Day 11 - Cheating (Unaware)/DubCon/Drunk Sex/AlphaOmega

Day 11 - Cheating (Unaware)/DubCon/Drunk Sex/AlphaOmega

The music from the Ministry gala echoed through the lavish ballroom, filling the space with the sounds of celebration and laughter. It was supposed to be a night of victory and pride for Hermione, another recognition of her achievements, another evening where she stood by the side of Fleur, the Wizarding World's beloved couple—the fierce, powerful Alpha Hermione Granger and her beautiful, graceful Omega, Fleur Delacour.

But tonight, Fleur had left early, having returned home to care for their children, leaving Hermione to enjoy the rest of the evening alone. And Hermione, caught up in the endless stream of congratulations and drinks offered by her peers, had indulged a little too much. The haze of alcohol buzzed through her veins, dulling her usually sharp senses, leaving her a little unsteady, a little less in control.

It was during one of these moments—when the room spun slightly and the crowd thinned—that Hermione found herself face to face with a familiar figure. Her vision blurred for a moment as she blinked, trying to focus on the elegant, blonde Omega standing before her.

"Fleur?" Hermione mumbled, her words slightly slurred as she reached out, her hand brushing against the woman's arm. "You… you came back."

Narcissa Malfoy, standing perfectly poised, raised an eyebrow at the unexpected touch, her lips curving into a faint, amused smile. "Fleur?" she repeated, her voice smooth and filled with subtle amusement. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, Granger."

But Hermione, in her drunken state, didn't hear her. Or perhaps, she didn't care. The scent of Narcissa—a familiar, intoxicating blend of expensive perfume and Omega pheromones—filled Hermione's senses, clouding her already muddled mind. It wasn't Fleur's scent, but it was close enough in Hermione's fogged state, and her body, driven by the instincts of an Alpha in the presence of a desirable Omega, responded.

Hermione's hand slid up Narcissa's arm, her fingers brushing against the soft fabric of her gown as she stepped closer, her breath warm against Narcissa's neck. "You smell… so good tonight," Hermione murmured, her voice low and filled with a rough, drunken desire. "I've missed you."

Narcissa's heart raced, but not from surprise. She had seen the moment coming the second Hermione stumbled toward her, mistaking her for Fleur. Her mind, always calculating, had immediately weighed the risks, the consequences, but it had also acknowledged the opportunity. The temptation. The idea of being worshiped, desired, even if by someone as reckless as Hermione, sent a thrill through her that she hadn't felt in years. And, after all, what harm would a little indulgence do? She deserved it—especially after everything she'd been through.

Lucius was gone, imprisoned after the war for his crimes. Narcissa had endured years of solitude, her life a carefully constructed facade of grace and dignity, hiding the aching loneliness that gnawed at her. She had been left without the release she craved, without the adoration she deserved. But now… now she had Hermione Granger, the Wizarding World's golden girl, in her hands, confused and drunk, but clearly drawn to her.

And why not take what was being offered so willingly?

Narcissa let out a soft, calculated laugh, her hand reaching up to gently cup Hermione's cheek. "Hermione," she purred, her voice low and sultry as she leaned in closer, her breath brushing against Hermione's ear. "You've had a bit too much to drink, haven't you?"

Hermione, lost in the haze of alcohol and the overpowering scent of Omega, didn't register Narcissa's words. She only heard the soft, teasing tone, the warmth of Narcissa's hand on her face. Her instincts, clouded by the alcohol, told her to move closer, to press Narcissa against the nearest wall, to take what her body craved.

But Narcissa wasn't pushing her away. Instead, the older woman tilted her head slightly, allowing Hermione's lips to graze the soft skin of her neck. The touch sent a shiver through Narcissa, but she didn't pull back. Instead, she arched her neck further, offering herself just a little more, her breath hitching slightly as she felt the weight of Hermione's Alpha presence pressing against her.

"You shouldn't be doing this," Narcissa whispered, her voice soft and filled with just enough hesitation to make it seem like a protest. But her body betrayed her, her hand sliding up to tangle in Hermione's hair, pulling her closer, guiding her as Hermione's lips pressed against the sensitive skin just beneath her ear.

Hermione groaned softly, her hands tightening around Narcissa's waist as she pressed her body closer, her mind spinning with desire and confusion. "Fleur…" Hermione mumbled again, her lips moving down Narcissa's neck, her breath hot against her skin. "Need you…"

Narcissa's heart pounded in her chest, her pulse quickening as Hermione's Alpha instincts took over. She knew the risks, knew the danger of allowing this to continue. But the power, the control she held over Hermione in this moment—the way she could bend the golden girl to her will—was too intoxicating to resist.

"Take me somewhere more private, darling," Narcissa whispered, her voice a mix of seduction and command. "Before someone sees us."

Hermione nodded, her hand slipping around Narcissa's waist as she led her through the darkened halls of the Ministry, her mind clouded with the overwhelming need to claim the Omega she thought was her wife. Narcissa followed, her lips curling into a satisfied smile as they slipped into one of the empty rooms, the door closing behind them with a soft click.

The moment they were alone, Hermione pushed Narcissa against the wall, her body pressing against her with a desperate urgency. Narcissa gasped, but she didn't resist. Instead, she arched her back, her hands sliding up Hermione's chest as she guided the Alpha's mouth back to her neck.

"Don't hold back, Hermione," Narcissa purred, her voice dripping with temptation. "Show me what you want."

Hermione's body trembled with the overwhelming need to claim the Omega before her, her hands fumbling as she tore at Narcissa's dress, her lips moving hungrily against the soft skin of Narcissa's neck. Narcissa moaned softly, her hands still tangled in Hermione's hair as she pressed closer, her body responding to the Alpha's desperate need, even as her mind reveled in the power she held in this moment.

In her drunken haze, Hermione's mind couldn't reconcile the differences. To her, this was Fleur, the Omega she was bonded to, the one who belonged to her. Her instincts roared with possessiveness, and the scent of Narcissa—so close to Fleur's—fueled the heat that burned through Hermione's veins.

With shaky hands, Hermione's fingers yanked at the delicate fabric of Narcissa's dress, pulling it down over her shoulders and exposing the pale, smooth skin beneath. Narcissa's breathing quickened, her chest heaving as Hermione's lips moved lower, her hands now gripping Narcissa's waist with a possessive force.

"Fleur," Hermione mumbled breathlessly, her voice rough with desire. Her mind was clouded, focused solely on the overwhelming need to claim, to mark, to take. "Need you…"

Narcissa's lips curved into a small, satisfied smile as she allowed Hermione to push her dress lower, baring her body to the desperate Alpha. She knew what was coming—what Hermione wanted, and what Narcissa was more than willing to give her. The risks no longer mattered. Narcissa wanted this, craved it.

Hermione's hands moved quickly, pulling at the fastenings of her own trousers with an urgency that bordered on frantic. Her body was trembling with need, her instincts driving her forward as she freed her cock, already hard and pulsing with the force of her arousal. Her Alpha instincts screamed at her to claim, to knot, to mark this Omega as hers.

Narcissa's eyes gleamed with a dangerous hunger as she felt the press of Hermione's cock against her. She arched her back, her hands gripping Hermione's shoulders tightly, pulling her closer. "Take me, Hermione," Narcissa whispered, her voice a low, sultry purr as she spread her legs wider, her hips rolling forward to meet Hermione's desperate thrust. "Show me how much you need me."

Hermione let out a low, guttural growl as she surged forward, her cock sinking into Narcissa's slick heat with one swift, deep thrust. Narcissa gasped, her nails digging into Hermione's shoulders as her body stretched around the Alpha, the sensation of being filled so completely sending a shiver of pleasure through her.

"Fleur…" Hermione groaned again, her hips snapping forward as she began to thrust into Narcissa with a desperate, primal need. Her hands gripped Narcissa's waist tightly, pulling her closer with every thrust, her mind consumed with the instinct to knot, to claim.

Narcissa's breath came in short, sharp gasps, her body moving in perfect rhythm with Hermione's as the Alpha fucked her against the wall, her moans filling the small, dark room. She could feel Hermione's desperation in every movement, the way her hips jerked forward with a force that sent waves of pleasure through Narcissa's entire body.

But it wasn't just the physical pleasure that drove Narcissa—it was the power. The knowledge that she had Hermione, the golden girl, at her mercy. The knowledge that Hermione was lost in the haze of desire, mistaking her for Fleur, and yet Narcissa was the one reaping the benefits.

Hermione's breath hitched, her pace growing more frantic, more erratic as the need to knot built within her. The tension in her body coiled tighter and tighter, her instincts screaming at her to mark, to claim, to make this Omega hers in every possible way. She pressed her lips against Narcissa's neck, her teeth grazing the soft skin as she prepared to bite down—prepared to make the mating mark that would seal their bond.

"Fleur…" Hermione growled again, her voice rough and strained as she buried her cock deeper inside Narcissa, her knot swelling as it prepared to lock them together.

Narcissa's eyes fluttered shut, her head tilting to the side to give Hermione more access to her neck. She felt the sharp press of Hermione's teeth against her skin, her body trembling with both anticipation and satisfaction as Hermione's knot stretched her, filling her completely. Narcissa let out a low moan, her fingers tangling in Hermione's hair as she urged her on.

"Do it," Narcissa whispered, her voice a breathless plea. "Claim me."

With a final, desperate thrust, Hermione's knot locked inside Narcissa, the sensation sending a shockwave of pleasure through both of them. Hermione's teeth sank into Narcissa's neck, her bite rough and forceful as she marked the spot she believed was their mating mark. Narcissa cried out, her body trembling violently as Hermione's release filled her, her knot ensuring that every drop stayed inside.

Hermione's entire body shuddered with the force of her orgasm, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she held Narcissa tightly, her teeth still locked around the soft skin of her neck. The taste of blood and the scent of Omega filled her senses, driving her deeper into the primal haze of her Alpha instincts.

Narcissa moaned softly, her body still trembling as she felt Hermione's knot pulsing inside her, the sensation overwhelming in its intensity. She reveled in the power of the moment, the way Hermione's body reacted to her, the way she had drawn the golden girl to this point.

Slowly, Hermione's grip on Narcissa loosened, her breath steadying as the haze of her instincts began to clear. Her teeth released their hold on Narcissa's neck, and as she pulled back slightly, reality began to seep into her fogged mind. The scent, the taste—it wasn't Fleur.

It wasn't Fleur.

Hermione's heart pounded in her chest, her eyes widening as the truth hit her with the force of a curse. This wasn't her wife. This wasn't the Omega she had bonded with, the one she loved. This was Narcissa Malfoy, her former adversary, her... victim of the moment.

"Narcissa…" Hermione breathed, her voice filled with horror as she realized what she had done, her knot still locked inside the older woman, the evidence of their betrayal undeniable.

Narcissa's lips curled into a faint, knowing smile as she gazed up at Hermione, her voice soft but filled with satisfaction. "Welcome back to reality, darling."