Chapter 28

[Quote: "Take care of your thoughts, as they become your words. Take care of your words as they become your actions."]

Chapter 28: Meeting And Weapon

The eerie silence covered the whole cave; in the middle of the chaos, a sinister energy began to lose its leash.

In the cave, a cadet could be seen sitting in a red and blackish liquid; his half-body was drowned in it.

After a full circulation of Cheon Ma's breathing technique, Ryoung stood and released a relaxed air.

His whole body was in a mess; the clothes were torn as some beast had attacked him, and his sword was shattered on the ground.

The only thing he had was a scabbard of his old shattered sword; even then, it was also in pieces.

Opening his eyes, Ryoung saw a magical sight; the 24 metal pieces began to vibrate.

And suddenly, a movement occurred; one by one, the pieces began to form a sword.

It hovered in the air, with a sinister energy surrounding it.

Ryoung knew that it was the sword of Heavenly Demon, that he used in his prime.

Focusing his eyes on the sword, Ryoung saw 'Heavenly Demon' engraved on the sword.

He walked towards the sword and, reaching there, he extended his hands; as they were about to touch it, his consciousness began to fade.

Opening his eyes, Ryoung saw a white expanse that had no end.

In front of him, he saw a white imoogi, and the next moment,

Swish ~

A figure passed beside him; seeing the back of the charging figure, Ryoung exclaimed.

'Is it the same thing that Cheon Yeo Woon saw after acquiring the sword.'

There, Ryoung saw a magnificent sight; the 1st formation of Cheon Ma's sword techniques was used by the unknown figure.

And the most shocking thing is the mastery of 1st formation was at instinct level.

Ryoung couldn't fathom anyone other than him to master such sword art to instinct level.

Of course, the reason for it was his absolute talent.

The sword moved at a fast pace and attacked the vital points of Imoogi, rendering him waste.

After the technique finished, the figure turned his body in the air and stabbed the Imoogi in its chest part.

Defeating the giant creature easily the figure turned his body towards Ryoung and smiled.

Seeing the pretty face with red eyes, similar to himself, Ryoung was surprised.

The said figure's height was a little taller than his, but his eyes and hair were very similar like they were twin brothers.

Averting his eyes from the figure to sword Ryoung saw a sight that made him Surprised once more.

The sword stabbed into the body of Imoogi was absorbing its blood,

' But I only speculated that it should have the blood-absorbing feature. I didn't know of any incident where Cheon Yeo Woon has used it !'

Thought Ryoung while it was his second time being surprised today, he let out a sigh and returned his gaze towards the tall figure standing in front of him.

As he was about to ask some questions, he heard a voice,

"It isn't for me, the resemblance is intriguing. Come and find me."

Seeing the figure's lips moving in harmony at the voice he heard, Ryoung concluded that it was Cheon Ma talking to him.

Ryoung extended both his hands and greeted the tall standing figure.

In the next second, his consciousness returned safely.

But as he was about to stand, his body became more relaxed, the flow of energy was higher than before, and of course, it was also faster.

Next second, he puked a blackish substance that resembled the liquid flowing here in the cave.

Suddenly, Ryoung understood that it was the blood of that white Imoogi; it had some features to cleanse the bone marrow and arteries, making the flow of internal energy faster.

But the most important thing is that the black hovering sword was nowhere to be seen; Ryoung's gaze scanned the surroundings.

He found an unknown bracelet on his wrist. He applied his internal energy, but nothing happened.

Disappointed, Ryoung was about to go and finish the 5th test, but suddenly he found his body could already control the demonic energy integrated into his body.

Ryoung tried once more to apply his internal energy on his wrist, but this time, he changed the internal energy with the demonic energy.

And a moment later, the magnificent black and red sword appeared in his hand, the bracelet on his wrist was nowhere to be seen.

Ryoung wanted to try and use the 1st formation of Cheon Ma's sword techniques.

His movements were faster than before when he used the same technique; moving with swiftness, he attacked the Sapphire standing thick and tall in the cave.

As the sword impacted on it, Ryoung expected to get diverted by the tough material of Sapphire, but his sword cut through it like a tofu.

Ryoung retrieved his Demonic energy, and the next second, the bracelet returned while the sword disintegrated on his wrist.

Ryoung thought of taking some Imoogi's blood for his loyal subordinates; as he was about to take a portion in his broken scabbard, the ground trembled.

Ryoung hurriedly took a portion in his scabbard and jumped, reaching far from the trembling ground.

Afterwards, he saw the whole liquid being consumed by the Earth, and a massive crater was in the place of the cave.

Ryoung didn't mind it and started to head back, he wanted to rest and sleep.

Today's test took him to another level of experience; he didn't even think before that his strength would not be enough to fight someone.

He expected that, if he can't win then he should be able to exchange blows.

But his torn clothes were telling another story.

Meanwhile, outside of the sealed cave, Mun Ku was troubled by her thoughts.

'Why hasn't he returned, it's been 1 hour !'

'I told him to be cautious, please return safely.'

She was racking her brain, but what could she do except wait outside?

In her mind, she even began to pray to the Heavenly Demon to let Ryoung return safely.

How ironic, she didn't know that the reason for Ryoung being late was himself, the Heavenly Demon.

After a moment, she saw a figure exiting the cave, his clothes were in a mess, and his body was excluding an unbearable stench.

He smelled more than any beggar would be.

Another noticeable thing was that In his hand was a scabbard and a white horn that looked like a deer's horn.

"Congratulations, Ryoung you passed the test. But please go and wash your body first."

Said Mun Ku with a smile on her face. Ryoung nodded and disappeared from there with his scabbard in his hand.

He also couldn't bear the stench of smell coming from his body.

He returned to his room, placing the horn and pouring the liquid into a bucket.

Emerging in a profound bath, Ryoung took more time than any boy should take while bathing.

He even broke the records of girls, Ryoung showered for nearly 1 hour.

After a 1 hour relaxing bath, he returned to his bedroom, donning a black robe and black pants with hair tied by a black ribbon.

After some time, Ryoung could be seen in the office of the director; he was there to collect his reward for the 5th test.

"Congratulations, leader Ryoung. You have now a Clan master position."

"Take these things."

Said the director while passing a golden medallion and a small knife to Ryoung.

Ryoung unsheathed the knife and saw a golden word crafted on it; it excluded a sword aura despite being a knife.

"It is engraved by the current lord of the cult; It is an honour to receive it."

Explained the martial instructor standing on the sides.

Ryoung nodded his head and took the medallion placing it in his robe.

As he was about to walk towards the outside, Lee Hwamyung spoke.

"Do you not want to take the 6th test?"

Listening to the director's question, Ryoung shook his head.

"Not now; when I want to take the test, I'll inform you."

Saying the last word, Ryoung disappeared from there.

Appearing in his room, he saw Mun Ku already sitting there; she had her hands crossed on her chest (breast).

"What happened in the sealed cave? Did you encounter the sealed demon?"

Even though her posture was like a close one scolding another close one.

But her voice had an undeniable worry in it. Ryoung sighed and began to recite everything that happened in the cave.

Of course, he didn't tell her that he met the founder of the cult, Larisha.

He has weaved a new story, that he stumbled upon a demon and defeated it.

Of course, at first, she didn't believe him, So to win her trust (just because she doesn't get angry), Ryoung took her to the bathroom.

Showing her the liquid and the unknown horn he had found in the collapsed crater.

As the saying goes 'seeing is believing'.

She also believed Ryoung's story and began to walk towards the cafeteria with Ryoung.

The day was about to end bringing the glowing night.

[Chapter end]