Chapter 25

[Quote: "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions."]

Chapter 25 :

In the wilderness forest, while Ryoung was giving commands to his group members someone was already going through the 4th test.

Cheon yeo woon was already in a battle with the same instructor he has injured in the 3rd test.

It was not only starting but the battle was coming to a end, cheon yeo woon was pressing his foot on the instructor.

He pressed it further and blood spurred from the instructors mouth, and once again his ribs were broken like a plastic toy.

After knocking him unconscious cheon yeo woon began to walk towards the director's office while carrying the unconscious instructor on his back.

While the fight was happening in the academy, an another amusing incident was happening outside of the cult.

In the temple of bodhidharma, the seemingly centuries old man was sitting on a couch.

His eyes were glowing with a golden illuminating light, he lifted his head and both hands up in the sky.

And his body began floating, it started to rotate at a slow pace, after 5 minutes the levitating body came down slowly.

After the old man landed on the ground his golden gleaming eyes opened and a profound vast energy radiated from them.

"Choas, timelines are becoming very messy !"

" This was the 4th time our world's timelines has been altered !"

Spoke the old man, he was a 200 years old master of divination.

The reason for his frowned expression is the altered time line.

The curves of time is being messed and the fate of this world is becoming quite choatic.

" This type of variation only occurred 500 years ago, looks like this time central plain is the main location of destruction !"

Told boddhidharma with no one in particular, he was a powerfull martial artists, but due to the lack of life force he was destined to die in next centuries.

" Central plains are very far from here so they have to control the situation themselves !"

" Will the old monster awake from his slumber once more !"

As he was talking with no one except the wind swaying his white beard. He once more shut his eyes and lost in his own world.

This encounter also happened to some similar places in the very far Tianzhu regional areas.

While all these things were happening Ryoung was sleeping peacefully, and the most eye catching things was his room, that was still full of girl's clothes.

But there was no sight of any girl in his room.

Nevertheless while he was sleeping his subordinates were also starting to plan how to assist their liege after graduating from academy.

Because of this reason some of them were already gone from the academy, they have abandoned the chances to learn martial arts and earn reputation with a good post.

They all understand the simple thing, there was no need to learn any martial arts other than the one their liege had taught them.

As for honour and reputation, they can be earned later in their lives.

From Ryoung's group 3 cadets have gone to outside of academy, meaning they have failed the test knowingly.

One has a strong sense of friendship with the other one that was about to expelled because of being extra, while the last one also has his reasons.

Nothenless time flew by and the morning came, waking up early in the morning Ryoung took a shower and headed towards the library.

He has gotten the pass of 3rd floor, as for the reason of going this early, he wanted to be in peace there, he wanted to explore the library alone.

Coming in front of the tower shaped tall building, Ryoung showed his copper medallion to the guards and they let him in.

Ryoung directly climed to the 3rd floor without even glancing at the lower floors.

Reaching there, Ryoung saw more manuals than the 2nd floor, and it also has categorized shelves.

Ryoung began to scan the Sword category for 15 minutes after that he moved to blade techniques.

But there was not much noticeable blade arts, so the time consumed in it was less than the sword category.

Moving next a eye catching category named as sound art.

The reason of this being eye catching for Ryoung was simple, it was more easily to attack, more easy to knock and kill a enemy, and even the importance of these arts was in upgrading his body training by stimulating the muscles.

Of course he didn't need it importantly, but if there's something free, you can't throw it in garbage.

After scanning the sound art, Ryoung began to flip the books like a maniac.

After 1 hour 15 minutes he stopped and began to walk towards the moonlight Sapphire in the middle.

Seeing the complex swords slashes his eyes focused on it, and next second these complex slashes were like a open book to him.

He stood there while scanning the Sapphire completely without avoiding any slashes.

He even got sword demons technique from there.

Nothenless Ryoung stood there for some time, after scanning it he walked towards the cafeteria, to eat his fill.

As he reached the cafeteria, Ryoung's hearing senses catched a interesting rumor.

"Did you know, the 7th prince has passed the 4th test the same day as the 3rd test."

"Really .. ?"

" Of course, did you not know my uncle is a martial instructor in the academy !"

"Oh my god.., i want to become his spouse."

Ignoring the last sentence Ryoung's focus solely was on the information.

' Look like i am late, should i also go and pass the 4th test !'

Thought Ryoung while eating with elegance, his every bite was beautiful sight to see.

Ryoung's senses were very heightened from normal cadets, he could now sense more than 500 meter radius.

The images formed in his mind, were vivid but enough to know and hear if they were humans or not.

Thanks to it he doesn't need any type of information from the academy, he couldn't miss any information even if he wanted.

Nevertheless Ryoung has emptied his plates that were full of meal, he stood and walked silently towards the director's office.

Enjoying the scenery of sun rise and the beautiful chirping of birds, Ryoung walked with steady and slow steps.

After 5 minutes he reached the director's office, reaching there he saw lee hwamyung was already sitting there.

Ryoung entered the office and greeted the director,

"Greeting, director !"


Replied the director, his eyes held a surprised glint hidden from anyone.

"Did you came for the 4th test ?"

Asked lee hwamyung, seeing Ryoung's nodding head director was pleased, indeed he has predicted that Ryoung will took the test earlier than anyone.

But the 7th prince of the cult has left him behind in this matter,

" Come to the training ground with me. "

Said lee hwamyung with a smile on his face, he wanted to know the real strength of this cadet named Ryoung.

'Today your mysteries will end.' Thought director with a plan forming in his head.

In their way to the training ground, director has called another spectator or the instructor who will take the test, who knows.

The head instructor also joined in their way, seeing the two instructors joining Ryoung was not nervous instead he was calm.

Thses 4 people reached the training ground, one was lee hwamyung and another two were instructors.

The head instructor and a seemingly good instructor with a mustache and beard shaved, they were the two instructors who has joined in the middle of the way.

Ryoung walked to the platform of training ground, he was expecting the shaved beard instructor to come forward and fight with him.

But his expectations shattered when the head instructor came forward instead of the one with shaved beard.

However even seeing the head instructor Ryoung didn't panicked but remained calm.

Seeing no change in his reaction lee hwamyung was more satisfied with this cadet, he even wanted to personally teach cadet Ryoung after the test.

" Start !"

Shouted the other instructor, Ryoung and head instructor were standing face to face,

'I can't sense his realm, It's like I'm standing in front of director.'

Thought head instructor with a grin forming in his face, he moved very fast.

Suddenly he appeared in front of Ryoung, his hands were glowing in blue with a energy sword forming on it.

Ryoung didn't reacted with any fancy move, he simply created his own energy sword instantly and blocked the attack coming for his chest.

And next second they became blur, sparks of blue energy flew in the surroundings,

Head instructor was using his own sword arts, and Ryoung countered it with sowrd demons art.

Their blows were becoming heavy, the head instructor was becoming tired, but Ryoung has not even sweated.

As there confrontation was becoming more dangerous Ryoung stepped back, he dropped his stance of sword demons art and relaxed his body.

Seeing his dropped stance, lee hwamyung thought Ryoung was about to surrender but the shock that came with it was very frightening.

Ryoung's body dissappeared and next second his form appeared but in a blurry way,

'I can't even see him, arrghhhh.... he is attacking on my vital points.'

The attacks were now more fatal than the head instructor has seen in a battlefield, Ryoung's every move was life threatening for him.

In the end after defending 4 moves the head instructor surrendered.

"I surrende...r."

As he was about to surrender Ryoung's hand came and halted to his neck, seeing the swift and precise attack the head instructor was on the ground.

His life was about end a moment ago, While listening to head instructor Ryoung also dispersed his sword energy formed by internal energy.

It was only a half raw power of Ryoung, he didn't even used full power and not even used any technique.

Of course the Heavenly steps is a exception, because he has integrated it into his body he can use it any moment he want.

Ryoung didn't needs any stances to perform the movement technique.

The glowing sun was casting a shadow of Ryoung standing tall on the training ground.

[Chapter end]

[A/N : Hey guys, what's up. So like a reader of this fic has complained/commented about the chapters being short, and as human beings we all know that "Size matters " That's why I'm trying to increase the length , if you spot any spelling mistakes please kindly comment them I'll try to remove them.

And when i can write long chapters daily, then I'll try to improve my writing styles, and grammars.

Thanks for reading, see ya 😊]