Max strode through the grand halls of Morningstar Palace, the stone floors echoing under his boots as he made his way toward the palace's library. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon, casting long shadows across the marble. As much as Max had come to appreciate the palace's extravagance, sometimes it felt like he was living in a museum. Today, however, he wasn't here to admire the architecture. He had business—serious business.
A little light reading on The Human Power Ranking System.
Ever since he'd become Duke Max Morningstar, everyone seemed to assume he had everything figured out. The truth? He was mostly winging it. Sure, he'd survived a few battles, made some smart calls, and somehow ended up with a couple of six-star ultra-rare monsters swearing allegiance to him. But there was one thing he still hadn't grasped—how the power hierarchy in this world really worked.
The Duke's library was vast, with bookshelves towering up toward the vaulted ceiling. Dust floated lazily in the sunlight that streamed through the stained glass windows, and the smell of old parchment hung heavy in the air.
"This place is huge," Max muttered, scanning the rows of ancient tomes. "It's like Hogwarts meets a hoarder's attic."
He made his way down the aisles until he found the right section. There, on a dusty shelf, was a thick, leather-bound tome titled: The Human Power Ranking System: A Guide to Abilities from Rubbish to Supreme.
"Catchy title," Max said dryly as he hefted the book down. It was ridiculously heavy, like whoever wrote it wanted to make sure only the truly dedicated could get through it. Taking it to a nearby table, he plopped it down with a resounding thud.
Max opened the book to the first page, skimming through the introduction: In this world, power is everything. Humans are ranked from 1-Star to 10-Star based on their abilities, magical power, and combat prowess…
Max chuckled under his breath. "Wow, they really know how to make things sound more important than they are." His fingers traced down the page as he settled in, mentally preparing himself for what he assumed would be hours of reading about overpowered humans.
He turned to the first rank—1-Star (Rubbish Human).
"Ah, the true underdogs," Max smirked. "Let's see what kind of power we're dealing with here."
1-Star (Rubbish Human)
Abilities: These individuals possess very little combat or magical ability. They rely on group strength or luck to survive.
Example Abilities:
Limited Magic: Can cast basic spells like fireballs, healing, or simple enchantments.
Minimal Combat Skills: Can use basic weapons but are outmatched by any higher-ranked individual.
Max snorted. "Sounds like my old gaming group on a bad day. One of us would always pick a class like this and then complain the whole time. I remember when Dan got so frustrated with his 'rubbish human' character that he tried to convince us we should all quit the game and start over."
Max's mind flashed back to the night in question:
Dan, red-faced and furious: "I don't get it! Why would they even put a class like this in the game? I can barely scratch a goblin, and everyone else is out there leveling cities!"
Friend 1 (grinning): "It's called 'balance,' Dan. Not everyone can be a world-destroying demigod."
Dan (throwing his hands up): "Balance my—! I just got KO'd by a chicken! A chicken!"
Max (laughing): "Maybe your real ability is 'Extreme Bad Luck'? That could be your secret power!"
Dan had not been amused.
Max smiled to himself at the memory. "Extreme Bad Luck… yeah, that about sums up the 1-Star class."
Nathan: "Man, Max, you're basically a 1-Star. The way you miss all those critical hits? You might as well just sit on the sidelines and cheer us on."
Max: "Oh please, Nathan. I'd outlast you any day. At least I don't die to tutorial bosses."
The whole group had erupted in laughter, and Max could still picture Nathan's mock indignation.
He turned the page and continued.
2-Star (Common Human)
Abilities: These individuals have some magical ability or combat skills but are limited in their overall power. They can destroy single buildings or a small number of enemies at once.
Example Abilities:
Building-Level Destruction: Can destroy a small building or fortification with an advanced spell.
Basic Combat Mastery: Skilled in basic weaponry and defense, but limited in offensive capability.
Max shook his head. "Oh great, now we're onto the 'common' folk who can destroy a whole building. In real life, they'd be considered monsters. Here, they're just the guys who wreck the occasional hut."
He could already hear his friends making fun of it.
Friend 2: "Man, I can destroy entire buildings! That's gotta be worth something!"
Friend 1: "Pfft, nice job. How many chickens did it take to level a whole house?"
Dan (deadpan): "I'm betting three. Chickens are OP."
Max: "I think you need to find an anti-chicken spell or something."
Friend 2 (grinning): "Yeah, because you're basically the landlord's worst nightmare at this point. One fireball and boom—no more rent!"
Max chuckled, imagining what it must be like for these poor 2-Star guys. One minute, you're trying to prove your worth, and the next, you're knocking over someone's barn with a badly aimed fireball. He sighed and turned the page, ready for the next rank.
3-Star (Uncommon Human)
Abilities: Competent fighters or mages capable of impressive feats. At this rank, they can cause localized destruction, such as blowing up a mountain or splitting a large section of forest with an advanced spell.
Example Abilities:
Mountain-Level Destruction: Can destroy a mountain or a large section of land with one powerful spell or combat strike.
Weapon Enchantment: Can imbue weapons with elemental or magical properties, making them more dangerous.
Multi-Target Magic: Can cast spells that affect multiple targets at once, such as fireballs, lightning strikes, or ice storms.
Max: "You know, if I could just destroy a mountain IRL, I'd never have to deal with a bad Wi-Fi connection again."
Chris: "Dude, you'd be the villain in every single movie. 'Max, the Mountain Obliterator,' coming to theaters this summer."
Max blinked at the description. "Mountain-Level Destruction… Yeah, no big deal, just casually blowing up mountains."
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "What kind of local hero do you have to be to convince people you blowing up mountains is a good thing?"
Friend 1: "What did you do this weekend, Max?"
Max (mocking): "Oh, you know, just blew up a mountain. No big deal. Had to make room for a parking lot."
Friend 2: "Classic 'mountain removal.' I bet your neighbors love you."
Dan: "I blew up a tree once… Does that count?"
Friend 1: "Only if you got knocked out by the falling branches."
Max smirked at the thought. "3-Stars—perfect for those really inconvenient hills in your backyard." He flipped the page to move on to the higher ranks, where things were bound to get ridiculous.
4-Star (Unique Human)
Abilities: Strong fighters and mages who can take on multiple opponents at once and still emerge victorious. While not capable of city-wide destruction, they can destroy multiple buildings or small settlements.
Example Abilities:
Small Settlement Destruction: Capable of wiping out a small village with powerful magic or combat strikes.
Advanced Combat Techniques: Mastery of several martial arts or weapon styles.
Mid-Level Magic: Can cast powerful spells that control natural elements like fire, ice, or lightning.
Stealth Mastery: Can hide their presence from lower-ranked beings, making them deadly assassins.
Max read through it and nodded, "Okay, now we're moving into the village-crushing business. That's when you know you've made it—you've got enough power to destroy an entire community. But hey, at least you're stealthy about it!"
"Ah, the village destroyers," Max chuckled. "Good thing I've only got towns under my control. Guess I'm safe from these guys."
He could already hear the jokes his friends would make about this one.
Tim: "So what's your superpower again?"
Max (grinning): "Oh, just a little thing called 'Small Settlement Destruction.' I've been thinking of opening up a chain of demolition companies—'Max's Village Removal Services.' Need a town gone? Just give me five minutes and a fireball."
Friend 1: "I'm sure business would be booming."
Dan: "I tried to burn down a barn once. The barn won."
Max snorted at the memory. The way they all used to joke about how 'overpowered' the higher ranks seemed back in the game felt so far removed from his current reality. Now, instead of laughing about these abilities, he was living in a world where people like this could actually exist.
He turned the page, moving on to the heavy hitters—the ones he had to watch out for.
5-Star (Rare Human)
Abilities: Considered elites in their respective fields. They have the power to destroy multiple buildings or heavily fortified strongholds in a single attack.
Example Abilities:
Building-Level Destruction: Can bring down entire buildings or strongholds with magic or combat prowess.
Magic Circles: Can create large magic circles that amplify their power, making their spells more devastating.
Advanced Weapon Mastery: Total control over their weapons, making each strike fatal.
Elemental Defense: Can use elemental magic to shield themselves from most attacks.
Max raised an eyebrow. "So, they went from small settlements to strongholds. Guess they're moving up in the world."
He shook his head, remembering how his friends used to debate which rank would be the most fun to play as. Back then, no one ever picked 5-Star because, as Dan had put it, "Why would I be a 5 when I can go straight for a 10?"
But Max continued reading, the absurd power scaling of the rankings reminding him how outmatched he would be if he ever faced a 10-Star.
He skimmed ahead, anticipating what would come next, and he wasn't disappointed when he reached 10-Star (Supreme Human).
Max's fingers tapped the edge of the page, mentally preparing himself for the most ridiculous of the rankings. 10-Star (Supreme Human). He could already picture his friends rolling their eyes at the absurdity. With a wry smile, he read the description.
10-Star (Supreme Human)
Abilities: Near-immortal beings. They can manipulate reality, bend time and space, and destroy entire regions with ease. Their physical and magical abilities are so potent that they are considered almost godlike, but they remain below the rank of gods and demon kings. These humans can compete with pseudo-gods, but full deification is beyond their reach.
Example Abilities:
Reality Manipulation: Can rewrite the rules of reality in a localized area, causing the impossible to become possible.
Mass Destruction: Can destroy entire continents, summon vast storms, or obliterate armies with a single thought.
Time Manipulation: Slows or speeds up time in their immediate surroundings, giving them an edge in battle.
Immortality: Nearly immune to age and disease, capable of regenerating from most wounds almost instantly.
Energy Mastery: Complete control over elemental forces, such as fire, lightning, and even life and death itself.
Humans at this rank have transcended mortality. They possess near-limitless power, rivaling gods in strength, speed, and intelligence. They can reshape reality, destroy armies with a thought, and influence the fabric of existence. These individuals are considered living legends, and their presence alone can affect entire continents.
Max leaned back in his chair and let out a low whistle. "Wow. So not quite a god, but, you know, you can still casually destroy a continent if you're having a bad day. What do these guys do for fun? Rearrange the laws of physics during lunch breaks?"
He couldn't help but remember how he and his friends used to mock the idea of anything more powerful than this. A 10-Star was basically a walking apocalypse, and back in the game, it was the kind of character you'd fight with a group of 100 and still barely survive.
Friend 1: "Okay, so you're telling me this guy can literally manipulate reality? Like, he just decides, 'Nope, gravity doesn't work here anymore,' and that's it?"
Max (grinning): "Yeah, pretty much. But don't worry—he's not quite a god. Just a reality-bending, time-manipulating immortal who can throw continents at you."
Dan (in mock horror): "Oh great, I can barely beat chickens, and this guy can toss a mountain and make time stop. I'm dead."
Friend 2: "Can we get that as an ability? 'Chicken Slayer.' Maybe it's like the secret 11-Star rank."
Max laughed softly at the memory, flipping the page to the 9-Star (Divine Human). This was where things became almost as wild.
9-Star (Divine Human)
Abilities: These individuals are capable of battling lower-tier gods and demon lords. They wield immense magical and physical power and can destroy entire cities or mountains with little effort. They often hold dominion over vast kingdoms or empires, and their presence inspires fear and awe.
Example Abilities:
Mountain Crusher: Can shatter mountains with powerful spells or physical attacks.
City Destroyer: One spell or sword swing can level a city.
Elemental Mastery: Command over several elements at once, summoning firestorms, blizzards, or floods on a grand scale.
Flight: Capable of flying at high speeds, either through magical means or pure physical power.
Aura of Dominion: Their very presence can suppress lower-ranked beings, rendering them paralyzed with fear or awe.
"Yep," Max muttered, "just your average, everyday guy who can destroy a city with a single move. No pressure."
He thought about how these people just walked around with this kind of power. Could you even trust yourself if you had the ability to level a city by sneezing too hard?
Friend 2: "So, if I become a 9-Star, does that mean I have to be careful when I sneeze? What if I accidentally blow up the village? 'Sorry about that, everyone. My allergies just kicked in.'"
Dan (laughing): "I can see the headlines now: 'Divine Human accidentally levels city. Locals not impressed.'"
Max (mock serious): "Yeah, someone needs to invent 'sneeze control' for these guys. You know, for public safety."
Max grinned, imagining the chaos a 9-Star could cause just by losing focus for a second. "At least I know who not to invite to my next village barbecue."
The further up the rankings he went, the more outlandish it became. He glanced down at the page for the 8-Star (Mythical Human).
8-Star (Mythical Human)
Abilities: Capable of wiping out armies single-handedly. Their strength, speed, and reflexes are unmatched by all but the strongest beings. They can manipulate vast amounts of mana, unleashing powerful magical attacks capable of reshaping the landscape.
Example Abilities:
Army Slayer: Able to eliminate thousands of soldiers in a single spell or physical attack.
Massive Magic Constructs: Can create large barriers or magical weapons that can last for days, even weeks.
Meteor Summoner: Calls down massive meteors from the sky, devastating entire regions.
High-Speed Combat: Moves faster than the eye can follow, engaging multiple enemies at once with ease.
Environmental Control: Can change the weather, summon natural disasters, or manipulate the terrain.
"Yep," Max muttered, "just your friendly neighborhood army destroyer."
This rank felt a little more... achievable? Or maybe just less absurd compared to bending reality or accidentally vaporizing a continent.
Friend 1: "So, what's the strategy here? You just summon a meteor and call it a day?"
Max (laughing): "Meteor Summoning. Perfect for those times when regular fireballs just don't quite cut it."
Dan (mock exasperated): "Oh great, another meteor? Seriously? Can't we just have a normal battle for once?"
Friend 2: "Why fight when you can just drop a space rock on your problems?"
Max (grinning): "That's why they invented the 'skip fight' button—just call a meteor and move on."
Max flipped through the next few pages quickly, his eyes skimming over the descriptions of 7-Star (Legendary Human) and 6-Star (Ultra Rare Human). More of the same, with powers that seemed impossible. He reached 5-Star and paused, remembering how back in the game, everyone tried to go higher as quickly as possible.
Dan (seriously): "If you're not at least a 5-Star, are you even playing the game?"
Max (mocking): "I dunno, man. I heard 4-Stars have some serious stealth moves. You could start your own ninja clan."
Friend 2 (grinning): "Or just hide from your problems forever. Solid strategy."
Max shook his head. "Yeah, if only you could stealth away from the 10-Stars. Or, you know, hide from reality manipulation."
He pushed the book aside, leaning back in the library chair. The rankings were insane, but they were also real in this world. He wondered where he fit in now. If he was going to climb this system, he'd need to be careful. But a small part of him couldn't help but smirk.
Maybe someday, he'd be the one rewriting reality.
End of Chapter 14