Chapter 27

[Quote: "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."]

Chapter 27: Sealed Demon Cave

Time flew by, and the night ended, bringing a fresh morning; the whole academy was brightened by the rays of the illuminating sun.

The cafeteria was brimming with cadets; they all came to eat their breakfast; in the crowded cadets, an eye-catching cadet could be seen sitting alone.

His eyes were red like blood, and his body filled with energy, but not even an ounce was spilling from him.

Ryoung was sitting alone in the cafeteria while taking bites of his meal slowly.

His whole table was empty, the reason being that the cadets feared him more than admired him.

In the early days of the academy, some of the cadets, including the six clan's heirs, were eager to challenge him and make him beg for mercy.

But now, after he passed the 4th test, a pure fear was engraved in everyone, not even daring to approach him.

After some time, another cadet entered the cafeteria; the cadet walked towards Ryoung's table and sat there.

Seeing the approaching cadet, many cadets were in awe of the bravery she had shown.

The cadet approaching Ryoung was none other than Mun Ku; after the breakfast came, she also began to eat.

In the middle of their meals, she spoke.

"Will you take the 5th test today, be cautious of the sealed cave."

Ryoung halted his hands and asked with a confused face,

"Whom should I be cautious of? It's just traps and nothing more."

Seeing the innocent face Mun Ku smiled and said,

" I have heard from my grandfather that a very dangerous demon is sealed in the cave by the first heavenly demon."

"Later the sword demon incorporated the cave as a place to take the 5th test."

Ryoung nodded his head, slowly absorbing the information; of course, he knew about it, but he didn't know that the sword demon had incorporated it later.

He has only known that it was made by Cheon Ma, the first heavenly demon in his prime.

Ryoung also knew that there was a sword that could consume blood; it was the same weapon used by Cheon Ma in his early days.

The main reason Ryoung was eager to take the test was to consume the demonic internal energy, present behind the Sapphire.

After finishing their breakfast, both Mun Ku and Ryoung stood together and began to walk outside of the cafeteria.

Reaching in a secluded place devoid of any cadets, Ryoung spoke.

"Don't worry; now I can even hold my own against the director of the academy so that cave traps are nothing in front of me."

Seeing his stature full of confidence, Mun Ku smiled and patted his back.

"Even then you should be cautious!"

Seeing her persistent warning Ryoung sighed and surrendered to her might,

"Okay I'll be careful thanks for telling me I'll be cautious!"

Said Ryoung while gripping her hand, they continued to walk till the director's office.

There they saw an instructor was awaiting for Ryoung already, standing tall in front of the office.

He gestured Ryoung to follow him, and stopped Mun Ku.

"Only participants can enter the area, you have to wait here!"

Seeing her sad face, Ryoung sighed and said in a cold voice.

"Let her in, anyways she can't do anything while you'll be present there!"

Listening the chilling voice, the instructor shuddered and complied easily, Mun ku also followed them.

The instructor took them to a secluded path, after continuously walking for 5 minutes they reached their destination.

There Ryoung saw a tree of blossom and a house made of colored woods, outside the house was a stone.

That has the word 'Sealed demon cave' engraved on it.

There were already two instructors guarding the door, reaching there instructor said,

"Squad leader you have to pass the traps and exit in 2 hours."

Ryoung listened and nodded his head, he walked towards the door and opened it with a push,

Creak ~ Creak ~ Creak ~

The sound of door creaking came to them, because the door has not been opened till the last generation of academy.

It was opening after 10 years, Ryoung stepped in and the door closed itself, of course not, it was pushed closed by the instructor.

Stepping into the cave Ryoung saw darkness and eerie silence. There was nothing to notice.

Only a wall that was made of iron ore, and some holes on them, Ryoung concluded that the hole should be an arrow trap.

Nonetheless he walked slowly, even in the darkness Ryoung didn't need any type of goggles to see.

He was accustomed to this type of darkness, his eyes were enough to see there like it was daytime.

Advancing slowly Ryoung didn't encountered any type of trap, he relaxed his body.

But next second a barrage of arrows began raining on him, as they were about to touch him, his instincts kicked in and he avoided them by a inch.

After relaxing his bodu he has neglected seeing his surroundings and the arrows were not visible in this darknes.

Nothenless after evading once he applied force on his legs and his body instantly took a fly.

He was in air, thinking he is safe from those arrows, but mext second spears started to rain from the rooftop.

Sensing the incoming attacks Ryoung unseathed his sword and parried them in the air.

Landing on the ground he began to run towards the end, avoiding many attacks of arrows and spears, even there was blade meant to cut his leg.

But of course Ryoung avoided all this, thinking how easy it was, Ryoung couldn't help but smile.

After running for 10 minutes his figure halted,

'What's this, why there are three ways, which one should i choose.'

Seeing the three different ways, going in different direction Ryoung sighed and began to feel the air.

He thought of sensing the air and follow it, of course the reason being this was that the only air in cave came from the exit.

Because the instructor has already closed the entrance so the only air passage was exit gate.

Contemplating on which way to go Ryoung sensed a different type of energy, this energy was like a sinister phenomenon.

Curiosity picked his thoughts and he began to follow the energy direction.

As he walked on the way, the intensity of the said sinister energy began to increase many folds.

After walking for 2 minutes he didn't encountered any traps, but as he continued to walk, traps began to unfold.

This time the quantity and the quality both increased, the arrows came in more numbers than before, and the spears were of high quality.

They were not breaking even after Ryoung took the initiative to attack and fend off them.

After more than 20 minutes of evading Ryoung came to face a moonlight Sapphire standing thick and tall infront of him.

There was a word engraved on it, seeing the word 'sealed' Ryoung understood that this sinister energy was coming from here.

His internal energy was depleted more than 15%, and nearly all the internal energy was used evading these traps that attacked in 20 minutes.

Ryoung took a stance and coated his sword with internal energy, using the first formation of Heavenly demonic sword art, Ryoung moved with his full power.

The most shocking thing to him happened there at that time, after the barrages of sword attacks ended, Ryoung saw a horrifying sight.

His internal energy, cheon ma's sword art, after using these things at his disposal even then nothing happened to the Sapphire.

There was only a scratch deep enough to fit his palm, but was that enough to destroy the Sapphire, absolutely not.

His sword cracked, and was on the verge of breaking,

Hoo ~ huu~

Slowly breathing, Ryoung took another stance, this time he was going to try and combine the 2nd and 3rd formation.

His stance lasted for nearly 2 minutes, after that he moved, and crater appeared in the place he was standing.

The combination was not perfect but it was enough, he compressed his sword movements in one point and attacked at full power.


He succeed this time, a hole appeared in the Sapphire, but that happiness ended in a moment when his body tensed.

A sudden attack came, using all his power he avoided it, but the impact throwed him to the wall.

Thud ~ Crack~

The wall crumbled and broke at the force of Ryoung's back.

Focusing his all mind and body he stared at the creature that has attacked him.

The creatures body was like a gaint snake, with black scales on it, it was imoogi.

It is said that imoogi are a type of creatures who came in existence after failing to become a dragon, they are said to be immortals.

His senses were solely focused on imoogi's movements, suddenly a rippled occurred in the air.

Swish ~

The imoogi moved with precision, Ryoung also used his strongest movement technique 'Heavenly steps'.

He dissappeared like a illusion,his body became blurry, many afterimages could be seen in the cave.

Ryoung attacked the imoogi with his full power.

Slash ~

And nothing happened, only a scratch remained on imoogi's scales, seeing the attack failed Ryoung began to run from it.

Thinking to corner it in the sealed cave Ryoung moved with a fast speed.

Running into the cave from where this creature came.

Entering the cave he saw a red and blackish liquid floating in the cave.

His eyes glowed with intensity, But another attack came, and he avoided it.

But this time he noticed that there were no splashes, even if the creature was moving in liquid.

Seeing this phenomenon, his focus solely got on imoogi's head, his eyes glowed red and there he saw 24 pieces of metal floating in the form of basic movements of cheon ma's sword techniques.

Ryoung took the scabbard that got left after the sword destroyed, he took the basic stance of cheon ma's sword techniques.

Attacking with a fierce intensity, Ryoung scabbard also shattered, but this time the imoogi began to fade and 24 metal pieces were floating in it's place.

Seeing the magnificent sight Ryoung's body gave up and he sat in the liquid.

His breathing was fast; he inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm his breathing; this was the first time that he felt that his strength was insignificant in front of any big shot.

[Chapter end]