Ch 130: You better make it right - Part 2

"W-We made it to the other side of the forest. But now what? There is no opening we can get out from."

Topper #1 looked disappointed that he had not found a magical exit out of this arena. The more time he spent here, the worse he felt.

Compared to him, Topper #2 was taking this much better now. He was still rude and snappy (especially toward Layla) but much more cooperative toward her actions.

"Unfortunately, we have not found anything until now. It is getting late as well. It would be in our best interest to find a cave and hide there until morning. We can sleep in shifts and keep an eye out like that."

Mary pointed out as she looked at the system map. There were a few safe caves around here where she could spend her time. But what worried her more was the passage of time in this dungeon than the outside.