Day 10: Hand Kink/Hand Worship

Day 10: Hand Kink/Hand Worship

"Elsa... stop."

Anna's voice was soft, but firm, cutting through the quiet of the royal chamber. Elsa froze, her hands trembling as she stared down at them, her fingers curled slightly, her breath coming in short, uneven bursts. She couldn't stop looking at her hands, couldn't stop thinking about everything they had done—everything they had ruined.

"I... I can't, Anna," Elsa whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of her guilt. She flexed her fingers, staring at the way the magic crackled beneath her skin, the cold blue glow that flickered just beneath the surface. "These hands... they destroy everything they touch."

Anna frowned, stepping closer, her heart aching at the sight of her sister's distress. "That's not true," she said gently, reaching out to take Elsa's hands in hers, her fingers curling softly around Elsa's trembling ones. "Your hands are not instruments of evil, Elsa."

Elsa's breath hitched, and she tried to pull her hands away, but Anna held on firmly, refusing to let her sister retreat into herself. "Anna, please... I've done terrible things with these hands," Elsa whispered, her voice breaking as she looked down at where Anna's hands held hers, the warmth of Anna's touch a stark contrast to the cold that still lingered in Elsa's skin. "I don't deserve this."

Anna shook her head, her fingers gently tracing over Elsa's knuckles, her touch light and reverent. "You deserve everything," Anna whispered, her voice filled with affection as she lifted Elsa's hands to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of her sister's hand. "You're not evil, Elsa. Your hands... your magic... it's beautiful."

Elsa's breath hitched, her whole body trembling as Anna's lips brushed against her skin. She couldn't believe it—couldn't understand how Anna could see anything other than destruction when she looked at her. "I've hurt people with these hands," Elsa whispered, her voice tight with emotion. "I've caused so much pain."

Anna frowned slightly, but she didn't let go of Elsa's hands. Instead, she pressed another soft kiss to her sister's knuckles, her lips lingering for a moment before she pulled back just enough to look into Elsa's eyes. "You've also saved people with these hands," Anna said gently, her voice full of warmth. "You've protected Arendelle. You've kept me safe. Your hands are full of magic... and that magic is a part of who you are."

Elsa's throat tightened, her eyes stinging with the weight of Anna's words. She had spent so long thinking of her hands as weapons, as things that brought harm and chaos. But the way Anna was looking at her now, the way she was holding her hands with such tenderness and care... it made Elsa's heart ache with something deeper than guilt. It made her ache with love.

"Anna..." Elsa whispered, her voice trembling as she looked down at their joined hands, the warmth of Anna's skin seeping into her, grounding her, soothing her. "I don't know if I can ever see them the way you do."

Anna smiled softly, her fingers tracing slow, deliberate circles over Elsa's palms, her touch reverent, as if she were handling something precious. "Then let me show you," Anna whispered, her voice filled with quiet determination. "Let me show you how beautiful your hands are."

Elsa's breath caught in her throat as Anna slowly lowered herself to her knees in front of her, their hands still intertwined. The sight of Anna kneeling before her, worshiping her hands as if they were something sacred, sent a rush of emotion through Elsa's entire body. She wanted to pull Anna up, to tell her she didn't deserve this, but the way Anna looked up at her, her eyes filled with love and devotion, made Elsa's heart stutter.

Anna's lips pressed softly against Elsa's palm, her eyes never leaving her sister's as she whispered, "These hands are not instruments of evil, Elsa. They're instruments of love... of magic... of beauty."

Elsa's breath trembled, her whole body shuddering at the warmth of Anna's touch, at the reverence in her voice. She could feel the heat of Anna's breath against her skin, the soft press of her lips against her knuckles, and it made Elsa's heart ache with something she couldn't quite name.

Anna's fingers slowly spread Elsa's hand open, her lips trailing gentle kisses over each finger, worshiping every inch of skin as if it were something divine. "These hands... they create life, Elsa. They create beauty," Anna whispered between kisses, her voice low and filled with affection. "They've made this kingdom safe. They've made me feel safe."

Elsa's heart swelled with love, her chest tightening as she watched Anna continue to kiss her hands, her fingers tracing slow, soothing patterns over her skin. "You're... you're making it sound like I'm something more than I am," Elsa whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Anna's eyes softened, and she looked up at Elsa with a gentle smile. "You are more than you think you are," Anna whispered, her voice filled with love. "You're everything to me. Your magic is a part of you, and that makes it beautiful."

Elsa's throat tightened, and she blinked back the tears that threatened to fall as Anna's words sank into her. She had always seen her magic as something to be feared, something dangerous—but the way Anna was looking at her, the way she was worshiping her hands with such love and devotion, made Elsa feel... different. Made her feel like maybe, just maybe, her magic wasn't something to be ashamed of. Maybe it was something she could embrace.

Anna's lips brushed gently over Elsa's fingers once more, but this time, her touch lingered. Elsa's breath caught in her throat as she watched Anna's tongue slip out, licking softly at the tip of one of her fingers, the warm, wet sensation sending a small shiver down her spine. Anna's eyes flickered up to meet Elsa's, filled with a mix of affection and something more—something deeper, more primal.

Elsa's heart raced, her fingers trembling slightly as Anna's lips parted, taking one of her fingers into her mouth. The heat of Anna's mouth, the way her tongue swirled around the digit, sent a jolt of unexpected pleasure through Elsa's body, making her gasp softly.

"A-Anna," Elsa stammered, her voice trembling as she tried to make sense of the sudden shift in the air between them. But Anna didn't stop. If anything, she seemed encouraged by the reaction, her mouth working slowly, sensually over Elsa's finger as her tongue continued to lap at her skin.

Elsa's breath came in short, uneven bursts as she felt the warmth of Anna's mouth around her finger, the gentle sucking motion sending shockwaves of pleasure up her arm and straight to her core. She had never felt anything like this before—the way Anna was touching her, the way her fingers, usually so cold and unfeeling, were now the source of such overwhelming sensation.

Anna slowly released Elsa's finger from her mouth with a soft, wet pop, her eyes dark and filled with something hungry as she leaned in, pressing a kiss to Elsa's palm. "Your hands aren't instruments of evil," Anna whispered, her voice low and breathy. "They're beautiful, Elsa... and I'm going to show you how beautiful they can feel."

Before Elsa could respond, Anna took another finger into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip before sliding down, deeper, taking it further into her mouth. The heat, the wetness—it was overwhelming, and Elsa's whole body trembled as a wave of unexpected pleasure crashed through her.

Elsa gasped, her back arching slightly as the sensation grew more intense. She could feel the way Anna's tongue traced every inch of her finger, the way her lips moved, slow and deliberate, over her skin. And with each flick of Anna's tongue, each soft suck, Elsa's body responded, her core tightening, her legs pressing together instinctively as pleasure built deep inside her.

"Anna," Elsa whispered, her voice shaky as she tried to steady herself. "I... I don't know..."

But Anna didn't stop. Her mouth moved to the next finger, her tongue lapping at Elsa's skin with the same slow, deliberate pace. And that's when Elsa felt it—a new sensation, a strange and unexpected sensitivity that made her whole body shudder. It wasn't just the physical touch of Anna's mouth on her fingers, but something deeper, something tied to her magic. Her hands, where the magic always seemed to flow the strongest, were sensitive in a way she had never realized before.

Each touch, each lick, sent jolts of pleasure through Elsa's entire body, like lightning traveling from her fingertips straight to her core. Her magic pulsed beneath her skin, responding to Anna's touch, and Elsa's breath came faster, her body trembling uncontrollably as the sensation grew.

"Anna... I..." Elsa gasped, her whole body shaking now, her legs pressing tightly together as the pleasure built, almost unbearable in its intensity. "Something... it feels..."

Anna looked up at her, her lips still wrapped around Elsa's fingers, her eyes filled with a mix of desire and affection. Slowly, she pulled her mouth away, her tongue giving one last languid lick to Elsa's palm. "It's okay," Anna whispered, her voice soft but reassuring as she pressed another kiss to Elsa's hand. "Let me take care of you."

Elsa's heart raced, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as she felt the pressure building inside her, the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter in her core. But the source of it was Anna's mouth, her tongue, her lips worshipping Elsa's hands as though they were something sacred. The more Anna touched her, the more sensitive Elsa's hands became, each flick of Anna's tongue sending another wave of pleasure crashing through her.

"I can't... I can't hold on," Elsa whimpered, her whole body trembling as the pleasure built to an unbearable peak. "Anna, I'm going to..."

Before she could finish, the pressure inside her snapped. A rush of pure, overwhelming pleasure flooded Elsa's body, and she cried out, her back arching as her orgasm ripped through her. It wasn't like anything she had ever felt before—there was no direct touch to her core, no teasing or touching between her legs. It was just her hands, her fingers, worshiped and adored by Anna's mouth, and it was enough to send her spiraling into release.

Elsa's body trembled uncontrollably, her breath coming in ragged gasps as the pleasure overwhelmed her, her core tightening and pulsing as wave after wave of her orgasm crashed over her. Her hands, so sensitive now, throbbed with the aftershocks of pleasure, and Elsa's mind spun with the intensity of it all.

The girl's whole body trembled as the aftershocks of her release pulsed through her. She felt overwhelmed, embarrassed even, at how her body had responded to such an unexpected source of pleasure. Her face flushed deeply, and she tried to pull her hands away, her fingers curling slightly as she struggled to regain control of herself.

"I... I didn't know that would happen," Elsa whispered, her voice shaky as she looked down at her hands, still trembling from the intensity of the experience. "I didn't know..."

Anna smiled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of Elsa's hand. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about," Anna reassured her, her voice filled with warmth. "Your magic... your body... it's all connected. And it's all beautiful."