Day 7: Roleplay Double-Agent/Top/Bottom

Day 7: Roleplay Double-Agent/Top/Bottom

"You're not as clever as you think you are, Agent," Elsa's voice echoed through the dimly lit room, her tone dripping with condescension as she leaned against the desk, arms folded. The soft click of her heels against the floor filled the silence, punctuating her slow, deliberate movements as she circled the room, her icy blue eyes locked on Anna.

Anna sat in the center of the room, wrists cuffed behind her back, legs spread slightly as she knelt on the cold concrete floor. Her breathing was steady, controlled, but the way her chest rose and fell just a little too quickly betrayed the tension thrumming through her body. She was caught, and she knew it—but there was still a glimmer of defiance in her eyes as she looked up at Elsa.

"I'd say I've been pretty clever so far, considering how long it took you to catch me," Anna retorted, her voice steady despite the tightness in her throat. She shifted slightly, testing the restraints around her wrists, but they held fast. Her body ached from the struggle, but she wasn't going to show weakness. Not yet.

Elsa smirked, the softest hint of amusement dancing at the corners of her lips as she stepped closer, her heels clicking sharply on the floor with each deliberate step. "Oh, I caught you long before tonight, Anna," she purred, her eyes gleaming with dark satisfaction. "I just let you run... let you think you were in control. A mouse scurrying around in my trap."

Anna's heart skipped a beat at the words, her body instinctively tensing as Elsa loomed over her. The air between them crackled with tension, thick and electric, and Anna couldn't deny the thrill of it—the thrill of being hunted, of being caught.

"Then why didn't you stop me sooner?" Anna challenged, her voice sharper now, but still filled with that underlying defiance. She wasn't going to give Elsa the satisfaction of seeing her break. "If you had me in your sights the whole time, why wait?"

Elsa's smile widened, and she crouched down in front of Anna, her gloved hand reaching out to grip Anna's chin firmly, tilting her head up so their eyes met. "Because I wanted to watch you squirm," Elsa whispered, her voice low and dripping with authority. "I wanted to watch you run... and I wanted to savor the moment when you realized there was no escape."

Anna's breath hitched, her body trembling slightly as Elsa's words washed over her. The tight grip on her chin was unyielding, commanding, and Anna could feel her pulse quicken in response. She hated the way Elsa could make her feel this way—helpless, vulnerable, but also aroused. The power dynamic between them was intoxicating, and it pulled Anna in no matter how hard she tried to resist.

"You don't know anything about me," Anna muttered, her voice strained as she tried to pull her chin free from Elsa's grip. "You think you're in control, but you're wrong."

Elsa chuckled softly, her fingers tightening around Anna's chin, holding her in place with a force that left no room for argument. "I know more than you think," she whispered, her voice full of dark amusement as she leaned in closer, her breath cool against Anna's lips. "I know how you tremble when I'm this close. I know how you fight against those cuffs, even though you know you can't get free. And I know..." Elsa's lips brushed lightly against Anna's ear as she whispered, "I know you like being caught."

Anna's whole body shuddered, the heat between her legs intensifying as Elsa's words hit her with the force of a tidal wave. She clenched her jaw, trying to keep her composure, but the way Elsa's voice dripped with control, the way her presence dominated the room—it was impossible to ignore. Every inch of Anna's body was hyperaware of Elsa's proximity, of the unspoken power Elsa held over her.

"Is that what this is, then?" Anna shot back, her voice shaking slightly as she tried to regain control of the situation. "You get off on this? On trapping me?"

Elsa smiled, the expression dark and predatory as she released Anna's chin and stood back up, towering over her. "I do," she admitted, her voice calm but full of a wicked edge. "But it's not just about trapping you, Anna. It's about breaking you."

Anna's breath hitched, her eyes widening slightly at the words. She knew this game they were playing—knew the way Elsa always pushed her, always tested her limits—but this time felt different. This time, there was an intensity in Elsa's gaze that made Anna's heart race, a hunger in her voice that made Anna's body tremble with a mix of fear and desire.

"I'm not going to break," Anna growled, her voice low and filled with defiance as she glared up at Elsa. "You can try all you want, but I'm not going to give you the satisfaction."

Elsa's eyes gleamed, and she smiled as if she'd been waiting for those exact words. "Oh, but you will," she murmured, her voice filled with quiet certainty as she took a slow step closer to Anna, her gloved fingers brushing lightly against the side of Anna's neck, sending a shiver down her spine. "And I'm going to enjoy every second of it."

Anna clenched her jaw, her body trembling with a mix of anger and arousal as Elsa's fingers traced a slow path down her neck, lingering over the pulse point that throbbed beneath her skin. The soft leather of Elsa's gloves was cool against her heated skin, and it made Anna's breath hitch, made her heart pound in her chest. She hated how easily Elsa could get under her skin—how effortlessly she could make Anna's body respond to her touch, even when her mind screamed to resist.

Elsa circled around her, her fingers trailing lightly over Anna's shoulders, teasing the bare skin exposed by the loose fabric of her dress. "You're already trembling," Elsa whispered, her voice dripping with satisfaction as she leaned down, her lips brushing lightly against Anna's ear. "You say you won't break... but your body is already betraying you."

Anna's breath came in short, ragged bursts as Elsa's words hit her, the weight of them pressing down on her chest like a physical force. Her body was trembling, her pulse racing with a mixture of fear and desire that she couldn't control. She wanted to fight it—wanted to push Elsa away, to prove that she wasn't going to give in—but the way Elsa's touch sent shivers down her spine, the way her voice dripped with command... it was too much.

"Why don't you just admit it?" Elsa purred, her fingers tracing a slow path down Anna's arm, teasing the sensitive skin just beneath the cuff of her sleeve. "Admit that you want this. Admit that you need me to catch you."

Anna bit her lip, her body shaking as she fought against the growing heat between her legs, the tight ache that was building inside her with every soft, teasing touch of Elsa's fingers. She couldn't admit it—couldn't give Elsa the satisfaction of knowing how badly she wanted this, how much her body ached for Elsa's touch. But the way Elsa's voice wrapped around her like a command, the way her presence filled the room with an undeniable dominance—it made Anna's resolve waver.

"I'm not going to admit anything," Anna growled, her voice trembling with defiance as she glared up at Elsa. "You're not in control of me."

Elsa's smile widened, and she crouched down in front of Anna once more, her hand reaching out to cup Anna's chin again, forcing her to look up and meet her gaze. "We both know that's not true," Elsa whispered, her voice low and dripping with authority as her thumb brushed lightly over Anna's bottom lip, teasing. "You've never been in control. Not with me."

Anna's breath hitched, her body trembling as Elsa's thumb traced slow, deliberate circles over her lip, her touch sending jolts of electricity through her body. She hated the way her body responded so easily to Elsa's touch, hated the way her pulse raced with anticipation, but she couldn't stop it. Elsa had her, and they both knew it.

"Let me show you," Elsa whispered, her voice soft but filled with promise as her fingers trailed down Anna's throat, her touch light but possessive. "Let me show you what it feels like to really be caught."

Anna's breath hitched, her whole body trembling under Elsa's touch. The sensation of Elsa's fingers gliding over her skin, delicate but commanding, made Anna's pulse race. She wanted to fight it, wanted to cling to the last remnants of her defiance, but the way Elsa loomed over her, the weight of her presence pressing down, made resistance impossible. Elsa was in control, and Anna was helpless to stop her.

Elsa's hand slid lower, brushing over Anna's collarbone before trailing down to the loose fabric of her dress. Without a word, Elsa's fingers curled into the fabric, pulling it down slowly, exposing more of Anna's chest with each inch. The soft glow of the overhead light illuminated Anna's flushed skin, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as Elsa's touch left a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

"Such a good little prisoner," Elsa purred, her voice low and full of satisfaction as her hand moved to cup one of Anna's breasts, her thumb brushing lightly over the sensitive peak. "You're already trembling for me."

Anna whimpered, her body reacting instinctively to Elsa's touch, her nipples hardening under the cool caress of her sister's gloved fingers. She hated how easily her body responded to Elsa's dominance, how the tension between them had morphed into something so intense, so undeniable. But the heat pooling between her legs was impossible to ignore, her body betraying her with every soft moan that escaped her lips.

"You look so beautiful like this," Elsa murmured, her voice soft but filled with authority as her fingers teased Anna's breasts, her thumb circling the hardened peaks with slow, deliberate movements. "So helpless... so mine."

Anna's breath hitched, her whole body shuddering as Elsa's words washed over her, the possessiveness in her voice making Anna's pulse race even faster. She tugged at the cuffs that held her hands behind her back, but the restraints didn't budge. She was trapped, completely at Elsa's mercy, and the thought sent a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins.

Elsa's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she watched Anna squirm beneath her touch, her fingers sliding lower, tracing a slow, deliberate path down the curve of Anna's waist. "You know what happens next, don't you?" Elsa whispered, her voice filled with dark amusement as she leaned down, her lips brushing against Anna's ear. "I'm going to take everything you've been hiding from me."

Anna whimpered softly, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as Elsa's hand moved lower, her fingers brushing over the waistband of Anna's panties, teasing but not yet giving her what she needed. The heat between her legs was unbearable now, her body aching for more, but Elsa was in control, and she was making sure Anna knew it.

"You're not going to get away this time," Elsa murmured, her fingers dipping just beneath the waistband of Anna's panties, her touch light and teasing. "I'm going to take my time with you... make sure you feel everything."

Anna's hips bucked instinctively, her breath hitching as Elsa's fingers slid lower, teasing the slick heat between her legs. "Elsa," she gasped, her voice breathless with need as she pressed her thighs together, trying to create some kind of friction. But Elsa's hand held her firmly in place, her fingers just barely grazing Anna's entrance, teasing but not giving her the release she so desperately craved.

"Shh," Elsa whispered, her voice soft but full of command as she pressed her fingers harder against Anna's slick folds, making Anna gasp. "I'm in charge now, remember?"

Anna whimpered, her whole body trembling with the intensity of the moment as Elsa's fingers finally slid lower, brushing over her entrance in slow, deliberate strokes. The sensation was overwhelming, the heat between her legs growing unbearable as Elsa's fingers teased her, never quite giving her what she needed but keeping her on the edge, making her ache with anticipation.

"You're so wet for me," Elsa murmured, her voice filled with satisfaction as her fingers slid over Anna's slick heat, spreading the wetness with slow, torturous precision. "You've been hiding this for so long, haven't you? Hiding how much you want me... how much you need me to take control."

Anna whimpered softly, her whole body trembling as Elsa's words hit her like a punch to the gut. She didn't want to admit it—didn't want to give Elsa the satisfaction of knowing how much she had craved this, how much she had needed to be caught, to be claimed—but the truth was impossible to deny. Her body was betraying her, her hips bucking forward, desperate for more of Elsa's touch.

"I knew it," Elsa whispered, her voice filled with dark satisfaction as she slid one finger inside Anna, the slick heat of her sister's body making Elsa's whole body tremble with desire. "I knew you were hiding this from me... hiding how much you wanted me to fuck you."

Anna gasped, her hips pressing forward instinctively as Elsa's finger moved inside her, the sensation of being filled making her whole body shudder with pleasure. Elsa's pace was slow, deliberate, her finger sliding in and out of Anna with measured precision, teasing but never quite giving her enough to push her over the edge.

"Elsa," Anna whimpered, her voice trembling with need as her hips bucked forward, trying to push Elsa's finger deeper inside her. "Please... I need..."

Elsa's smile widened, and she added a second finger, the stretch making Anna moan softly, her body trembling as Elsa's fingers moved faster now, thrusting in and out of her in slow, deliberate strokes. "You need what?" Elsa whispered, her voice full of command as her fingers curled inside Anna, hitting that perfect spot that made Anna gasp.

"I need you," Anna whimpered, her whole body shaking as Elsa's fingers worked her closer and closer to the edge. "I need you to fuck me... please."

Elsa's breath hitched, her heart pounding as Anna's desperate words washed over her. She could feel the heat building between them, the tension growing unbearable as her fingers moved faster, thrusting harder now, filling Anna completely. The sound of Anna's soft whimpers, the way her body trembled under Elsa's control—it was intoxicating, and Elsa couldn't hold back anymore.

"Good girl," Elsa growled, her voice low and rough as she pressed her thumb against Anna's clit, circling slowly as her fingers thrust deeper inside her. "You're going to come for me... you're going to let me take everything."

Anna cried out, her hips bucking wildly as Elsa's fingers worked her closer and closer to the edge. The pressure inside her was unbearable now, the heat between them building to a fever pitch as Elsa's thumb pressed harder against her clit, the sensation sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

"That's it," Elsa whispered, her voice filled with satisfaction as her fingers moved faster, thrusting harder, deeper inside Anna. "Let go... let me feel you come."

Anna's whole body convulsed, her breath catching in her throat as the pressure inside her finally broke. With a final, desperate cry, Anna's orgasm ripped through her, her body trembling uncontrollably as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. She clenched tightly around Elsa's fingers, her whole body shaking with the intensity of her release.

Elsa growled softly, her thumb still circling Anna's clit as she worked her through the aftershocks, her fingers still moving inside her sister, drawing out every last bit of her release. "That's it," Elsa murmured, her voice soft but filled with authority. "You're mine, Anna... all mine."

All I have for prompts left is:

Day 8: modern AU/First-time

Day 9: g!p/g!p

Day 10: Hand Kink

Day 11: Bathtub/Shower Sex

So if there is anything else y'all want to see let me know