Ch 129: You better make it right - Part 1

"You need to pay your dues. First, do it by dying!"

Mary raised her axe and brought it down in a perfect arch. She would have killed the fake professor if his lizard familiar had not moved and changed shape before grabbing Mary's weapon and deflecting it away.

Once the familiar had ensured that the fake was secure, he stepped in front of it and looked at the maid and her party in front of her.

"Were you looking for me? Unfortunately, I am not in the mood to meet anyone else. As you can see, I am a little busy with an experiment."

The newly-turned human sounded bored when he said that. Half his attention was on his staff, and he wanted to head back and pay attention to it instead of the danger in front of him.

Mary's eyes twitched at this behavior, and she was not ready to accept his excuse from the half-dragon.

So, instead of accepting what the professor said, Mary attacked him.