Ch 103: Production Plant - Part 1

"Y-You will not get away with this…"

The leader of the temple people looked to be in pain. His back had been fractured due to Mary's landing, and his consciousness seemed to be leaving him fast.

He tried to reach and grab Mary to teach her a lesson, but the more he tried, the more he felt in pain. It also caused him to lose consciousness quickly, causing him to close his eyes and let his hand fall to the ground.

"Oh my! Looks like I knocked him out well. I hope I did not accidentally kill him. Should I do something about her, my lady?"

Mary asked with a small giggle as she stepped away from the unconscious body. Her words and carefree actions told a story different from her tone.

'Ah, Mary is enjoying this. But I have to admit, she had perfect timing. As soon as she showed up, everyone began to look conscious of what they were doing. I might be able to make use of it.'