figure approaching the stage, it was none other than lee hwamyung.

He stood tall on the grand stage, his red hair swaying by the winds, his eyes scanning the happy cadets.

Some cadets became silent seeing the director's approach but some fools were so dull that they couldn't understand the simple thing.

Next moment lee hwamyung raised his hand and spoke with infusing his internal energy in his voice,


The echoing ground became so silent next second that a pin drop can be heard from afar.

Lee hwamyung began to spoke the next piece of information for the cadets,

" All of you have passed the 3rd test and became a much more prominent figure in the cult than you were previously. "

Said director with a chuckle and next second his expression became serious,

" But nothenless you all are an ant even now !"

Seeing the director's serious expression and his harsh tone, the happiness dissappeared from the cadets, indeed lee hwamyung was perfect for lowering the morals of the cadets.

"Those who have passed will get a dragon medicine ball and the pass to the 3rd floor of precious library."

Said lee hwamyung next second and the lowerd morals began to rise once again, but next piece of information took them to despair again.

" But don't be happy, as for the 4th test you have to fight a instructor at his full power !"

Listening to the voice the cadets began to feel somewhat regret for coming this far, of course they knew what this implied.

The 3rd test was also a spar against the instructors but those instructors were not fighting with their full power.

They all only used seven demon sword formation as their technique, and the main point was they were all fighting in groups.

So how can they fight the instructors at full power and all alone, this was more difficult than it seems.

"After passing the third test you all have became high ranked warriors of the cult !"

"And thus you can get your personal weapon that you specialized in."

Lee hwamyung stopped speaking and let the cadets consume the information first, after seemingly 1 minute the director spoke once more.

" There's not any time constraints in the 4th test, meaning you can take it during your 4 years stay in the academy. "

Delivering the last piece of information lee hwamyung left the stage, that was in front of a tower shaped building.

After director's depart, the instructors began to give the cadets their specialized weapons and the copper medallion.

In the academy whenever you pass any test, you'll get a medallion that will represent your rank in the cult.

And the medallion given to them after passing the 3rd test was a copper medallion, that represented the high ranked warriors in the cult.

After all these mundane things Ryoung and his group members returned to their specific dorms.

But before going to dorms Ryoung has left them with a order, saying.

"All of you come to my personal training ground in the evening. "

All of his group members nodded and bowed their heads, seeing their enthusiasm Ryoung couldn't help but feel that they were exaggerating it.

Nevertheless he also walked towards his room, carrying a sword and the copper medallion with a red silk wool hanging on it.

After coming to his room Ryoung instantly jumped on his bed, feeling the warm sensation of his bed, he wanted to sleep.

But he holded himself back, the reason being , he has already copied many martial arts from the academy, even after incorporating them in simple arts, they were more than he has imagined.

Ryoung decided to check his status once more, he wanted to see his growth after his secluded period.

Of course he has a vivid measurement of his strength growth but he wanted to see it accurately, or did he started to like it, nothenless he muttered 'Status'.


[Name : Asmodeous/Ryoung]

[Age : Uncountable]

[Realm : Entry Grandmaster]

[Martial arts : 1.Heavenly demonic sword art

-1st formation, 2nd formation.

2. Heavenly steps

3. Sword demon formation (mixed)

4. Demonic blade art (mixed)

5. Absolute spear art

6. Heavenly demon internal arts.

7. left and right palm technique ]

[Power level : Peak Grandmaster]

Studying his growth measuring tab, Ryoung felt a different type of sense of satisfaction.

Well about the changes of his blade arts, he has copied cheon yuchan's blade technique after his fight with him.

And he also has copied the wise clan's exclusive palm technique and even has integrated into himself.

After copying many arts and the most important internal art Ryoung felt that he can reach a level he has not even imagined it, till now.

The only thing he lacked was time, of course not literal time but the time for another seclusion training.

Ryoung has also decided to take the 4th test as early as he can, of course he wanted get the Heavenly demonic sword sealed in the 5th test.

Thinking all these things he began to waver at the embrace of darkness.

However there was not much time before the evening came, despite not wanting to,he stood from his bed and stroded towards his dwelling cave.

As he was in middle of his destination he began to get distracted by the beautiful swans swimming in the river.

He sat there and watched the swans with a amusing expression on his face,

Time flew by, without Ryoung knowing, it was already evening.

As darkness began to envelope him, Ryoung saw the dark clouds and stood from there heading directly to his cave.

After appearing in his cave he saw his group members standing in the corner, including Mun ku.

Reaching there Ryoung announced his presence,

"Are all of you here !"

Asked Ryoung with a questioning look, Mun ku came forward and said,

"You are the one who came late, not us."

Listening to her answer Ryoung wanted to let her know her place, but he couldn't harm her after her joining in his group.

Well there were many reasons he couldn't harm her, but they all were hidden very well from Ryoung's point of view.

Despite her harsh answer Ryoung spoke with a calm face,

" Elaborate what happened in my secluded period, including information of what's happening in the cult !"

Asked Ryoung, of course he knew the future plot of the story, but it was not a story anymore, it was all real.

He was living in this world and many things has already began to change.

His loyal and first subordinate stepped forward and explained while bowing her head.

" From my clan's sources i have found that the chieftain of poison clan, Baek oh is in prison for 2 years."

Said the cute girl standing in front of him, Ryoung nodded his head in understanding and conclude that the reason for beak ho's punishment was none other than cheon yeo woon.

Beak oh has attacked cheon yeo woon in the Detention Center and even has administered poison in yeo woon's body.

'So the lord has found a chance and acted on it, what a cunning man.'

Thought Ryoung, he gestured at the girl to continue her explanation.

" Hang So yu, the 5th elder and clan leader of sound clan has also been house arrested for a year."

Listening to the information Ryoung became more convinced of the lord's cunningness.

Cheon yu jong is indeed very cunning person, and that's the sole reason he is on the lord's seat today.

Ryoung had thought that these reports has ended but the next piece genuinely shocked him,

" The great void sword clan has been disbanded by the lord, the reaon was their laziness in being in charge of the prison."

Said the girl and became silen letting Ryoung absorb the information.

'So they are already disbanded, meaning the clans affiliated with sword clan will also go down in 1 or 2 year !'

Thought Ryoung with a surprised glint in his eyes, he was surprised because the development was happening at much more earlier than novel.

But the mild surprise only lasted for a second before vanishing into thin air, of course Ryoung knew that everything will not be same as the novel.

He turned his attention towards his group members and said,

"I have a very important thing to say."

"You all will be disbanded from this moment and live your own life."

Listening to their liege's words they all kneeled at their knees and began to beg,

"Don't leave us our liege, we will die for you just say the word !"

" please don't abandon us liege, we will become stronger and became helpful to you !"

And even Mun ku who was only standing has a sad expression on her face.

Seeing their fanatic behavior Ryoung sighed and said,

"I'm not abandoning all of you, stop doing this and stand up."

"I just want all of you to develop yourselves in the academy !"

"Meet me after the academy ends, and even if then you'll want to serve me, then I'll not discard any of you !"

They all listened very carefully and breathed a sigh of relief,

'I knew my liege will never abandon me.'

Thought the cute girl while standing in front of the Ryoung.

The meaning was clear for them,

'My liege want me to become stronger and I'll become stronger and meet my liege's expectations.'

This was only single thought of all Ryoung's group members.

[Chapter end]