Day 10 – Jealous Sex / Collaring / Orgasm Control / Orgasm Denial / Chastity Belts

Day 10 – Jealous Sex / Collaring / Orgasm Control / Orgasm Denial / Chastity Belts

The door to their bedroom slammed shut, the echo of it reverberating through the quiet, dimly lit space. Hermione flinched, her heart racing as she stood just inside the doorway, watching Narcissa with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Narcissa was across the room, her back to Hermione, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides as she took slow, deliberate breaths, clearly trying to rein in the storm of emotions roiling within her.

"Narcissa," Hermione began softly, her voice wavering as she took a tentative step forward. "Please… it wasn't—"

"Don't," Narcissa interrupted, her voice sharp and cold as she turned to face Hermione, her icy gaze cutting through the air between them. "Don't try to explain. I saw everything."

Hermione's breath hitched, her chest tightening as Narcissa's words pierced through her. The usually composed woman was on edge, her eyes dark with fury, her lips pressed into a thin, dangerous line. The image of Ron's hand brushing against Hermione's arm, the way he had leaned in just a little too close, lingered between them, an unspoken accusation hanging in the air.

"It wasn't what you think," Hermione tried again, her voice faltering as she took another step closer. "He was just—"

"Flirting with you," Narcissa hissed, her voice laced with venom. "I saw the way he looked at you, the way you didn't pull away. You let him—"

"I didn't!" Hermione cut in, her voice rising in desperation. "I didn't let him. I didn't even realize—"

Narcissa's laugh was bitter, dark, as she crossed the room in long, purposeful strides, stopping inches away from Hermione. "You didn't realize?" Narcissa's voice was a low growl, her eyes boring into Hermione's with a mixture of anger and hurt. "Do you think I'm a fool?"

Hermione's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding as she felt the weight of Narcissa's possessiveness pressing down on her. She shook her head, her lips trembling as she reached out, trying to close the distance between them. "Narcissa, please… I would never—"

But Narcissa didn't let her finish. Instead, she grabbed Hermione's wrist, her grip firm but not painful, pulling her closer until their bodies were nearly touching. "You're mine," Narcissa whispered, her voice cold and filled with a possessive intensity that sent a shiver down Hermione's spine. "And I won't let anyone forget that. Not even you."

Hermione's heart raced, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she looked up at Narcissa, her stomach twisting with a mix of guilt and anticipation. She knew Narcissa was possessive, knew that beneath her elegant exterior lay a fierce need to claim what was hers. And right now, that need was burning brightly in Narcissa's eyes, demanding something from Hermione that words couldn't fix.

"Take off your clothes," Narcissa commanded, her voice cold and steady as she stepped back, her hand releasing Hermione's wrist. "Now."

Hermione swallowed hard, her hands trembling slightly as she obeyed, her fingers fumbling with the buttons of her shirt. There was no hesitation in Narcissa's eyes, no softening. She watched Hermione undress with a calm, calculating gaze, every movement controlled, every breath measured.

Once Hermione was standing before her, bare and exposed, Narcissa reached into a drawer and pulled out a sleek, black leather collar. The sight of it made Hermione's heart skip a beat, her breath catching in her throat as Narcissa stepped closer, holding it up for her to see.

"You'll wear this tonight," Narcissa said, her voice quiet but filled with the weight of authority. "Because I want you to remember who you belong to. You are mine, Hermione. No one else. And tonight, I will remind you."

Hermione's hands trembled as she nodded, her throat too tight to speak. Narcissa's eyes softened, just for a moment, as she fastened the collar around Hermione's neck, the soft leather cool against her skin. Once it was in place, Narcissa's fingers brushed lightly over the collar, her touch firm but gentle, a reminder of both her control and her care.

"You look beautiful like this," Narcissa murmured, her lips curving into a faint smile as she stepped back to admire her work. "On your knees, darling."

Hermione dropped to her knees without hesitation, her body responding to Narcissa's commands as if on instinct. The air in the room felt heavy, thick with the tension between them, but beneath the jealousy and anger, there was something else—something raw and unspoken, something that pulsed between them with every beat of Hermione's heart.

Narcissa stepped back slightly, her cold, calculating eyes still fixed on Hermione as she knelt there, naked, exposed, and collared. The tension between them hummed in the air, but the anger in Narcissa's gaze was no longer as sharp. There was something softer now, something more controlled, though the possessiveness still radiated from her with palpable force.

Narcissa crouched down in front of Hermione, her fingers trailing softly over her cheek, her touch gentle but authoritative. "What's your color, darling?" Narcissa asked, her voice low but steady, as if she were reining in the remnants of her jealousy.

Hermione's breath hitched for a moment, her eyes flicking up to meet Narcissa's. Her body was still trembling slightly from the weight of everything that had happened, but her mind was clear. This was where she wanted to be—where she needed to be.

"Green," Hermione whispered, her voice soft but certain. "I'm good."

Narcissa's lips curled into a faint smile, her eyes softening further as she brushed her fingers through Hermione's hair. "Good girl," she murmured, her voice laced with pride and possessiveness.

Narcissa leaned in closer, her breath warm against Hermione's ear as she whispered, "And what's your safeword?"

Hermione swallowed hard, her heart pounding as she replied, "Phoenix."

Narcissa nodded in approval, her fingers still trailing lightly through Hermione's curls before she stood up again, her posture radiating control and confidence. She walked back to the small drawer, pulling out something Hermione hadn't seen earlier—a small, sleek, vibrating dragon egg. Hermione's breath hitched again as she watched Narcissa inspect the toy, her stomach twisting in anticipation as she realized what was about to happen.

Narcissa turned back to Hermione, holding the dragon egg in her palm with a knowing smile. "This will remind you of who's in charge," Narcissa said softly, her voice filled with dark satisfaction. "And it will keep you thinking of me all night."

Without another word, Narcissa knelt in front of Hermione once more, gently spreading her legs as she positioned the toy at Hermione's entrance. Her fingers brushed lightly over Hermione's slick folds, teasing her just enough to make her gasp softly. Hermione's body responded instantly, the heat between her legs intensifying as Narcissa slid the toy inside her, the small device settling perfectly, pressing against her most sensitive spot.

Hermione's breath quickened as the toy settled inside her, her body trembling with the sensation of it. It wasn't enough to make her come, but it was enough to keep her on edge, to keep her mind spinning with the constant, subtle vibration that pulsed through her with every slight movement.

Narcissa smiled as she watched Hermione's reaction, her fingers brushing lightly over Hermione's inner thigh before she stood up again. "Perfect," Narcissa murmured, her voice low and possessive. "This will keep you desperate for me. Just where I want you."

Hermione's body was already buzzing with the sensation of the toy inside her, her hips shifting slightly as she tried to adjust, but there was no escaping the constant, gentle vibration that hummed deep inside her. It wasn't enough to bring her any real relief, but it was enough to keep her teetering on the edge, her arousal building with every passing second.

Narcissa reached for another item from the drawer: a chastity belt made of smooth, polished silver. She knelt down in front of Hermione again, fastening the belt around her hips, the cool metal pressing firmly against her skin. The belt locked into place, securing the dragon egg inside her, trapping the constant vibration deep within her without allowing her any chance of release.

Hermione let out a soft whimper, her body trembling as the reality of her situation sank in. She was completely at Narcissa's mercy now, her body under Narcissa's control, her pleasure entirely in her hands. The weight of the collar around her neck, the chastity belt, and the vibrating toy combined to leave Hermione feeling exposed, claimed, and utterly helpless.

Narcissa's fingers trailed lightly over the chastity belt, her touch lingering as she admired the way it looked on Hermione. "You won't be coming tonight, darling," Narcissa whispered, her voice soft but filled with quiet authority. "Not until I decide. You will be patient. You will wait. And you will remember who you belong to."

Hermione's breath came in shallow gasps, her body already trembling from the subtle vibrations that pulsed inside her, but she nodded, her eyes wide as she looked up at Narcissa. There was a deep, aching need building inside her, but there was also trust—complete and unshakable trust—in Narcissa.

"Now," Narcissa continued, her voice taking on that familiar commanding tone as she stood back, watching Hermione kneel before her. "You will spend the night like this, kept on the edge. You won't touch yourself. You won't beg for release. Not until I say."

Hermione whimpered softly, her body trembling as the constant, teasing sensation of the vibrating egg kept her arousal simmering just beneath the surface. The chastity belt prevented any hope of satisfaction, locking her in a state of constant need, but it was exactly what she craved—Narcissa's control, Narcissa's possessiveness.

"Do you understand?" Narcissa asked, her voice sharp but controlled as she gazed down at Hermione.

Hermione's heart pounded in her chest, her body trembling as she nodded, her eyes wide as she looked up at Narcissa. The weight of the collar and the chastity belt, combined with Narcissa's words, left her feeling both exposed and completely claimed. She was entirely at Narcissa's mercy, and there was a part of her—buried deep beneath the shame and guilt—that craved this. Craved to be possessed, to be controlled, to be reminded of her place.

"Yes," Hermione whispered, her voice barely above a breath as she nodded. "Yes, Narcissa."

Narcissa leaned down, her lips brushing lightly over Hermione's as she whispered, "You'll beg for me before the night is over, Hermione. You'll beg for my forgiveness."

Hermione shivered at the words, her breath catching in her throat as Narcissa's lips lingered close, their heat teasing but never quite touching. The weight of Narcissa's dominance was palpable, leaving Hermione quivering in submission, the chastity belt and dragon egg inside her a constant reminder of the power Narcissa held over her body and pleasure.

"Stand up," Narcissa commanded, her voice cutting through the charged air like a blade. Hermione obeyed immediately, though her legs trembled beneath her as she rose to her feet, her body still buzzing with the relentless, subtle vibrations of the toy buried deep inside her. She could already feel the wetness pooling between her legs, her arousal leaking past the belt and onto her thighs. The sensation made her ache with need, but there was no relief in sight—not yet.

Narcissa, still fully clothed in her elegant robes, cast one last glance over Hermione's trembling, naked form, her eyes dark with a possessive hunger. "Come with me," she ordered coolly, turning on her heel and walking towards the parlor without waiting for Hermione's response.

Hermione followed, her body feeling heavy and desperate as she trailed behind Narcissa, the subtle hum of the toy inside her sending jolts of arousal through her core with every step. By the time they reached the parlor, Hermione was nearly panting, her body overwhelmed with the constant stimulation, her legs shaking from the effort of holding herself together.

Narcissa settled gracefully into an armchair by the fire, the soft glow of the flames casting her pale skin in warm, flickering light. She poured herself a glass of deep red wine instead of calling for a houseelf as she usually did. Tonight was for them alone.

She let the liquid swirl in the glass before bringing it to her lips. Her movements were calm, deliberate, as though the naked, trembling witch standing before her was of no more consequence than the wine she was enjoying.

"Kneel," Narcissa said, her voice cold and distant as she sipped from her glass. "At my feet."

Hermione obeyed immediately, dropping to her knees in front of Narcissa's chair, her body trembling with the effort of holding herself back. The chastity belt pressed tightly against her, the vibrations from the dragon egg toy inside her never ceasing, keeping her right on the edge of pleasure but never allowing her to tip over. Her arousal was now dripping past the belt, pooling onto the polished floor beneath her, evidence of her need, her desperation.

Narcissa's eyes flicked down to the growing puddle of arousal on the floor, her lips curling into a faint sneer. "Pathetic," she murmured, her voice thick with disdain as she took another sip of her wine. "Look at you… dripping like a desperate little slut, and you've barely even been touched."

Hermione's face flushed with humiliation at Narcissa's words, her body trembling as she lowered her head, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps. The chastity belt only heightened the sensation of her arousal, keeping her locked in a state of unrelenting need with no hope of release.

"You're a disgrace," Narcissa continued, her voice dripping with cold superiority as she leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs elegantly as she watched Hermione squirm at her feet. "Leaking all over my floor like some common whore, and you still think you deserve forgiveness? After what I saw tonight?"

Hermione whimpered softly, her head bowed in submission as Narcissa's words cut through her, each one laced with the sting of possessive anger. She couldn't argue, couldn't protest. This was her place—at Narcissa's feet, her body trembling with need, her mind focused entirely on earning back her approval.

Narcissa's lips twisted into a dark smile as she took another slow sip of her wine, watching the way Hermione's thighs trembled, the way her body shuddered with each soft hum of the toy inside her. "You don't deserve forgiveness," Narcissa whispered, her voice barely above a breath as she placed her glass down on the side table, leaning forward slightly in her chair. "Not yet."

Hermione's breath hitched, her body stiffening at the edge in anticipation of what Narcissa might demand next. The weight of the collar around her neck, the tightness of the chastity belt—it all felt heavier under the weight of Narcissa's intense gaze. She could feel her pulse quicken, her skin tingling under the sheer force of the moment.

The older witch reached down, her fingers tilting Hermione's chin up sharply, forcing their eyes to meet.

Narcissa's fingers were cool against Hermione's flushed skin, the touch both commanding and possessive. She held Hermione's gaze for a long, agonizing moment before releasing her chin, leaning back into her chair with a look of cool indifference.

"Now," Narcissa said, her voice taking on a more dangerous tone, "you're going to prove to me how much you belong to me. And you will not stop until I am satisfied."

Hermione swallowed hard, her throat dry, but she nodded, her body trembling as she awaited Narcissa's next command.

"Lift my dress," Narcissa ordered, her voice firm and unwavering.

With shaky hands, Hermione reached for the hem of Narcissa's dress, carefully lifting the luxurious fabric. The soft material slid easily between her fingers, revealing the smooth, pale skin of Narcissa's thighs, a contrast to the fire and intensity that burned in her eyes. Narcissa spread her legs just enough to give Hermione access, her gaze never leaving Hermione's face as she allowed her a glimpse of what lay beneath.

Narcissa didn't say a word, her silence an unspoken command as her eyes bore into Hermione's, waiting for her to make the next move. Hermione's breath quickened as she lowered her head between Narcissa's legs, her lips parting as she pressed a reverent kiss to the inside of Narcissa's thigh. Narcissa let out a soft, satisfied hum, her hand tangling into Hermione's hair, pulling her closer.

"Good girl," Narcissa murmured, her voice low and velvety as she watched Hermione inch closer, her lips hovering just above Narcissa's folds. "Now show me how much you want to be forgiven."

Hermione's heart pounded in her chest as she leaned in, her mouth finally finding Narcissa's wet heat. She let out a soft moan as her tongue slipped between Narcissa's folds, tasting her, savoring the way Narcissa's hips shifted in response. Hermione's movements were slow, careful, as if trying to earn back every ounce of control she had lost throughout the night.

Narcissa's grip in Hermione's hair tightened, guiding her deeper, demanding more. "That's it," she hissed, her voice now thick with satisfaction. "Prove to me you're mine."

Hermione responded eagerly, her tongue moving with more confidence now, licking and sucking at Narcissa's clit with a desperation that matched the thrum of tension in the air. Narcissa's breath hitched, her body responding to every flick and stroke of Hermione's tongue, but she remained in control, her grip on Hermione firm, making sure her wife remained focused on her task.

Narcissa's eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment, her chest rising and falling with more intensity as Hermione's tongue worked over her. The pleasure was building, but Narcissa would not let go of the power she held, not yet. She tugged at Hermione's hair, pulling her head back slightly, her eyes flashing with warning.

"Don't think you've earned my forgiveness just because I'm enjoying this," Narcissa whispered, her voice a sharp reminder of who was in control. "You'll need to do much more than this to be forgiven."

Hermione's heart raced, her lips trembling as she pulled away slightly from Narcissa's clit, only to move lower. Her tongue flicked lightly at Narcissa's entrance, teasing her for a brief moment before sliding inside, her hands gripping Narcissa's thighs to steady herself. Hermione's breath came in short, quick gasps as she buried her face between Narcissa's legs, her tongue working deep inside her, trying to give Narcissa exactly what she wanted.

Narcissa let out a sharp gasp, her fingers tightening in Hermione's hair as she pressed her hips down, forcing Hermione's face deeper into her. "That's more like it," Narcissa growled, her voice low and filled with satisfaction.

Without warning, Narcissa's grip in Hermione's hair became almost painful as she yanked her head forward, shoving Hermione's face fully into her pussy. The sudden force left Hermione breathless, her mouth sealed against Narcissa's wet heat as her tongue worked frantically, plunging deeper into Narcissa's entrance. The intoxicating scent and taste of Narcissa overwhelmed Hermione's senses, making her lightheaded as she struggled to keep up.

Narcissa didn't give her any reprieve. She ground her hips against Hermione's mouth, her body practically humping Hermione's face as she rode her tongue, taking what she wanted with no regard for Hermione's comfort. "Don't stop," Narcissa hissed, her breath quickening, her thighs tightening around Hermione's head. "Make me come, Hermione."

Hermione's lungs screamed for air, her nose pressed tightly against Narcissa's skin, making it impossible to breathe. But she didn't stop. She couldn't. Her tongue pushed deeper into Narcissa, her hands gripping Narcissa's thighs harder as she gave herself completely to Narcissa's pleasure, her entire world reduced to the taste, the scent, the heat of Narcissa's body.

Narcissa's breath came in ragged gasps now, her movements more desperate, more uncontrolled as she ground her hips harder against Hermione's face, her fingers gripping Hermione's hair like a lifeline. "Yes," she moaned, her voice thick with pleasure as she rode Hermione's tongue mercilessly. "Just like that. Don't you dare stop."

Hermione's vision blurred, her body trembling from the lack of oxygen, but she didn't falter. Her tongue moved in and out of Narcissa's entrance, fucking her with a desperation that matched Narcissa's need. The wet, slick sounds of her mouth working against Narcissa's pussy filled the room, mixed with the breathless moans that escaped Narcissa's lips as she neared the edge.

Narcissa's grip tightened further, her body tensing as she forced Hermione's face impossibly closer, smothering her completely as she ground down hard, her breath coming in sharp, uneven bursts. Hermione's lungs burned, but she could feel Narcissa's body trembling, could feel the tension coiling inside her, and she knew Narcissa was close.

With one final, desperate thrust of her hips, Narcissa's body seized, her head falling back as a loud, ragged moan escaped her lips. Her thighs clenched around Hermione's head, trapping her in place as her orgasm ripped through her, her body shuddering violently as she came, her release coating Hermione's face and tongue.

Narcissa didn't let go immediately. She held Hermione there, her body shaking as she rode out the waves of her release, grinding herself against Hermione's mouth one last time before finally loosening her grip. Hermione gasped for air as Narcissa pulled back, her face slick with Narcissa's wetness, her body trembling from the intensity of it all.

Narcissa leaned back in her chair, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as she watched Hermione, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. "You did well, darling," Narcissa whispered, her voice softer now but still carrying that edge of command. "But don't think you've earned your release yet."

Hermione's heart sank, her body still aching with need, but she nodded, her breath still ragged as she knelt at Narcissa's feet, her chest heaving as she tried to steady herself. Narcissa's eyes glinted with amusement as she reached down, her fingers brushing lightly over Hermione's slick hair.

"You'll have to do much more than that to deserve anything, pet," Narcissa murmured, her voice cold but laced with dark satisfaction. "But for now… rest. You've earned that much."