Day 8 - Modern AU/First-Time/Cunnilingus

Day 8 - Modern AU/First-Time/Cunnilingus

(as requested by Guest)

Elsa could hardly believe this was happening.

She sat on the edge of Anna's bed, her heart pounding in her chest, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap as she glanced around the room. The dim glow of fairy lights strung along the wall cast a soft, warm light over everything, giving the space an intimate, almost magical feel. But all Elsa could focus on was the overwhelming rush of nerves twisting in her stomach.

She was alone in Anna's bedroom— Anna's bedroom—and she couldn't stop her mind from spinning. Anna, the most popular girl in school, the one everyone adored, had somehow chosen her. The shy, awkward girl who could barely string together a sentence without tripping over her words.

And now… now they were going to take that next step. Their first time.

Elsa's hands trembled slightly as she tried to calm herself, but the thought of what was about to happen made her heart race even faster. She wanted this—she really wanted this—but the anxiety gnawing at her made it hard to think straight.

Anna had been her girlfriend for a couple of months now, and every moment they spent together was like a dream come true for Elsa. Anna was bright and bold, confident in a way that made everyone else pale in comparison. She was a cheerleader, the heart of every social event, with her infectious energy and easy smile.

And Elsa? Elsa was... well, the girl who spent most of her time in the library, hiding behind her textbooks, too shy to even look most people in the eye.

But somehow, Anna had seen something in her. And now they were here, alone, in Anna's room.

Elsa's breath hitched as she heard the soft sound of footsteps approaching the bed, and she looked up to see Anna standing there, her bright blue eyes sparkling with warmth and affection. She wore a simple tank top and shorts, but to Elsa, she looked like the most beautiful thing in the world.

Anna smiled, her lips curving into that familiar, reassuring grin that always made Elsa feel like everything was going to be okay. "Hey," Anna said softly, sitting down beside Elsa on the bed, her hand resting gently on Elsa's thigh. "You okay?"

Elsa swallowed hard, her heart racing even faster now that Anna was so close. The warmth of her hand on Elsa's thigh was almost overwhelming, and Elsa could barely keep her thoughts from spiraling out of control. "I... I'm just... a little nervous," Elsa admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Anna's smile softened, and she leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Elsa's temple. "It's okay to be nervous," she whispered, her voice full of warmth and understanding. "This is new for both of us."

Elsa nodded, but the tightness in her chest didn't go away. She had been dreaming about this moment for weeks now, but now that it was actually happening, the reality of it all was almost too much to handle. She wanted to make Anna feel good, to show her how much she cared, but the thought of touching her, of seeing her body up close—it made Elsa's mind go blank.

"I just... I don't want to mess this up," Elsa confessed, her voice trembling slightly as she met Anna's gaze. "I want to make you feel good, but... I don't really know what I'm doing."

Anna's eyes softened with affection, and she reached up, cupping Elsa's cheek in her hand. "Elsa, you're not going to mess this up," she said gently. "I want this to be about both of us. We don't have to rush anything, okay?"

Elsa's heart swelled at Anna's words, and she leaned into the touch, her breath coming in shallow, uneven bursts as she tried to calm her racing thoughts. Anna was always so understanding, so patient with her, and it only made Elsa fall harder for her.

"I just... I've never done anything like this before," Elsa admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she looked down at her lap. "I want to make you feel good, but I'm so... nervous."

Anna's hand slid down to take Elsa's, squeezing it gently. "Hey, we'll figure it out together," Anna reassured her, her voice soft but full of warmth. "You don't have to be perfect, Elsa. I'm just happy to be here with you."

Elsa's breath hitched again, her heart racing as Anna's words sank in. She didn't have to be perfect. She didn't have to know everything. Anna wasn't expecting some grand, perfect moment—she just wanted to be with Elsa. That thought alone helped ease some of the tension in her chest.

Anna leaned in closer, her lips brushing softly against Elsa's. The kiss was gentle at first, a soft meeting of lips that sent a warm shiver down Elsa's spine. But as Anna deepened the kiss, her hand sliding up to tangle in Elsa's hair, the nervousness that had been gnawing at Elsa slowly began to fade, replaced by something warmer, something deeper.

Elsa kissed back, her hands hesitantly resting on Anna's waist, her fingers trembling slightly as she felt the soft fabric of Anna's tank top beneath her palms. Her mind was still spinning, but the warmth of Anna's body against hers was grounding, calming in a way that Elsa hadn't expected.

Anna pulled back slightly, her forehead resting against Elsa's as she whispered, "We can go slow... if you want."

Elsa nodded, her breath coming in soft, shaky bursts as she gazed into Anna's eyes. "I... I want to," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I just don't know where to start."

Anna smiled gently, her fingers brushing lightly against Elsa's cheek. "How about you touch me?" she suggested, her voice soft and full of encouragement. "Just start slow... and we'll go from there."

Elsa's heart pounded in her chest, her body trembling with a mixture of nerves and excitement as she nodded. She wanted this—wanted to touch Anna, to make her feel good—but the thought of actually doing it made her mind short-circuit.

With shaky hands, Elsa reached out, her fingers brushing lightly against the hem of Anna's tank top. Her breath hitched as she slowly pushed the fabric up, revealing the soft, smooth skin of Anna's stomach. Elsa's hands trembled, her mind spinning as she realized how close she was—how real this was.

Anna's hand covered Elsa's, steadying her trembling fingers as she smiled reassuringly. "You're doing great," Anna whispered, her voice full of warmth and encouragement. "Just keep going."

Elsa's heart swelled at Anna's words, and she took a deep breath, letting herself relax just a little. She slowly pushed Anna's tank top up higher, her fingers brushing against the soft curve of Anna's breasts, and her mind went blank again. She had seen Anna in her cheerleading uniform before, but this—this was different. This was intimate, real, and it made Elsa's head spin.

Anna lifted her arms, allowing Elsa to pull the tank top over her head, and Elsa's breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight of her girlfriend, bare-chested and breathtakingly beautiful. Her mind raced, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to take it all in.

"You're... so beautiful," Elsa whispered, her voice shaky as she reached out to cup one of Anna's breasts in her hand, her fingers trembling slightly as she touched her girlfriend's bare skin for the first time.

Anna smiled softly, her eyes filled with affection as she leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Elsa's lips. "You don't have to be nervous," Anna whispered against Elsa's mouth. "I trust you."

Elsa's heart raced at Anna's words, and she took a deep breath, trying to calm the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. She wanted to make Anna feel good—wanted to give her everything—but the reality of the moment was overwhelming. Still, the warmth of Anna's reassurance grounded her, and she slowly leaned down, her lips brushing lightly against the soft skin of Anna's chest.

Anna sighed softly, her body relaxing under Elsa's touch, and Elsa's heart swelled with affection. She pressed soft, gentle kisses along Anna's collarbone, her hands trembling as they slid lower, brushing against the waistband of Anna's shorts.

"Is this okay?" Elsa whispered, her breath shaky as she looked up at Anna, her hands hesitating just above the button of her shorts.

Anna smiled, her eyes filled with warmth and love as she nodded. "It's more than okay," she whispered back. "I want you, Elsa."

Those words sent a rush of warmth through Elsa's entire body, and with trembling hands, she slowly undid the button of Anna's shorts, sliding them down her hips with hesitant but eager fingers. The sight of Anna lying there, bare and waiting, made Elsa's heart race even faster, and she swallowed hard, her breath coming in shallow bursts.

Anna shifted slightly, parting her legs just enough to give Elsa the invitation she needed, and Elsa's breath caught in her throat as she leaned down, her lips brushing lightly against the inside of Anna's thigh.

"Just... take your time," Anna whispered, her voice soft but filled with affection. Her hand reached down, fingers gently tangling in Elsa's hair, offering both encouragement and comfort. The warmth of Anna's touch helped soothe some of the nerves that were making Elsa's hands shake.

Elsa swallowed hard, trying to steady herself. Her eyes traveled over Anna's body, taking in every curve, every inch of skin, the smoothness of her thighs, and the way her breath hitched just slightly in anticipation. Elsa's heart pounded so loudly she was sure Anna could hear it.

She wanted to make Anna feel good— really good—but she had no idea if she would be able to do it right. The pressure to please her was overwhelming, but the softness in Anna's eyes and the gentle way she held Elsa made it feel... okay. Maybe she didn't have to be perfect. Maybe it was enough just to be with Anna in this moment.

"Elsa," Anna whispered again, her voice a little breathier now, filled with warmth and trust. "I'm yours. You're doing so good."

The reassurance sent a wave of confidence through Elsa, and she slowly lowered her head, pressing a soft kiss to the inside of Anna's thigh. She felt Anna's body shiver under her touch, and that small reaction—knowing that she had caused it—made Elsa's heart race.

Her lips traveled higher, tracing a slow, deliberate path up Anna's thigh. Each kiss felt like a small act of devotion, a way to show Anna how much she meant to her. Anna's breath hitched again, and Elsa could feel the tension in her body, the way her thighs parted just a little more, offering herself up fully.

Elsa's mouth hovered just above Anna's core, the scent of her arousal filling the air, and Elsa's breath came in short, uneven bursts. She had never been this close to anyone before, and the reality of what she was about to do made her head spin. But the need to make Anna feel good—really good —pushed her forward.

With a shaky breath, Elsa pressed her mouth to Anna's center, her tongue tentatively sliding over her slick folds. The taste of her girlfriend, the warmth and wetness, made Elsa's mind short-circuit for a moment, her whole body trembling as she realized exactly what she was doing.

Anna let out a soft gasp, her hips instinctively pressing up into Elsa's mouth, and Elsa's heart swelled with pride. She was doing this—she was making Anna feel good. That small sound of pleasure was enough to spur her on, and Elsa slowly flicked her tongue over Anna's clit, the soft, tentative movements growing more confident with each passing second.

"Elsa..." Anna moaned, her voice breathy and filled with need as her fingers tightened in Elsa's hair, guiding her just a little closer. "That feels... so good..."

The sound of Anna's voice, the way she said her name, sent a jolt of electricity through Elsa's entire body. She wanted to hear more—more of those breathy moans, more of that sweet, desperate need in Anna's voice.

Elsa's tongue moved more deliberately now, sliding over Anna's slick heat in slow, languid strokes. She could feel the way Anna's body responded to each movement, the way her hips bucked slightly with each flick of her tongue. It was intoxicating, knowing that she was the one making Anna tremble like this.

"You're doing so good," Anna gasped, her breath coming in short, uneven bursts as Elsa's tongue circled her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body. "Just... just like that..."

Elsa's heart raced, and she pressed her mouth harder against Anna's core, her tongue moving with more confidence now. The taste of her girlfriend, the way Anna's body responded to every touch, every movement—it was overwhelming, but in the best possible way.

Anna's moans grew louder, her hips rocking in time with Elsa's movements, and Elsa's entire body trembled with the realization that she was the one doing this. She was the one making Anna fall apart.

Elsa slid her hands up, gripping Anna's hips to hold her steady as she worked her tongue over her girlfriend's clit, the soft, rhythmic movements sending shockwaves of pleasure through Anna's body. Each moan, each gasp, made Elsa's heart swell with pride, and she found herself getting lost in the moment, lost in the taste and the feel of Anna beneath her.

"Elsa..." Anna moaned again, her voice breathy and filled with affection as her fingers tightened in Elsa's hair, pulling her closer. "Don't stop... please, don't stop."

Elsa's heart raced even faster, and she redoubled her efforts, her tongue flicking over Anna's clit in slow, deliberate strokes. She could feel the way Anna's body tensed, the way her hips pressed up into her mouth, and Elsa knew she was close—knew that she was driving her girlfriend toward the edge.

Anna's breath came in short, ragged bursts, her body trembling with anticipation as Elsa's tongue continued its steady rhythm. "Elsa... I'm... I'm so close..."

The sound of Anna's voice, the way she gasped Elsa's name, was enough to send a surge of confidence through her, and Elsa pressed her tongue harder against Anna's clit, her movements growing more insistent, more focused. She wanted to make Anna fall apart—wanted to see her girlfriend completely lost in the pleasure Elsa was giving her.

With a final, desperate moan, Anna's body tensed, her hips bucking up into Elsa's mouth as her orgasm crashed over her. Her breath hitched, her whole body trembling uncontrollably as waves of pleasure rippled through her, and Elsa kept her tongue moving, drawing out every last bit of her release.

"Elsa... oh god..." Anna gasped, her voice shaky as she came down from the high, her fingers still tangled in Elsa's hair as she pulled her girlfriend up, guiding her into a soft, breathless kiss.

Elsa's heart raced, her whole body trembling as she kissed Anna, the taste of her girlfriend still lingering on her lips. She had done it—she had made Anna come, made her feel good—and the rush of pride and affection that filled her was almost overwhelming.

Anna pulled back slightly, her breath still coming in soft, uneven bursts as she smiled up at Elsa, her eyes filled with warmth and love. "You're amazing," Anna whispered, her voice full of affection as she pressed a soft kiss to Elsa's lips. "That was... perfect."

Elsa's cheeks flushed with warmth, and she smiled shyly, her heart swelling with love as she looked into Anna's eyes. "I just... I just wanted to make you feel good," Elsa whispered, her voice trembling slightly with emotion.

Anna's smile widened, and she cupped Elsa's cheek in her hand, her thumb brushing lightly over her skin. "You did," she whispered, her voice filled with love. "You always make me feel good, Elsa."