Ch 186: Encounter of a Lifetime - Part 2

The cardinal's face was blank, but he was sweating bullets behind it. He was not sure how much he could help in a situation where he could not even approach his patients to check up on them.

The dragon was guarding Layla well and did not allow anyone to come close to the pair.

Only Mary was allowed to hold the young lady, but the dragon seemed to tolerate this barely.

Dragons were possessive creatures, and they could be vicious when they felt like something of their own was being taken. That was especially true for their treasures and partners.

"Miss Maid, has this dragon chosen Miss Layla as its partner?"

Cardinal Bishop could not approach Mary and check up on her that way, but he could still feel that bond pulsing before him. He was certain that he had not made a mistake in his observation.

"Hmm, that's right. Miss Layla has been chosen as this dragon's partner. How did you know?"