Day 11: Bathtub Sex

Day 11: Bathtub Sex

"Anna, what are you doing?" Elsa's voice was part annoyance, part confusion as she leaned back in the bath, her fingers tracing the edge of the porcelain. The warm water swirled gently around her, supposed to be helping her relax, but any chance of peace was shattered the second Anna popped up at the door.

Typical Anna—never knocked, always barging in whenever she felt like it. Not that it was unusual. Anna never really cared about things like boundaries.

"Just checking on my very serious sister," Anna grinned, plopping herself down on the floor beside the tub without hesitation, her arms draping over the edge of the bath. "You're always so tense, Elsa. I'm just making sure you're actually relaxing."

Elsa rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the flutter in her chest she always seemed to feel when Anna was around. "I'm perfectly fine, Anna. This bath is exactly what I needed," she replied, trying to sound calm, collected... like a queen. But even she could hear the slight wobble in her voice. She never quite understood why, but whenever Anna was close, she found it harder to keep her cool.

"Hmm..." Anna wasn't convinced. She leaned in a little closer, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the side of the tub as her eyes danced with mischief. "I don't know... you still look kind of tense to me."

Elsa furrowed her brow, giving her a warning look. "Anna... what are you up to?"

Anna's grin widened, the playful spark in her eyes making Elsa suspicious. "Me? Up to something? Never," she teased, dipping her fingers into the water, swirling it lazily around. "I just think you need a little... help relaxing."

Elsa's eyes narrowed. "Help? What kind of help?"

Before she could process what was happening, Anna's fingers brushed lightly against her leg under the water, making her jolt in surprise. "Anna!" Elsa gasped, her cheeks heating up as the playful touch sent a weirdly electric shock through her skin. "What do you think you're doing?"

Anna giggled, her fingers now lightly tracing circles on Elsa's thigh. "Oh, relax, Elsa," she said with an innocent tone that was anything but. "I'm just helping you unwind. You're always so uptight..."

Elsa's heart started racing, her body tensing as Anna's fingers began moving higher, dangerously close to where Elsa knew she'd feel way too exposed. The water wasn't hiding anything, and suddenly, the whole room felt smaller, more charged. Elsa tried to find the words to stop this, to tell Anna that they shouldn't be doing this, but her voice wouldn't work. And there was something in the way Anna was looking at her that made her heart pound for reasons she wasn't ready to admit.

"Anna... this isn't... I mean, you shouldn't..." Elsa stammered, her voice shaky as she tried to gather her thoughts, but everything was fuzzy. Her mind was spinning, but her body—it was responding in ways it shouldn't. Something about Anna's touch made her skin tingle in ways that felt way too good.

Anna's grin softened, a hint of something playful but more serious now. "Oh, come on, Elsa. Don't be such a prude," she teased, her voice light but with an edge of something more. "It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before."

Elsa's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red, her whole body tensing as Anna's fingers continued their slow, deliberate climb up her thigh. The water only seemed to make every touch feel more intimate, more real. "That's... that's not the point," Elsa muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Anna leaned in closer, her lips curling into a smile as her fingers danced higher, teasingly close to Elsa's core. "Relax, sis," she whispered, her breath brushing against Elsa's ear. "I'm just playing around... unless you don't want me to?"

Elsa's breath caught in her throat, her whole body frozen as Anna's fingers finally brushed against her pussy, the touch so light and teasing that it made Elsa gasp. Her legs twitched beneath the water, her mind spinning as she tried to process what was happening. The water was warm, soothing, but Anna's touch—it was electric, sending shivers through Elsa's entire body.

"I..." Elsa's voice trembled, her mind racing as Anna's fingers slid over her folds, teasing but not pressing too hard. She knew she should tell Anna to stop, to put some distance between them, but her body wasn't responding the way it should. Instead, her hips shifted slightly, as if inviting Anna's touch, and Elsa cursed herself for the way her body betrayed her.

"See? I knew you needed this," Anna murmured, her voice soft but filled with a playful edge as her fingers continued to tease Elsa, sliding up and down her slick folds beneath the water. "You've been so stressed, Elsa. Let me help you..."

Elsa's breath came in short, ragged bursts as Anna's fingers moved with a little more purpose now, the teasing touches sending waves of heat through her body. Her mind was screaming at her to stop this—this was her sister, this was wrong—but her body was humming with pleasure, her core tightening with each delicate stroke of Anna's fingers.

"Anna, we shouldn't..." Elsa gasped, her words barely audible as Anna's fingers dipped lower, brushing against her entrance. Her body trembled, and despite herself, Elsa's hips lifted slightly, pressing into Anna's touch.

Anna's grin widened at the reaction, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, Elsa," she whispered, her voice filled with playful affection. "You might be the queen, but right now... you're just my big sister who needs help relaxing."

With that, Anna's fingers slipped inside her, the warm water making the sensation smooth and slick as she pressed gently into Elsa's core. Elsa's breath hitched, her whole body arching as the pleasure hit her like a tidal wave, the warmth of the water and the intimacy of Anna's touch overwhelming her senses.

"See? Feels good, doesn't it?" Anna teased, her fingers moving with purpose as she stroked Elsa from within, her thumb brushing lightly over her sister's clit beneath the water.

Elsa moaned softly, her head falling back against the edge of the tub as her body trembled with pleasure. She couldn't think—couldn't focus on anything except the feeling of Anna's fingers inside her, the way her sister's hand moved with such ease, such confidence.

"Anna... this is..." Elsa's voice was barely a whisper now, her words lost in the haze of pleasure as Anna's fingers curled inside her, hitting that perfect spot that made Elsa's legs twitch beneath the water.

Anna chuckled softly, her free hand coming up to brush a strand of wet hair from Elsa's face as she leaned in closer, her lips dangerously close to Elsa's ear. "You're always so in control, Elsa," Anna whispered, her voice low and teasing as her fingers moved faster, stroking Elsa with a rhythm that sent her pulse racing. "Let go for once..."

Elsa's breath hitched, her hips lifting out of the water as her body responded to Anna's touch, the pleasure building inside her with the thrust of Anna's fingers. She knew this was wrong, knew she should stop it—but she couldn't. Not with the way Anna was making her feel.

"Let me take care of you," Anna whispered, her voice filled with playful affection as her fingers pressed deeper, her thumb circling Elsa's clit with just the right amount of pressure. "I've got you, Elsa..."

Elsa's breath hitched, her body trembling uncontrollably as the tension built inside her, tightening with each stroke of Anna's fingers. Her mind was a haze of confusion and pleasure, unable to reconcile the intimacy of what was happening with the fact that this was Anna—her sister—making her feel like this.

But as Anna's fingers curled inside her, hitting that perfect spot over and over again, Elsa's mind began to slip, her body taking over completely. Her hips bucked instinctively, pressing harder against Anna's hand, and she let out a soft moan, her voice trembling with the intensity of it all.

"Anna..." Elsa gasped, her hands gripping the sides of the tub as her whole body tensed, the pressure inside her building to an unbearable peak. "I... I can't..."

Anna grinned, leaning in closer as her fingers moved faster, her thumb brushing over Elsa's clit in slow, torturous circles. "You let go," Anna commanded, her voice still soft, but now she was demanding it unlike before. She knew her sister needed to be made to let go. "Give me your release."

With a final, desperate moan, Elsa's body tensed, and the pressure inside her finally snapped. A wave of pure, overwhelming pleasure crashed through her, making her cry out as her orgasm ripped through her, her hips jerking beneath the water as her body trembled uncontrollably.

Anna's fingers kept moving, drawing out every last bit of Elsa's release as her sister's body quivered and shook with the aftershocks of pleasure. Elsa's breath came in short, ragged bursts, her mind spinning, her whole body trembling as the pleasure continued to pulse through her, wave after wave, until she was left completely spent.

"Good girl," Anna murmured softly, her voice filled with affection as she slowly withdrew her fingers from Elsa's body, her hand coming up to gently stroke her sister's cheek. Elsa's skin was flushed, her eyes half-lidded with exhaustion, and Anna smiled as she leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to Elsa's lips.

Elsa gasped softly into the kiss, her heart racing as Anna's lips moved against hers with a tenderness that made her whole body ache with something deeper than just desire. Anna's mouth was warm, soft, her tongue teasing lightly at Elsa's bottom lip before biting it gently, making Elsa shiver with a mix of surprise and longing.

For a moment, Elsa melted into the kiss, her mind still buzzing with the remnants of her orgasm, her body trembling with the intensity of it all. She couldn't think—couldn't process what had just happened—but the feel of Anna's lips, the warmth of her sister's body so close to hers, made Elsa want to stay in this moment forever.

When Anna finally pulled back, her lips still brushing lightly against Elsa's, she smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief and affection. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Anna teased, her voice soft but filled with playfulness. "You're all relaxed now."

Elsa blinked, her mind still spinning as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. She opened her mouth to speak, to say something, but the words wouldn't come. All she could do was stare at Anna, her body still trembling, her mind buzzing with confusion and lingering pleasure.

Anna chuckled softly, pressing one last kiss to Elsa's forehead before standing up, wiping her hands on the towel hanging beside the tub. "You really needed that, Elsa," she said with a grin, her voice light and teasing as she glanced back at her sister. "You're welcome, by the way."

With that, Anna turned and left the bathroom, her movements quick and casual, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. The door clicked shut behind her, leaving Elsa alone in the tub, her body still trembling, her mind a whirlwind of confusion.

Elsa sat there, her breath still coming in short, uneven bursts as she stared at the door, her heart racing as she tried to process what had just happened. She could still feel the ghost of Anna's touch, the warmth of her lips, the way her body had reacted so intensely.

Her mind buzzed with a hundred different questions, but none of them had answers. All she knew was that Anna had touched her, kissed her... and now she was gone, leaving Elsa with nothing but the lingering heat of her own desire and the confusion that twisted in her chest.

"What... just happened?" Elsa whispered to herself, her voice barely audible as she stared at the water swirling around her, her hands trembling as they rested on the edge of the tub.

But no answer came. Only the soft ripple of water and the distant sound of Anna's footsteps fading down the hallway.