Day 9 - Foursome/Airtight/Orgasm Denial

Day 9 - Foursome/Airtight/Orgasm Denial

"You may touch her," Narcissa's voice was calm but filled with an icy edge, "but do not forget—she is mine."

Hermione shivered at the sound of Narcissa's voice, her breath catching as she knelt on the bed, her body already buzzing with anticipation. Narcissa's hand rested possessively on her back, the cool fingers tracing lightly down her spine, a constant reminder of who was truly in control tonight. Despite the fact that Bellatrix and Andromeda were both watching her with dark, hungry eyes, it was Narcissa's touch that kept Hermione grounded.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten, Cissy," Bellatrix purred from her position on the edge of the bed, her dark eyes gleaming with amusement as she leaned forward, her fingers brushing lightly over Hermione's cheek. "But you know how much I love to share."

Andromeda, standing just behind Bellatrix, let out a soft, indulgent laugh. "I'm not sure Narcissa enjoys sharing quite as much as you do, Bella."

Narcissa's lips curled into a tight smile, her fingers curling slightly into Hermione's skin as she held her in place. "I don't," she replied coldly. "But tonight is an exception."

Hermione's heart pounded in her chest as she felt the weight of their gazes on her—Narcissa's icy control, Bellatrix's wild hunger, and Andromeda's calm, steady intensity. The room was thick with tension, the air heavy with the promise of what was to come.

Bellatrix's hand slid lower, tracing the curve of Hermione's jaw, her nails scratching lightly against her skin as her eyes flicked up to meet Narcissa's. "So generous of you, Cissy," Bellatrix murmured, her voice dripping with dark amusement. "But don't worry. I'll be sure to leave her intact… mostly."

Narcissa's fingers dug into Hermione's skin, her nails biting into the flesh of her back. "Fully intact, Bella," Narcissa hissed, her voice soft but filled with command. "I am not doing this for you, sisters. I am doing this because my wife wanted this."

Hermione's breath hitched at Narcissa's words. She could feel the possessiveness behind them, the way Narcissa's hands gripped her tightly as though she were reminding her sisters—and Hermione—that this was all for her. Narcissa was allowing them this moment, but there were lines not to be crossed. Hermione belonged to Narcissa, and even in her most vulnerable moments, that fact remained unshakable.

Bellatrix's smirk never faltered as her fingers slid lower, teasing Hermione's folds with deliberate slowness. "Of course, Cissy," Bellatrix purred, her voice dripping with dark amusement as she leaned in, her lips brushing lightly against Hermione's neck. "Your precious little wife will be just as perfect when we're done. Won't you, darling?"

Hermione whimpered, her body trembling as Bellatrix's fingers brushed over her clit again, sending jolts of pleasure through her that made her legs quiver. Andromeda's hands were still on her breasts, her nails scraping lightly over her nipples, adding to the overwhelming mix of sensations that threatened to unravel her completely.

"Answer her," Andromeda whispered, her breath warm against Hermione's ear as her hands squeezed her breasts possessively. "Tell her how much you want this."

Hermione's breath came in ragged gasps, her mind clouded with need as her body responded to every touch, every teasing stroke. "I… I want this," she whispered, her voice shaky but filled with desperation. "Please…"

Bellatrix chuckled softly, her fingers slipping between Hermione's folds again, teasing her entrance as she whispered against her neck, "Good girl. But you know you don't get to come until Narcissa says so."

Hermione whimpered, her hips instinctively pushing forward as Bellatrix's fingers slid inside her, filling her with slow, deliberate thrusts that made her entire body tremble. The pleasure was almost unbearable, her body already on the edge, but Narcissa's command lingered in the back of her mind, keeping her from falling over the precipice.

"You see, Cissy," Bellatrix murmured, her fingers thrusting deeper into Hermione as her other hand trailed down her back, nails scraping lightly against her skin. "She's such a good little wife. So obedient. So desperate."

Hermione let out a breathless moan, her body trembling under Bellatrix's touch. The roughness of Bellatrix's fingers thrusting inside her, combined with the sharp scratch of her nails against her skin, sent wave after wave of sensation crashing through her. But despite the desperate need building inside her, she knew she wouldn't be allowed release. Not yet. Not until Narcissa commanded it.

Narcissa watched with cool satisfaction, her hand resting possessively on Hermione's shoulder as her sisters toyed with her. "She is good," Narcissa agreed, her voice cold but filled with a dark pride. "But don't let that go to your head, Bella. I've trained her well. This obedience? It's for me, not for you."

Bellatrix smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement as she thrust her fingers harder, her free hand moving to Hermione's hip, gripping it tightly. "Of course, Cissy. She may be yours, but she's enjoying this. Look at her," Bellatrix whispered, her voice dripping with mockery as she pressed her body closer to Hermione's back. "Look how much she loves being taken like this. You've trained her to crave control, and now… she's begging for it."

Hermione's breath hitched, her legs shaking as Bellatrix's fingers curled inside her, hitting that perfect spot that made her cry out, her body trembling with the force of the pleasure building inside her. Her head was spinning, her mind a haze of need and desperation, but Narcissa's presence—her firm, possessive touch—kept her grounded.

"I think we should push her a little further," Andromeda murmured, her hands still roaming over Hermione's breasts, her nails pinching her nipples lightly before scraping down the curve of her waist. "See just how much she can take before she breaks."

Narcissa's eyes gleamed with dark satisfaction, her lips curling into a small smile. "Very well," she said softly, her voice commanding as she stepped back slightly, allowing her sisters more access. "But don't let her come. Not yet."

Hermione whimpered, her entire body trembling as the pleasure mounted, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps as Bellatrix thrust deeper, faster, her fingers stretching her with a brutal precision. Andromeda's hands continued their relentless torment, her nails biting into Hermione's skin as she squeezed her breasts, adding sharp, painful pleasure to the mix.

"You're such a good little pet," Bellatrix purred, her voice low and teasing as her fingers worked inside Hermione, driving her closer and closer to the edge. "Beg for it, darling. Let Cissy hear you beg to come."

Hermione's mind was spinning, her body shaking with need as she fought to hold back, knowing that Narcissa's command was law. But the sensation was too much—the teasing, the relentless pressure building inside her—and before she could stop herself, the words slipped from her lips in a breathless moan.

"Please…" Hermione gasped, her voice shaky and filled with desperation. "Please, let me come… I can't take it…"

Bellatrix chuckled softly, her breath warm against Hermione's ear as she thrust her fingers harder, her pace quickening as she pushed Hermione closer to the brink. "You're so desperate," she whispered, her voice thick with amusement. "So needy. Tell Narcissa how badly you want it."

Hermione's body trembled violently, her legs shaking as she fought to keep herself together, but the pressure inside her was unbearable. "Narcissa… please…" she whimpered, her voice broken and filled with need. "Please let me come… I need it… please…"

Narcissa's eyes darkened with satisfaction, her fingers trailing lightly down Hermione's back as she watched her wife writhe beneath her sisters' touch. "Not yet," Narcissa murmured softly, her voice low and commanding as she leaned in closer. "You can take more, darling. Be a good girl and wait."

Hermione whimpered, her body trembling as the pleasure continued to build, her entire being focused on Narcissa's words. She knew she had no choice but to obey, no matter how badly her body screamed for release. Narcissa was in control—she always was—and Hermione trusted her completely.

Andromeda's hands slid lower, her fingers brushing lightly over Hermione's thighs as she pressed her lips against Hermione's neck, her breath warm and teasing. "You're doing so well," Andromeda whispered, her voice soft but filled with admiration. "Just a little longer, darling. You'll get what you want soon enough."

Bellatrix's fingers thrust deeper, faster, her pace brutal as she pushed Hermione closer and closer to the edge, her other hand gripping Hermione's hip tightly to keep her steady. "You love this, don't you?" Bellatrix growled softly, her voice filled with dark satisfaction. "Being pushed to the limit… being used… knowing that you're only allowed release when Narcissa says so."

Hermione could only moan in response, her body trembling with the effort to hold back as Bellatrix's fingers drove her closer and closer to the brink of release. Her mind was clouded with need, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as the pleasure built to an unbearable peak.

Narcissa watched with dark satisfaction, her eyes fixed on Hermione's trembling form as her sisters pushed her to the edge, but held her back just enough to keep her from falling over. "You can take more," Narcissa murmured, her voice soft but filled with command. "You will take more. You'll wait until I'm ready for you to come."

Hermione whimpered, her entire body shaking as the pleasure became too much to bear, her hips instinctively pushing forward as Bellatrix's fingers thrust deeper, her pace relentless. Andromeda's hands squeezed her breasts harder, her nails biting into her skin as she whispered soft, teasing words of encouragement into Hermione's ear.

But still, Narcissa held her back.

"You're doing so well, darling," Narcissa whispered, her voice soft but filled with pride as she watched Hermione struggle to hold herself together. "Just a little longer. I want to see how much more you can take."

But Hermione was on the edge, her body trembling violently as the tension inside her built to an unbearable peak. No matter how hard she tried to obey, to hold back, the pleasure was too intense—Bellatrix's relentless fingers, Andromeda's teasing hands, the overwhelming mix of sensation and command. It was all too much.

Without warning, the dam broke. Hermione's body convulsed, her breath catching in her throat as the orgasm tore through her. She let out a sharp, desperate moan as her hips bucked uncontrollably, her body giving in to the overwhelming pleasure.

She came—hard—without permission. Her muscles clenched tightly, and a gush of wetness followed, her body shaking with the force of it as she squirted, the evidence of her disobedience clear for all to see.

Narcissa's eyes narrowed, her hand tightening on Hermione's back as she let out a soft, almost disappointed sigh. "Oh, darling," she murmured, her voice cold but tinged with amusement. "What a naughty girl you are."

Hermione's breath came in short, ragged gasps as she collapsed forward slightly, her body trembling from the intensity of the release. She knew she had disobeyed—broken under the pressure of Narcissa's control—and now she would face the consequences.

Narcissa leaned in closer, her breath warm against Hermione's ear as her fingers trailed up Hermione's trembling arm. She paused for a moment, savoring the way Hermione's body shuddered under her touch, before tilting Hermione's chin upward, forcing their gazes to meet. Hermione's eyes were still glazed with the aftermath of pleasure, her lips parted slightly, breathless and vulnerable.

Without a word, Narcissa closed the distance between them, her lips capturing Hermione's in a kiss that was both fierce and possessive. The kiss was deep, demanding, as if Narcissa were staking her claim all over again. Her lips moved with a precision that left no room for hesitation, her tongue sliding past Hermione's parted lips to claim every inch of her mouth. There was no softness, only the raw hunger of someone who wanted complete control, and Hermione melted into it, powerless to resist.

Narcissa's grip on Hermione's chin tightened, holding her firmly in place as the kiss deepened, her teeth grazing Hermione's lower lip before sucking it gently, drawing a soft moan from Hermione's throat. Her other hand slid into Hermione's hair, fingers tangling in the strands as she tilted her head back slightly, making it impossible for Hermione to do anything but submit to the intensity of the moment.

When Narcissa finally pulled away, her lips still hovering just above Hermione's, her eyes were dark with satisfaction, a small, knowing smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She didn't break eye contact as she leaned in, her lips brushing against Hermione's once more, teasing, before moving to her ear.

"You couldn't hold back, could you?" Narcissa whispered, her voice low and filled with dark amusement. Her lips trailed softly along the shell of Hermione's ear, the ghost of a kiss that sent a shiver down her spine. "So desperate… so eager to please… yet so disobedient."

Hermione shuddered, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of the orgasm. "I'll deal with you later," Narcissa murmured, her tone soft but filled with promise. "But for now…"

She straightened up, her eyes glinting with dark satisfaction as she turned to her sisters. "Get the magical strap-ons," she commanded, her voice sharp and commanding as she stepped back slightly, allowing them more access. "It seems my little wife needs more discipline."

Bellatrix's eyes lit up with wicked glee, a dark smirk spreading across her face as she moved to obey, her hand lingering briefly on Hermione's trembling form before she stepped away to retrieve the enchanted toys. Andromeda remained where she was, her hands still teasing Hermione's skin, her touch both gentle and possessive.

As Bellatrix returned with the magical strap-ons, Narcissa leaned down, her lips brushing against Hermione's ear once more, her voice a soft, dangerous purr. "I know all your secrets, darling," Narcissa whispered, her breath warm against Hermione's skin. "I am very skilled at Legilimency, after all."

Hermione's breath caught, her body tensing slightly at Narcissa's words. She had suspected, but hearing it confirmed sent a shiver of both fear and arousal down her spine.

"I know this was part of your fantasy," Narcissa continued, her voice low and seductive as her fingers trailed lightly down Hermione's back. "Don't worry, I won't punish you too much when we get home. I wanted you to break. I wanted you to be a bad girl."

Hermione whimpered softly, her mind spinning as Narcissa's words sank in. There was something intoxicating about the way Narcissa spoke, the way she wielded control with such ease, such precision.

"Perhaps the cane," Narcissa mused, her voice thoughtful but cold as she pressed her lips lightly against Hermione's neck. "And maybe I'll have you tend to the garden for the week… naked. Those gnomes can be quite the tricksters, you know. Watch where you bend over."

Hermione's heart raced, her mind reeling at the thought of being left exposed, vulnerable, at Narcissa's mercy. The humiliation, the punishment, the complete control—it was everything she had feared and everything she had craved.

Narcissa's lips curled into a satisfied smile as she felt Hermione shudder beneath her. The promise of punishment, the thought of complete exposure in the garden, filled Hermione's mind with equal parts dread and anticipation. Narcissa always knew how to keep her on edge—how to keep her craving more even as she trembled at the thought of what was to come.

Narcissa stood up gracefully, her eyes never leaving Hermione as she moved to the side of the bed. Andromeda followed suit, moving with the same calm, controlled elegance that belied the intensity of the moment. Both women reached for the enchanted strap-ons, fastening them around their hips with practiced ease, the magic pulsing softly as it connected to their bodies.

As soon as the enchanted straps were in place, both Narcissa and Andromeda let out soft moans, their breath catching as the sensation of the magic took hold, amplifying their arousal and making them feel as if the straps were an extension of their own bodies. Narcissa's fingers brushed lightly over the smooth surface of the strap-on, her eyes darkening with satisfaction as she felt the familiar pulse of magic thrumming through her.

"This will do," Narcissa murmured, her voice low and filled with quiet authority as she glanced at her sisters. "Andromeda, you'll take her ass. Bellatrix," Narcissa's eyes flicked to her dark-haired sister, "stand on the bed. Let Hermione show you just how good she is with her mouth."

Bellatrix's grin widened, her dark eyes gleaming with excitement as she moved into position, her hands already reaching for Hermione. "Gladly, Cissy," Bellatrix purred, her voice filled with dark amusement as she stood on the bed, positioning herself just above Hermione's head.

Hermione's breath came in shallow gasps as she knelt between them, her mind spinning with the weight of Narcissa's commands. She felt Narcissa's hand on her shoulder, guiding her gently but firmly into position. Narcissa lay back on the bed, her body stretched out beneath Hermione, the enchanted strap-on glistening as it pulsed with magic.

"Come here, darling," Narcissa murmured, her voice soft but filled with command as she spread her legs, positioning herself for Hermione. "I want you to ride me."

Hermione's heart raced, her body trembling as she climbed onto the bed, positioning herself over Narcissa. She felt the slick head of the enchanted strap-on press against her entrance, the magical pulse sending shivers through her as she lowered herself slowly, taking Narcissa deep inside her. The sensation was overwhelming—both the fullness of the strap-on and the knowledge that Narcissa was watching her, controlling her every move.

"Good girl," Narcissa whispered, her hands gripping Hermione's hips as she began to move, guiding her into a slow, deliberate rhythm. "Now take me. Show me how well you can handle this."

Hermione's breath hitched as she began to move, her hips rolling against Narcissa's, the slick magic of the strap-on sending waves of pleasure through her as she rode Narcissa, her body trembling with the intensity of it all. Narcissa's eyes never left her, her gaze filled with dark satisfaction as she watched Hermione obey.

But it wasn't just Narcissa.

Behind her, Andromeda moved into position, her hands steady on Hermione's hips as she lined up the enchanted strap-on with Hermione's ass. Hermione felt a shiver run down her spine as Andromeda pressed forward, the slick head of the strap-on stretching her slowly, filling her completely. The stretch was intense, but Andromeda's hands were firm, her movements slow and controlled as she pushed deeper.

Hermione gasped, her entire body trembling as she adjusted to the sensation of being filled from both sides, her hips instinctively bucking against the overwhelming fullness. Narcissa's hands tightened on her hips, keeping her steady as she continued to thrust into her, the rhythm slow but relentless.

"You take us so well," Andromeda whispered, her voice soft but filled with approval as she thrust deeper into Hermione's ass, her hips moving in sync with Narcissa's. "Such a good little wife for Narcissa."

Hermione could barely respond, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as the pleasure and intensity overwhelmed her. The sensation of being filled from both sides—Narcissa in her pussy, Andromeda in her ass—was almost too much to bear. Her legs shook beneath her, her body trembling with every deep thrust.

But it wasn't over.

Bellatrix, standing above her, looked down with a dark, wicked grin as she reached for Hermione's head, guiding her toward the final enchanted strap-on that pulsed with magic just inches from her lips. "Open wide, pet," Bellatrix purred, her voice dripping with dark amusement as she thrust forward, pressing the slick head of the strap-on against Hermione's mouth.

Hermione's lips parted instinctively, her breath catching as Bellatrix slid the enchanted strap-on into her mouth, filling her completely. The magical pulse thrummed against her tongue, amplifying the sensation as she took Bellatrix deep, her lips stretching around the smooth surface.

"That's it," Bellatrix growled softly, her voice thick with satisfaction as she began to thrust slowly, her hips moving in time with Narcissa and Andromeda. "Take all of us, darling. Show us what a good little wife you are."

Hermione's mind was spinning, her body trembling violently as she was taken from all sides—Narcissa in her pussy, Andromeda in her ass, and Bellatrix in her mouth. Every nerve in her body was alight with sensation, the overwhelming fullness sending her closer and closer to the edge with every thrust.

Narcissa's grip on her hips tightened, her movements growing more forceful as she thrust harder into Hermione, her voice low and commanding. "You're mine," Narcissa growled softly, her breath warm against Hermione's ear as her hips snapped against her. "No matter who touches you, no matter how many hands are on you, you are mine. Don't forget that."

Hermione could only moan in response, her breath catching around Bellatrix's strap-on as the pleasure and intensity became too much to bear. Her body was shaking violently, every deep thrust sending shockwaves through her as she struggled to hold on.

Andromeda's hands were firm on her hips, her thrusts measured but relentless as she pushed Hermione closer and closer to the edge. "You're doing so well," Andromeda murmured softly, her voice filled with quiet admiration. "Just a little longer, darling. Show Narcissa how much you can take."

Bellatrix's hips moved faster, her hands gripping Hermione's hair tightly as she thrust deeper into her mouth, her voice a low growl of satisfaction. "You look so beautiful like this," Bellatrix purred, her voice thick with amusement as she watched Hermione struggle to keep up. "Completely full. Completely used."

Hermione's body trembled violently, her mind spinning as the pleasure built higher and higher, the overwhelming sensation of being filled from all sides pushing her to the very edge of release. Every thrust, every deep movement, sent her body spiraling closer and closer to the brink.

But Narcissa's voice—cold, commanding—cut through the haze of sensation.

"Not yet," Narcissa's voice—cold, commanding—cut through the haze of sensation. "You'll come when I say. I am not giving you a choice this time, naughty girl."

Hermione whimpered around the enchanted strap-on in her mouth, her body trembling violently as the overwhelming sensation of being filled from all sides pushed her closer and closer to the edge. She could barely hold on, her body quaking with need, but Narcissa's voice kept her grounded, kept her from falling over.

Narcissa's grip on Hermione's hips tightened as she thrust harder, her movements forceful and deliberate as she drove deeper into Hermione's slick heat. "You wanted this," Narcissa growled softly, her breath warm against Hermione's ear as her pace quickened. "You wanted to be used, to be filled. Now look at you, darling. Completely mine, even as my sisters take you."

Behind her, Andromeda's thrusts grew rougher, more insistent, her hands gripping Hermione's hips tightly as she drove into her ass, the enchanted strap-on pulsing with magic as it filled her completely. The sensation was overwhelming, the stretch intense, but Hermione's body craved it, pushing back against Andromeda's hips with desperate need.

"You're doing so well," Andromeda murmured, her voice low and filled with admiration as she thrust harder, her pace matching Narcissa's. "Such a good girl for Narcissa. So perfect, taking all of us."

Hermione could barely breathe around the strap-on, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps as she took Bellatrix deeper, her body trembling uncontrollably as the pleasure mounted higher and higher. The sensation of being completely filled—Narcissa in her pussy, Andromeda in her ass, and Bellatrix in her mouth—was overwhelming, her mind spinning as her body fought to obey Narcissa's command.

But Narcissa wasn't going to hold her back any longer.

"Now, darling," Narcissa whispered, her voice a soft growl as her hips snapped against Hermione's with brutal intensity. "Come for me. Let go."

Hermione's body couldn't take any more. With Narcissa's command, everything inside her shattered. Her muscles clenched tightly around Narcissa's cock, her body spasming violently as the orgasm ripped through her, the overwhelming sensation taking over every inch of her body. She moaned loudly, her voice muffled by the strap-on in her mouth, her entire body trembling as she surrendered completely.

The way her pussy squeezed around Narcissa's cock, her ass tightening around Andromeda's strap-on, and the way she moaned around Bellatrix's cock was too much for the sisters. The sensation of Hermione's body convulsing, her muscles clenching around them, pushed them over the edge.

Narcissa let out a low, satisfied groan, her hips jerking as her own orgasm overtook her, the enchanted strap-on allowing her to release inside Hermione, filling her completely. The slick heat of her release flooded Hermione's body, the sensation of being filled so completely driving Hermione further into her own pleasure. Andromeda's hands too tightened on Hermione's hips and Bellatrix gripped Hermione's hair tightly as the three sisters came in unison, their bodies shuddering with the force of their releases, filling Hermione from every side. Hermione could barely hold herself together, her body trembling violently as the overwhelming fullness consumed her, every inch of her being responding to the sensation of being completely claimed by the Black sisters.

For a moment, the room was filled with the sounds of ragged breathing, the three sisters still pressed against Hermione as they rode out the last waves of their shared release. Hermione's body was limp, spent, her legs shaking as the aftershocks of the intense orgasm continued to ripple through her.

Slowly, one by one, the sisters withdrew. Andromeda was the first to pull out, her hands gentle as she eased the enchanted strap-on from Hermione's ass, her fingers brushing lightly over Hermione's trembling back. Bellatrix followed suit, her hands loosening their grip on Hermione's hair as she stepped back, removing the strap-on from Hermione's mouth with a soft, satisfied sigh.

Narcissa was the last to pull away, her fingers trailing lightly over Hermione's hips as she guided Hermione off of her. The enchanted strap-ons were unfastened and removed, their purpose complete, leaving the sisters standing over Hermione's exhausted form.

For a moment, they simply watched her, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction as they took in the sight of Hermione—breathless, spent, her body glistening with sweat and trembling from the intensity of everything she had just experienced.

But then, Narcissa's gaze softened. The possessive, commanding edge faded from her eyes as she knelt beside Hermione, her fingers brushing lightly over Hermione's back in a gesture of quiet affection. "You did so well, darling," Narcissa whispered, her voice soft and filled with warmth as she helped Hermione ease down onto the bed, her body too exhausted to hold herself up any longer. "You've pleased me."

Hermione's breath came in shallow gasps, her body trembling with exhaustion as she leaned into Narcissa's touch, the aftershocks of the intense pleasure still rippling through her. Her muscles ached, her body spent, but there was a deep sense of satisfaction in the way Narcissa's hands moved over her, soothing her, comforting her after everything they had just done.

Narcissa's fingers trailed lightly down Hermione's back, her touch gentle and careful, no longer commanding but filled with warmth. She whispered soft reassurances as she pulled Hermione closer, pressing a tender kiss to her temple. "You're safe now, darling," Narcissa murmured, her voice soothing. "Just breathe. I've got you."

Hermione's body slowly relaxed, her breath steadying as she melted into Narcissa's arms. The tension and intensity of the night had faded, leaving behind only the quiet intimacy of the moment. Narcissa's fingers brushed lightly through Hermione's hair, untangling the strands with a tenderness that stood in stark contrast to the fierce possession she had displayed earlier.

Andromeda, who had been standing nearby, moved quietly to the other side of the bed, her expression soft as she lay down beside Hermione, her hand gently resting on Hermione's shoulder. "You did so well," Andromeda whispered, her voice filled with calm admiration. "You're incredible, Hermione."

Hermione turned her head slightly, her eyes fluttering open to meet Andromeda's gentle gaze. There was no urgency now, no demand—just quiet appreciation and care. Andromeda's touch was steady, reassuring, as she traced small circles on Hermione's shoulder, offering her comfort and warmth.

On the other side, Bellatrix—who had been watching with a faint smile—finally joined them, slipping onto the bed beside Narcissa. Her usual wild, teasing energy had dimmed into something softer, more relaxed. She rested her hand lightly on Hermione's leg, her fingers gently stroking the skin there as she murmured, "Such a good little wife for Cissy, aren't you?"

Hermione let out a soft, tired hum in response, her body too spent to do much more than nod. Bellatrix's touch, though still playful, was light, offering comfort in its own way. She leaned back against the headboard, her dark eyes flicking between her sisters and Hermione with a quiet satisfaction.

Narcissa, still cradling Hermione against her chest, pressed another kiss to the top of her head. "Rest, darling," she whispered, her voice soft and filled with warmth. "There's no rush. You've given me everything I asked for tonight."

Hermione felt a deep sense of calm wash over her, the warmth of the sisters surrounding her like a protective cocoon. She could feel the steady rhythm of Narcissa's heartbeat beneath her cheek, the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she held her close. It was a feeling of safety, of being cared for, that Hermione hadn't realized she craved so deeply.

Andromeda shifted slightly, settling more comfortably beside Hermione as her hand continued to rub soothing circles on her shoulder. "You're a remarkable woman, Hermione," she murmured softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "You've earned this rest."

Bellatrix's fingers trailed lazily up Hermione's leg, her touch light and teasing but without the sharp edge it had held earlier. "Next time," Bellatrix said with a smirk, "maybe I'll be the one in charge."

Narcissa shot her a warning look, though there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Not tonight, Bella," she said, her voice soft but firm. "Tonight is about her."

Bellatrix chuckled, raising her hands in mock surrender as she leaned back, her eyes glinting with playful mischief. "Fine, fine. But you know I can't resist."

Narcissa's lips curled into a faint smile, her fingers still stroking Hermione's back in slow, comforting motions. "I know," she murmured, her gaze softening as she looked down at Hermione. "But tonight, she's mine to care for."

Hermione's eyes fluttered closed again, the soft murmur of the sisters' voices lulling her into a deeper sense of relaxation. The warmth of Narcissa's embrace, the gentle touches from Andromeda and Bellatrix, and the comforting presence of all three sisters made her feel completely safe, completely cherished.

As she lay there, surrounded by the quiet affection of the Black sisters, Hermione realized just how deeply she trusted Narcissa. There had been no real fear, only anticipation and surrender, because she knew—no matter how intense things became—Narcissa would always bring her back to this: the softness, the care, the quiet intimacy that followed.

"I love how you care for me," Hermione whispered, her voice barely audible as she nestled deeper into Narcissa's arms.

Narcissa smiled, her fingers continuing to stroke Hermione's hair as she pressed another kiss to her forehead. "Always, darling," she whispered softly. "I will always care for you."

And as the quiet, peaceful stillness settled over them, the warmth of their bodies mingling together on the bed, Hermione finally allowed herself to drift into a deep, restful sleep, knowing that she was safe, cared for, and, most importantly, loved.