Day 12: Alpha Hermione/Omega Narcissa

Day 12: Alpha Hermione/Omega Narcissa

The cold, suffocating air of Malfoy Manor pressed down on Hermione's skin like a weight as she stood in the grand drawing room, bound and vulnerable between Ron and Harry. Bellatrix Lestrange prowled in front of them, her wand flicking with dangerous precision, her wild eyes gleaming with cruel anticipation as she decided their fate. Hermione could feel her own pulse in her throat, her mind racing in every direction, trying to find a way out. Any way.

Bellatrix's manic gaze finally settled on her, a twisted smile curling across her lips. "You'll be first, girl," she hissed, her voice dripping with venomous amusement. "Let's see how long you last."

Hermione's stomach dropped, her face going pale as she struggled against the ropes holding her. The panic was rising, but before Bellatrix could act, Narcissa Malfoy stepped forward, her expression cold, but her voice cutting through the tension with a calm authority. "Sister, why waste your time on her?" Narcissa's sharp blue eyes flicked toward Hermione. Her face gave away nothing. "Let me take her."

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes, suspicious, but Narcissa remained poised, her hands folded in front of her. "She's a Muggle-born," Narcissa added, her voice even, unbothered. "The boy might know more."

For a long moment, Bellatrix hesitated, eyeing them both like a predator sizing up prey, but then her twisted grin returned. "Fine," she said with a low, mocking laugh, turning her attention back to Ron. "Take her. But don't be too gentle, Cissy."

Narcissa didn't flinch. She didn't reveal anything. She simply nodded and turned to Hermione, her gaze like ice. "Come," she commanded, nodding toward the door. "Now."

Hermione's heart pounded in her chest, a wild staccato of confusion and dread as Narcissa led her out of the room. Fear rippled through her with every step, but anything had to be better than facing Bellatrix's cruelty. Anything.

They walked down the dim, winding corridors of Malfoy Manor in oppressive silence. The soft click of Narcissa's heels was the only sound, the tension in the air between them thick enough to choke on. Hermione kept her gaze on the back of Narcissa's head, trying to make sense of what was happening. Finally, they reached a small sitting room. Narcissa shut the door behind them with a decisive click, locking it with a flick of her wand.

Hermione turned to face her, her hands still bound behind her, every muscle in her body tense as she waited for whatever was coming next. She tried to swallow the knot of fear tightening in her throat. But Narcissa didn't say anything at first. She simply watched her, her gaze unreadable, and it unsettled Hermione more than she expected.

"What do you want?" Hermione snapped, her voice sharper than she intended, trying to mask her fear with anger. "Why did you bring me here?"

Narcissa stepped closer, her eyes flicking over Hermione as if appraising her. There was something strange in her gaze—something Hermione couldn't quite figure out. It wasn't just cold. It was… desperate.

"You're an Alpha," Narcissa said softly, her voice barely above a whisper, but the words seemed to echo in the room.

Hermione froze, her heart skipping a beat. She had never been secretive about her status, but hearing Narcissa Malfoy acknowledge it in this moment filled her with cold dread. "I don't understand," Hermione said, trying to keep her voice steady, even as her pulse quickened.

Narcissa's lips tightened, her body going rigid as she stepped closer, her gaze suddenly sharp and intense. "There's no time for this, Granger," she said, her voice low, but filled with a palpable urgency. "I'm in heat."

Hermione's stomach dropped. She stared at Narcissa, her breath catching in her throat. Heat. It was like a punch to the gut, understanding flooding her in an instant. That was what this was. That was why Narcissa had pulled her away from the others.

"You're mad," Hermione hissed, taking a step back, her mind reeling. "You can't seriously expect me to—"

"I don't have a choice," Narcissa cut in sharply, her voice suddenly trembling with frustration. Her breath was coming quicker now, her body almost shaking. "If anyone here finds out… if Bellatrix suspects…" She trailed off, her voice faltering, and Hermione realized that this wasn't just desperation. Narcissa was afraid. "I can't let them know," Narcissa whispered. "You're an Alpha. You can help."

Hermione's head was spinning. The room felt too small, too close. Narcissa's scent, thick and unmistakable, filled the space, clouding her senses, pulling at her instincts in ways she didn't want to acknowledge. She could feel her own body responding to it, the way her Alpha instincts flared up. It was wrong. It was all wrong.

"Why me?" Hermione demanded, her voice strained as she took another step back, trying to distance herself from Narcissa and the overwhelming scent of her heat. "Why not your husband?"

Narcissa's expression darkened, her lips curling into something bitter and twisted. "Lucius has failed me too many times," she said coldly, her eyes flashing with something like resentment. "This… this will be my punishment to him."

Hermione felt sick. Her hands clenched into fists behind her back. "So, what?" she spat. "You're going to use me? To spite him?"

Narcissa stepped forward again, close enough now that Hermione could feel the heat radiating off her, making her dizzy. "I'm going to use you because I need you," Narcissa said, her voice hard, but there was something raw beneath it. "Because I don't have a choice."

Hermione's breath hitched. The scent of Narcissa's heat wrapped around her like a vice, her body reacting even as her mind screamed at her to stop. She knew this was wrong. She knew Narcissa was Draco's mother, and this—this wasn't supposed to happen.

"I'm not helping you," Hermione muttered, though her voice was tight, the need clawing at her harder with every breath. She was fighting it, but the scent, the desperation in the air, it was making her lightheaded. "This is insane."

But Narcissa wasn't listening anymore. She was already moving closer, her fingers brushing lightly against Hermione's cheek. Her touch was soft, but there was nothing gentle in the way she held Hermione's gaze. "You will help me, Granger," she whispered, her breath warm against Hermione's skin. "Because you can't resist."

Before Hermione could react, Narcissa's hand slid into her hair, pulling her roughly forward, pressing Hermione's face against her neck. The sharp, intoxicating scent of Omega heat hit Hermione full force, making her head spin. It was overwhelming, like drowning in something she couldn't escape from.

"Do you feel it?" Narcissa murmured, her voice like velvet as she kept Hermione close, her fingers tightening in her hair. "I know you do."

Hermione struggled to pull back, her heart racing. She was losing control. She couldn't do this. But Narcissa's scent was everywhere, pulling at something primal inside her. Every instinct was telling her to submit to the need, to the heat pressing against her.

Hermione's mind screamed at her to fight, to pull away, but her body betrayed her, trembling under the intoxicating pull of Narcissa's heat. She could feel her Alpha instincts kicking in, her pulse racing as her breath grew shallow. This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to want this.

But Narcissa knew exactly what she was doing. She pulled Hermione even closer, her lips brushing Hermione's ear as she whispered, "You can't fight it. I can feel how badly you want me."

Hermione's hands clenched into fists, her entire body shaking with the effort it took to resist, to push back against the rising tide of need crashing through her. She couldn't let this happen. Narcissa was manipulating her, using her in the most twisted way possible, and yet…

And yet, her body was reacting. The scent of Narcissa's heat wrapped around her like a net, dragging her under. She was drowning in it, her mind fogged, her control slipping with every second that passed.

Narcissa pulled back just enough to meet Hermione's gaze, her eyes gleaming with dark satisfaction as she watched the conflict play out on Hermione's face. "Still trying to resist, Alpha?" she purred, her voice dripping with mockery. "I suppose I'll have to convince you."

Without breaking eye contact, Narcissa's hand drifted down her body, her fingers moving with deliberate slowness as she began unbuttoning her dress. Hermione watched, wide-eyed, as the soft fabric slipped from Narcissa's shoulders, revealing the pale, smooth skin beneath. She tried to look away, to focus on anything else, but it was impossible. Her eyes were glued to Narcissa's every movement, the air between them growing hotter, more suffocating.

The dress fell to the floor in a heap, and Narcissa stood before her, unabashed and bare. The air crackled with the heady scent of her heat, stronger now, almost unbearable. Hermione could barely breathe, her body shaking with the effort it took to hold herself together. Narcissa smiled, something wicked in her gaze as she stepped back, her fingers trailing down her stomach until they slipped between her legs.

"Watch me, Granger," Narcissa whispered, her voice soft but laced with command. "Watch what you're missing."

Hermione's mouth went dry, her eyes wide as she watched Narcissa touch herself. Her fingers moved slowly at first, teasing herself as if daring Hermione to break, to give in to the overwhelming need building inside her. Narcissa let out a soft, breathless moan, her head falling back slightly as her fingers dipped lower, her hips moving in rhythm with her touch.

The sight of it was enough to make Hermione's mind snap. The heat of the room, the scent of Narcissa, the slick sound of her fingers—it was all too much. Hermione's fists clenched tighter, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tried, desperately, to cling to the last shreds of control she had left.

But Narcissa wasn't done yet. She let out another soft moan, her hips arching slightly as she touched herself, her body trembling with need. "Come on, Granger," Narcissa purred, her voice thick with pleasure. "I know you want this. I know you can't hold out much longer."

Hermione's whole body tensed, her jaw clenched as she watched Narcissa's fingers move faster, her moans growing louder, her body trembling with the force of her heat. Hermione's Alpha instincts were roaring inside her now, demanding she act, demanding she take the Omega in front of her and claim what was so blatantly being offered.

Narcissa looked up at her through half-lidded eyes, a mocking smile curling at her lips. "You're such a good little Alpha, aren't you?" she whispered, her voice dripping with amusement. "So controlled… but I can smell it on you. You're close to breaking."

Hermione's breath hitched, her chest heaving as she fought to keep control, but she was losing. Fast. The scent of Narcissa's heat filled the room, clouding her mind, making it impossible to think. Her body was responding, her instincts screaming at her to give in, to take what was right in front of her.

Narcissa let out another low moan, her fingers moving faster now, her hips rocking with the movement. "Please, Alpha," she whispered, her voice breathless and filled with need. "I need you…"

And that was it.

With a guttural growl, Hermione snapped. Her body moved on instinct, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat. She grabbed Narcissa roughly by the waist, spinning her around and pinning her against the wall with a force that made Narcissa gasp. The need to claim, to mark, to take, was overwhelming, her mind clouded with the sheer force of it.

"You asked for this," Hermione growled, her voice rough, strained as she fumbled with her trousers, yanking them down in one swift motion. "Now you'll get it."

Narcissa's breath hitched, her hands pressing against the wall for balance as Hermione's body pressed against hers, the slick heat of her Omega practically begging to be filled. "Yes," Narcissa moaned softly, her voice trembling with anticipation. "Please, Alpha… take me."

Hermione didn't hesitate. With one rough, desperate thrust, she buried herself deep inside Narcissa, the sensation sending shockwaves through both of them. Narcissa's body clenched around her, the tightness of her heat overwhelming as Hermione began to move, her hips snapping forward with brutal, primal force.

"Is this what you wanted?" Hermione growled, her voice thick with need as she drove into Narcissa, her hands gripping the older woman's hips tightly, pulling her closer with each thrust. "Is this what you needed, Narcissa?"

Narcissa's moans grew louder, her body trembling under the force of Hermione's movements, her hands clawing at the wall for support. "Yes," she gasped, her voice breathless, her body writhing in pleasure. "Don't stop… please…"

Hermione's breath came in ragged gasps, her body moving on instinct, the slick sound of their bodies filling the room as she drove deeper, harder. Narcissa's moans turned into soft cries, her hips rocking back to meet Hermione's every thrust, her body surrendering completely to the Alpha behind her.

It wasn't long before Hermione felt the familiar pressure building, the knot at the base of her cock swelling as her instincts screamed at her to claim Narcissa, to lock them together and fill her with everything she had. Narcissa must have felt it too, because she let out a low, desperate moan, her body pushing back harder, demanding more.

"Knot me," Narcissa whispered, her voice thick with desperation, her hands pressing harder against the wall. "Knot me, Alpha… I need it…"

With one final, powerful thrust, Hermione's knot swelled, locking them together as her release tore through her, filling Narcissa completely. Narcissa cried out, her body trembling violently as she felt Hermione's knot inside her, the sensation overwhelming, sending her over the edge.

Hermione's teeth sank into the soft skin of Narcissa's neck, marking her with a rough, primal bite as her knot pulsed inside her, ensuring that every drop of her release stayed deep within the Omega. Narcissa shuddered beneath her, Hermione's mark covering up the old scared mark she once had with Lucius. She couldn't help but feel the new connection form to the young woman.

To her alpha.