Ch 102: Sensory Overload - Part 3

There were two types of people in the temple - those who wanted fame and power and those who wanted to earn money.

Both sides agreed on a simple matter—not to agitate Duke Lockhart and his household. Agitating them was problematic, and the Duke could even have caused the royal family to be moved.

Layla used the Duke's name before any danger could break out, and she had to fight. She wanted to resolve this matter with her words alone. 

But she should have known better. 

The temple's fighter looked at Layla with annoyed eyes before scoffing at her.

"Fuck! It's a kid who is trying to stop us. I feel annoyed because you are trying to stop us from doing our sacred duty. For this sin, you should die under Goddess Kara's banner.

As for the Duke? I am sure he will manage to lose one of his sponsored children. It's not like the Duke lacks for people like you. Losing one or two of you arrogant kids would only benefit society."