Day 8 – Role Reversal/Anal Sex/Transfiguration Sex

Day 8 – Role Reversal/Anal Sex/Transfiguration Sex

Narcissa stood by the window, her posture as perfect as ever—poised, regal, every inch the pureblood aristocrat she had always been. She held herself with that familiar cold grace, her chin tilted slightly upward as if the world itself were beneath her.

But tonight, Hermione wasn't interested in being beneath her.

"You know," Hermione began, her voice carrying a sharp edge as she crossed the room, her eyes locked on Narcissa, "you've always acted like you've got a stick up your arse. All that superiority, all that ice. Maybe it's time someone helped you with that."

Narcissa turned slowly, one elegant brow arching as she regarded Hermione with a mixture of surprise and amusement. Her lips curved into a slow, deliberate smile, though her eyes remained cold, assessing. "Oh? And you think you're the one to help me?"

Hermione's lips twitched into a smirk, her confidence bolstered by the fact that, for once, she was the one in control. "I know I am. You've been calling the shots for far too long, Narcissa. Maybe it's time you let someone else take charge."

Narcissa chuckled softly, the sound rich and dangerous. She moved away from the window, her movements graceful as she approached Hermione, her gaze sharp as she circled her slowly. "You're bold, I'll give you that," Narcissa purred, her fingers brushing lightly over Hermione's arm. "But don't forget—this is only for one night. One night where you get to pretend to be in control. After that…"

"I'm yours again," Hermione finished for her, her voice firm, though the thrill of power made her pulse quicken. "I know. But tonight, you'll be mine."

Narcissa's eyes darkened, her lips parting slightly as she allowed Hermione's words to sink in. There was a flicker of something in her gaze—something almost hungry. "Very well," she murmured, her voice low and velvety. "Show me what you've got, darling."

Hermione didn't waste any time. She closed the distance between them in one swift motion, her hands gripping Narcissa's hips as she spun her around, pressing her against the edge of the bed. Narcissa let out a soft gasp, though there was no fear in her voice—only curiosity, a challenge in her eyes as she glanced over her shoulder.

"Don't get used to this," Narcissa said, her voice a soft warning as Hermione's hands slid up her back, pushing her gently but firmly down onto the mattress. "One night, Hermione."

"One night," Hermione repeated, her voice low and commanding as she knelt behind Narcissa, her hands deftly undoing the ties of Narcissa's robe. "That's all I need."

With a flick of her wrist, Hermione pulled the robe from Narcissa's body, revealing her bare skin, the pale curve of her back, the elegant lines of her body. Hermione's breath hitched slightly at the sight—Narcissa was always beautiful, but seeing her like this, vulnerable and waiting, was a different kind of intoxicating.

Hermione's fingers trailed down Narcissa's spine, slow and deliberate, eliciting a soft shiver from the older witch. "You look perfect like this," Hermione murmured, her voice a soft hum as she reached for the small vial of lubricant she'd set aside earlier, slicking her fingers before returning the blonde woman's body. "But I think we can make this even better."

Narcissa's breath hitched as Hermione's fingers brushed against the cleft of her ass, teasing her but not yet giving her what she wanted. "Careful," Narcissa whispered, though there was no real warning in her voice—just a soft, eager anticipation.

"Oh, I'll be careful," Hermione replied, her tone filled with a quiet confidence as she slicked her fingers with the lubricant. "But I'm not going to be gentle. You don't deserve that."

With deliberate precision, Hermione pressed one slick finger against Narcissa's tight entrance, teasing her for a moment before pushing inside. Narcissa's body tensed, her breath coming in short, controlled gasps as Hermione worked her finger deeper, stretching her slowly.

"Relax," Hermione commanded softly, her other hand gripping Narcissa's hip to keep her steady. "I'm going to take care of that stick up your arse."

Narcissa let out a soft moan, her body relaxing slightly as Hermione added a second finger, the slow stretch making her hips shift against the mattress. The control Narcissa usually held over herself was slipping, just a little, but Hermione could see it—the way her body responded, the way her breath hitched every time Hermione's fingers pushed deeper.

Hermione smirked, her own arousal building as she watched Narcissa start to lose control. "You like this, don't you?" Hermione whispered, her voice dark and teasing as she added a third finger, stretching Narcissa further. "You like letting someone else take control for once."

Narcissa didn't respond at first, her fingers gripping the sheets tightly as Hermione's fingers worked inside her. But then, a soft, breathless moan escaped her lips, her body pressing back against Hermione's hand.

Hermione's smirk widened as she leaned down, her breath warm against Narcissa's ear. "I knew it."

Narcissa let out a soft, frustrated growl, though her body betrayed her, pushing back against Hermione's fingers as they thrust deeper. "Don't get cocky," Narcissa hissed, her voice breathless but still filled with that familiar edge. "You only get this for one night."

Hermione chuckled, her fingers curling slightly inside Narcissa, hitting just the right spot to make the older woman gasp. "I'll make the most of it, then."

Narcissa's breath hitched, her body tensing and relaxing under Hermione's expert touch. Hermione could feel the subtle tremor in Narcissa's thighs as she slowly worked her fingers deeper, stretching her further, her movements deliberate and teasing. Narcissa, always so poised, so in control, was now at Hermione's mercy, her sharp exhales betraying how much she was enjoying it despite her earlier defiance.

Hermione withdrew her fingers briefly, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of control as she reached for her wand. Narcissa shifted slightly, glancing over her shoulder with a look that bordered on curiosity and warning.

"Careful, pet," Narcissa murmured, her voice still carrying that familiar edge despite the breathlessness in her tone. "You're getting bold."

"More than you think," Hermione replied with a smirk, tapping her wand lightly against her lower stomach.

With a whispered incantation, Hermione felt a sudden surge of heat between her legs as her body began to change. Her clit lengthened, growing into a smooth, thick appendage, more sensitive than anything she'd ever experienced before. The sensation was overwhelming—every pulse, every twitch of the newly transfigured organ sent waves of intense pleasure through her, making her bite back a moan as the magic finished its work.

The new appendage was different from a cock—slicker, more flexible, but still firm. Hermione looked down at it, her heart racing at the thought of what she was about to do. It wasn't just the act of taking Narcissa—it was the power that came with it, the heady rush of control and dominance she rarely got to wield.

"Impressive," Narcissa commented, her voice tinged with amusement as she glanced back at Hermione. "But let's see if you can actually handle using it."

Hermione smiled, her fingers brushing lightly over her newly formed clit, feeling the intense sensitivity as she slicked it with lubricant. Every touch sent a jolt of pleasure through her, but she forced herself to focus, knowing this wasn't about her—not yet.

"Oh, I can handle it," Hermione murmured, her voice low and confident as she positioned herself behind Narcissa once more. She lined the smooth, slick head of her new appendage against Narcissa's stretched, lubed-up ass, her fingers gripping Narcissa's hips to keep her steady.

Hermione began to push forward, slowly but firmly pressing the head of her new appendage into Narcissa's tight entrance. Narcissa gasped, her body tensing as she adjusted to the stretch, her hips instinctively pushing back against Hermione, as though she couldn't help herself.

The sensation was overwhelming for Hermione—every inch she pushed in, every bit of friction, sent sharp waves of pleasure straight to her core. It was so much more sensitive than she'd expected, her body buzzing with the intensity of it, but she held herself together, determined to focus on Narcissa.

"You feel incredible," Hermione whispered, her voice breathless with both awe and arousal as she slid deeper, the tight heat of Narcissa's body enveloping her. "So tight."

Narcissa moaned softly, her usual composure slipping just enough for Hermione to catch the raw pleasure in her voice. "Don't get used to this," Narcissa managed to gasp, her voice strained but filled with challenge. "You won't have me like this again."

Hermione smiled, her hands gripping Narcissa's hips more tightly as she began to thrust, her movements slow and deliberate at first, savoring every sensation. "Maybe not," she murmured, her voice thick with pleasure as she set a steady rhythm, the slick appendage moving easily in and out of Narcissa's ass. "But tonight, you're mine."

Narcissa's body tensed and relaxed with each thrust, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps as she surrendered, for once, to someone else's control. The combination of the intense stretch and the feeling of Hermione's firm grip on her hips sent shivers through her, her usual icy demeanor melting under the heat of the moment.

Hermione's thrusts grew faster, harder, as the pleasure mounted inside her. Every time she slid in deeper, the intense sensitivity of her transfigured clit made her legs tremble, her body pulsing with arousal. It was almost too much to bear, the slick friction of Narcissa's body driving her closer and closer to the edge.

But Hermione wasn't done yet. She leaned forward, her lips brushing against Narcissa's ear as she whispered, "Tell me how it feels."

Narcissa's breath hitched, her body arching slightly beneath Hermione's as she struggled to maintain control. "It—feels…" she gasped, her voice faltering as Hermione thrust harder, deeper. "It feels… perfect."

Hermione's smile widened, satisfaction flooding through her at Narcissa's admission. She thrust harder, her hips snapping against Narcissa's ass as she lost herself in the intensity of the moment, her body trembling with the effort to hold on as the pleasure built inside her.

"I want to hear you say it," Hermione growled, her voice rough with need as she drove into Narcissa, each thrust harder than the last. "Tell me how good I feel inside you."

Narcissa moaned, her body trembling beneath Hermione's as the words slipped from her lips, her pride momentarily forgotten in the face of the overwhelming sensation. "You feel… so good," she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as Hermione's movements grew faster, more insistent. "Fuck, Hermione…"

Hermione groaned, her own pleasure building to an unbearable peak as she pushed Narcissa closer and closer to the edge. The sensation of Narcissa's body tightening around her was driving her wild, the intense sensitivity of the transfigured appendage sending shockwaves of pleasure through her with every thrust.

"Come for me," Hermione whispered, her voice thick with command as she thrust harder, her hands gripping Narcissa's hips tightly. "Now."

Narcissa's body tensed, her breath catching in her throat as she finally gave in, her muscles clenching tight around Hermione as the orgasm ripped through her. She moaned, her voice raw and unrestrained as her body trembled with the force of her release, her hands clutching the bedsheets as the pleasure overwhelmed her.

The tightness, the way Narcissa's body clenched around her, sent Hermione over the edge. With one final, deep thrust, the pleasure crashed through her, her body trembling violently as she came, her transfigured clit pulsing with the intensity of the orgasm. Every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire, the sensation more overwhelming than anything she'd ever experienced.

For a moment, they were both silent, their bodies trembling as they rode out the aftershocks of their releases, the room filled only with the sound of their ragged breathing.

Hermione slowly pulled out, her legs shaky, her body still buzzing from the intensity of it all. She let go of the spell she had been holding, her clit returning to normal. Slowly, she collapsed onto the bed beside Narcissa, her breath still coming in uneven gasps as she tried to steady herself.

Narcissa lay still for a moment, her eyes closed, her body flushed and spent. Then, slowly, she turned her head to look at Hermione, a small, satisfied smile playing at the corners of her lips. Her usually sharp, calculating gaze was softened, if only slightly, by the afterglow of their intense session.

Hermione, still catching her breath, couldn't help but smirk as she looked back at Narcissa. She was unused to seeing Narcissa like this—her pristine control momentarily slipped, her body relaxed, the perfect picture of satisfaction.

"Looks like I did well," Hermione murmured, her voice low and teasing, as she stretched her arms out, letting the lingering sensation of pleasure ebb away. "I don't hear any complaints."

Narcissa arched a brow, her eyes gleaming with amusement as she turned onto her side, propping herself up on her elbow to face Hermione. "You should know by now, I don't complain—unless I don't get what I want," she purred, her voice velvety smooth, laced with that familiar elegance. "But you may have earned a little reprieve from my ire… for tonight."

Hermione snorted, rolling her eyes playfully. "Is that the best praise I'm going to get? 'No ire for tonight'? I think I deserve more than that, considering…"

Narcissa's lips curved into a sly smile as her eyes flicked downward to the now-disappearing appendage between Hermione's legs. "Considering?" she echoed, her voice teasing. "Considering you enjoyed using that little spell far more than I expected?"

Hermione chuckled, propping herself up on her elbows. "I think you enjoyed it more than you expected."

Narcissa let out a soft, indulgent laugh, her hand lazily trailing over the sheets between them. "Perhaps," she murmured, her tone carrying just the faintest hint of playfulness. "You did surprise me. And, well… I'm not often surprised."

Hermione smirked, leaning in slightly. "I told you I could handle it."

"You did," Narcissa admitted, her eyes glinting with something more—something that wasn't quite teasing, nor fully serious. "And because of that… I think I might let you use that spell again. In the future."

Hermione's smirk widened, her heart giving a little flutter at the thought of being allowed this kind of power over Narcissa again. She'd only ever gotten one night, one fleeting opportunity to take the reins—but the promise of more? That was intoxicating.

"Oh? So I did more than just survive your little test, then?" Hermione teased, though there was genuine curiosity in her tone.

Narcissa gave a soft, languid sigh, her fingers lightly tracing the edge of the pillow beneath her. "Survive?" she echoed, her voice low and sultry. "No, darling. You more than survived. You thrived."

Hermione felt a flush of pride swell in her chest, though she did her best to keep it off her face. She didn't want to give Narcissa the satisfaction of knowing just how much that simple praise meant to her.

"I'm glad you approve," Hermione said, her voice light but warm.

Narcissa tilted her head slightly, her eyes narrowing in that calculating way she often had when she was thinking two steps ahead. "Approval is a fleeting thing," she murmured, her fingers brushing lightly against Hermione's forearm. "Don't get too used to it."

Hermione grinned, leaning in a little closer, her nose almost brushing against Narcissa's. "Oh, I'm sure you'll remind me soon enough who's in charge."

Narcissa's smile widened, her lips brushing lightly against Hermione's as she whispered, "Tomorrow, darling. Tomorrow, it's back to me."