Ch 101: Sensory Overload - Part 2

Layla coughed as her food went down the wrong way.

The elf queen had taken her by surprise, and it caused Layla to cough as she tried to open her airways. But the small amount of spice the food had got to her nose, redressing Layla's face.

"You don't have to thank me for it…although water would be a good way to start."

Layla was immediately handed a glass of fresh water and gulped down like a thirsty man. She could not get enough of it, and the water alerted her.

The elf queen acted amusedly at Layla's pitiful actions but said nothing to her. She just continued to give Layla a knowing look in her empty eyes.

"You should take it easy, child. You are only six, from what I hear. I might have gotten old and senile at my age, but I have not forgotten just how young and fragile a six-year-old is.

No matter how mature you are in your mental age, you also need to consider your physical age when you make decisions."